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Show : COMMODORE NICHOLSONS" ' I Recommends Pe-ru-nn-Other Promln. ent Men Testify. Commodore Somerville Nicholson, of the f United Stale. Navy, in a letter frum 1HJ7 H Street, is. W., Washington, I). C, uri: Your Peruna has been and la now used by to many of my friends and acqualnancea aa a aura cure tor catarrh that I am convinced of lla curative qualities and I unhesitatingly recommend ft to all persona Buffering from , that complalnt."S. Nicholson. s Unltod States Minister to Guatemala i lindorsee 1'e-ru-ea. 1 Dr. W. Godfrey Hunter, U. S. Minister i' to Guatemala, e-member ol Conress f from Kentucky, in a letter from Waslnuj- ; ton, I. C, write t "1 am fully satisfied thai your reruns X la an efficacious remedy for catarrh, aa 1 and many of my friends have been hene- V fitted by ita use." W. C. Hunter, M. I). t Member ol Congresa From Virginia ' Writes. I Hon. G. R. Drown, Martinville, Vs., V cm-member of Congress Filth lliatrict, ( tOlh Congress, writea : "I cheerfully give my endorsement to your Feruna as a cure lor catarrh. Its k beneficial results have been so fully dem- ' enstrated that its um is essential to all ', persona suffering from tbat disease." II Hon. G. K. Brown. I Tha day was when men of prominence hesitated to give their lestimemale to proprietary pro-prietary medicinea for publication. This remains true to-day of most proprietary medicines. But l'eruna has tweoma so Justly fammia, its merila are known to so many people of high and low atationa, that no one hesitates to sea his name in print recommending l'eruna. The behest men in onr nation have given Peruna a strong endorsement. Men representing all classes and stations are equally represented. 1 fell If you do not derive prompt and Mtlifao tory retulttfrom the um of l'eruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, Riving a full .statement .state-ment of your cam, and he will be pleased to give you hii valuable advice gratia. Adtlreat Dr. Hartman, Preident of The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbua, Ohio. tWE TBEDT DP CUBE ftx llomeTitmeiurwre.. Write for torse J'SJf SJUiplom ll-t It ."oesonolcwlL 4t-' bo. a. suoase. Consuinsuuu tree, ns. u. w. asoaae. Weak Men Pay When Cured If yosauSer from see ol IM intw It W nr.1 lm iwllbfli ! t Hr'lllBtJ RSM.-uea Lr Uu.. ranee, dl-'lp. r pores- VHS w hen .00 srs r.ued. You est) depend Uoa loo villi AUK I UK VKIlK I'KltSON WANT ri'.r u..l II1..UMI1.L r.l patterns ! luJorsM us. To TALK TO. hiiW.WX WAM- IIMt llK VnU wlik lbs tils- Wshs.s pn.fea onr still la osrltif CIIKONIO t iis.isri.si.dini "e win oi .......! a l.-.. he .u hlni Oi eisnr siMunlarlxU- r.-K J,,', ' j"!;" J.'JU""." "' w'lt7N T ITIIMSII OIK ft BKS filV'l m,iV.7,l5 '''Vi'i.,;?it;Lel."I; l I'llll A If. I.IKlA'-liH Lsiuus aiuud l-u.soe, aim all HI1A.MMII of Becanse II would bt.irsr o-.Mi'.leii.