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Show KEY'S POEM NATIONAL ANTHEM. Clrcumatancea Under Which "8tr Spangled Banner" Wa Written. Fraud Scott Key, whoao "Star Spangled llnnner" haa been officially declared the national anthum of the United. Btatee, waa born In Frederick county, Maryland, Aumiat I, 177. He waa the ion of an oftlcer In the Itevo-lutlonary Itevo-lutlonary army, and after being graduated grad-uated from St. John collexe, In 17118. be became a lawyer. Ill famou poem wa written In 1814, when, a zkm z&co ccorr xzv an agtnt for the eachange of prlsonera aent by lYealdent Madlaon. be aaw from a Drltlah veaaul the bombardment bombard-ment of Halt I more. All night ahot and ehcll rained upon the city; aa the morning broke, Key looked eagerly through the anioko to aeo whether the Star and Stripe "till flontod above Fort Mcllemy. The flag waa thero. unharmed, and In exultation Key penned Hie well known line. Key' dentil occurred at llalllmora In IMS. A monument to hliu wa unrolled at kredcrlck, lu UJ7. |