-s. Ilenea ra aw t pnnsonr thill In iru. nlsss ol UuubiM la oince tlol'KS: S a as. ss t s. bm raalaas. euolbuwsr This Isour plan: t lo si Sulidsrs, lu . s. ! U. DRS. SHOKES & SHORES, Specialists. " w -.'.'SZ.r... Drunkenness Cured SbS KFKt.FT TRKATMKNT, IbSlltUWot ISM. ma tiulr hlrhly niilur.d L'UKS. li.ju.Uj etTavluai in Youtb anil Uld Ace. THE KEELEY INSTITUTE, ' U4 Ss. Ttatsls U MUt UHI ClTt, UTAH. I "MiaaOKS '- '(ff BCtHli I VJOcL'i vim; WiEN PAlHANGUlSHj VltlNQlBilOW, AlairfSTERING ANGELTHDU m I SoldEvrywhere. KXL1ABLB ASSATS. ante .is I ooin d nw....a Uia4 ISluo e. anr'r. Wp'r U( rrosspl rstaras ea sssli ssmpiss. Olden Anay Co. ' "iT." (Thompson's LEyayatar W. N. U; Bait Lake-No. 30. 90 : I t To Care e. Cold In One day. Take Laxatlre bnirno Quinine Tablet. AO lrutfglau refund mouey If ltfalla tuoura. Uta. How'e This.? x Werff-rCm-lliiseerl praises ltesel foesny essa r r c'reV"" "'tVVi'.'rSIV l'.,.lir"".lVi.,!' (. I ' We ltient.il r-lB'te'l. Iir n-wri K . ,1 . 1 tr-eef. fet j ll.ei... l,"""-l"",l,,,'ll1',,HJ"1'171",1'',j,,'JbJJ ,. Wiroa k.'-V.s 'a'wsstis, WUnlssals Drue- ' ' 11 J I e) 11 ' I nre. IS ts"" Interest'?. aeOes "ll'sU's si'iil'ly rills sirs U.s bMt. r Foreign Army Statlstlca. , In Russia 2.810 men In every mllV Ion aro annually called Into the army; I In (lermany. 4.I2H; In France, 6.(30. i To get so large a number of French- men. weaklings have to be taken. Thla a makes the mortality In Uie French I army three and a halt tlmea that of f the German army. I FALL KIDNEY CHILLS. With Ihe chilling sir of f ill conies sn limbs snd dropsy al-jna vanish. They xlra tax i.;i weak ki.lnev. lt'a the time correct urine with bin k dual sediment, I haul's Kidney Tills are nee.hd now high colored, luiln In passing, drlhlillng, -ei-ognleil the worid over aa tho chief frequency, bed wetting. Doan'a Kidney wl.lii.-y snd r.lad.ler n inc.lv. l'ills remove cnicull and gravel. Kcllcvs Achln? hacks nre rased, lllp, biw k, and heart palpitation, alecplraanras, headache, loin p.lins overcome. Kwthuig of Hie nervousness, iliz.lnes. listsrtri n I-1 " tt wss ' fMBMaMHVMBBnHaHBaHHBBBKal 1 It.lTss Knars, Ksssia. liiiiifeiirMiiHi' 'tvlT'l'''.rI'nrVif'M:i.'. :( V.Ym" i .inaXaitntV J ' 'ii'lp" '"'h'awl'ie.wnlillVV'Jnn ' NMI ; taliir hilriuga, Kaaa r-.l 11..- Iilh'l.l tt.roimll. fc'y ' o.. ks. he l U a...... ami 1 e. o. ri.n,-rn, T "I rnf l.si.k I. mi rrrrs.1 hi. , f,.ee, o.er Isrel.e mnntj.s Uu, sin. lei ml loe. I Iclue, STATC w n h l'. Is Ihe sinsll ol n y Inasi ki-iii. r I "Is. ... ,. I"i. k. Mrslk ii.es an.l i.Ua- Jso II. 111. us. r.Jr:.". i',',r! l-s a-. ....! le,,K.'rA.y iw.. I- ltl.l-e.lle .. e I lHeuill.-l.nt, w . Iba tul.IrM ua a. i n-lief. iNwn s Kh.er I II , bank. Lbl til Jj I am aura rise's Cure tor rensumpttnn saved air tits Hires years aso.-Mrs. Txirs. Ilossiaa, atapls Hlrael, Norwich, N. Y tU. 17, ItsO. Old-World Custom Bprssdlng. Tba old-world custom of leaving legacies to servants la beginning to develop tn this country. Quite recently re-cently a number of wills set apart funds for this purpose. Mrs. Emms Matthicsson. widow of tha wealthy sugar refiner, whose will waa probated probat-ed In New York last week, leaves 11.000 to each aorvant who had been In her employ for over a year and not oxcoedlng two years. To every servant serv-ant having been In her employ for more .hsn two years, 12.000 Is given Money rcfunOd for esch package of PUTNAM FADlil.KHd DYES If unsatisfactory. ate, wlnslnw Nnnthins wrrnn.- Tt ehlMres le-riUI.S. eotleq. .lie .um., t.j. eSS IS asuin,s41s,slliiSKSIs,sulss wind evils. SWaliuula, A Fruitless Quest. "Could Jon do something for a poor old sailor?" Baked a wanderer at the rear door of a Oermsntown house one morning this week. "I'oor old sal lor T" echoed the housewife, who had opened op-ened the door. "Yea'm, I followed the water for twonty years." "Well," said the lady, aa she slammed the door In the face nf her unwelcome visitor, "all I've grit to ssy Is you certainly don't look aa though you bad ever caught It." Allan's Fool-East, Wonderful Remedy. I "llavetrled AI.l.l.N'S FOOT-F.ASK, and ( find It to be a certain cure, and gives com-fort com-fort toons sufieiring with sore, tender snd tP01 swollen leet. 1 will recommend A1.U'H' ..f . F(M1'-HASR to w.y friends, as tt II '""'.-. certainly a wnn.lerf.lt remedy. Mis, H. , 11. Ouillord, NewOilrana, La." i stats VOW Wlhb TIN WATtRPuaep OILC CkOTrilNt . , A tl2YWMLM. yi r-n ist Tns atH avaairA a.Uea aortrawarsl ye-, S'tv s-ireenfsoerrral 'li1 lOWtk4 3l.ckrnCoata(llab uihroikliArrTlyrc ttjtm ' tavkorelloforllt,riswli TOsTM arrJev-rVWrecrtUwrlltifJIONOf vnsiw me POU.iouvaKeelioa.wat 1ICTI U';tiolAllrTl.Urr)xllv-tv lllaracM A J TOWtl CO I0J10I SUM U illBlltD TtW!l(MISXI(l) IssMIOsrallOliN V7. L. DOUCLAS 3.SS&3 SHOES SffiZ Yon can sava from &3 te ffo yearly by wearing W. L. Douglas $3.6(1 or J itmu. They eiiuil those v thai liave b..on r.rsu jf lug y..n from It 00 f to The tin- . I A iisiim sila of W.L iM JT J llonglnt shoes proyi-s : ." 5J their aiipenurlly over 5 n "ICS all other uiakna. Cf Hold hy null ahoe V itnnlars everywhere. ' ' ' Ji Jv Ixsik forna.ua aud S . prlea nn hntuim. Jrl I - Tfcsi IkisilsssBssrae 3k. IL fslus la Itaus Im shiws. fV, - - Af. Isrsss Is Ihs hlshest I Asf 4 U irsrlBl'il.teslhsra.sds.P',, ''J5f.,?zrg I -J Nkuss by .11. t eesls ..Irs. Illsslrsls I Csuls frsa. W. L. IwltiLAa. MreckUa. assa. J FREE TO WOMEN! i11ttti- Am mi. il h Iitfgfj irml MckRtf V -4 w k wnt bo'-t ol lnntriieHuiiai I M I !.. uloljr frt IhUiUn,.! t il .Iv'vV I tlnr B4Uf)ilv. but Urn 1 f r irlfcluirrHnn rorwlml i kW!-i ,y 4r h ,M dt.tto In ItH.I lrMl- Amif m mmt ol lnil III, rtirtiif fell InnumiTiKliun in.. JtM bitrir . wt-inturful tu clfni.l VMttiNl rt..u. hti, tur -n ll.roal. omi CtttBrrB. ttittmuuiri wu.ii and lo rrim-' UriAj n4 whlUU. Ui UttttU, tx-iMl UKlkjf; ft jaW4U sVaVid hohl iT tfrnrvUla nr nl pnatpnltfl hj m, S tMlUi lsirt Ixtl, Kllairitf(luU RUMraalllMil. Uki tt. I-AXT41N CO., HtMtOA, MaVa). 11 4 toluaibui Av. Whan Anawerlng Advrt1imnU Kindly Mention Thl Paprw |