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Show '.'I, L . THE THE PEOPLtS TIMES. DEVOTED TO THE XITT3IR3SlTS 1 ADVERTISER. Vol. X. Car'll! are out announcing the mar- riage in the salt Lake Temple Wednes-- 1 da if Mia Blamtie tllison to David LOCALS AND PERSONALS. j FRVIT CROWN W right Sends OS SITTMITkllr CJOtTWTT. SUMMIT C0UHTT, UTAH. SEPTEMBER COALVILLE, nrtrrrcrr V,"ity IN ITICS Samples to Sa PRESIDING AVTHORI-ON CARD PLAYING. 0f V', 41l JOB WORK KEfTLY EXECUTES, Ho. 25, 1903. AWpRDTO COALVILLE. V 3. " v Ry special request the following article fro the ast issu- - of the Juvenile Instruct- - is published Lwks City Mattson of Ogden The manv friends. W. of Coalville, Fanimit J. ex-Wright ) will e t' happv couple in Coalville The threshing machine was tarted up wedded county, sent to this office today fine tend sucoeseful for wishes best a this week. I Jtai frld that the prevalence of card specimens of apples, pears, and plums life. varparties ia the homes of the Latter-da- y from his orchard. There are four ' Goige Bjard ha- - been mi tlm s" k liThe semi annual con- - isties of apples which for coloring and Salats Is mm h greater than is supposed this week. e of the ('hurt li of Je-u- s by those, wf om t e.e'v peop'e never Chrijt of perfection of form and m average Iflvi'n g m uiah the card table think latter-daon will commence the of Baints, except one variety, are the equal V. W. Chili went dow n to 'alt l.aae source of an even ngs lastime. The IrTaberthe 1901. the October same recent in at shown the 4, Vundv, varieties Monday on business nacle, 'alt Lake City. 4 general attend- rigation congress at Ogden; they are presiding sutnonties aie not invited te of the officers and memliers of the the Wealthy, Haas, Ben Davis and thes card parties, and, as a ruV, are ance Robert Fuddles moved his faunh to DEALERS IN church is invited and desired. Wolf River. Tbe pears are Flemish permitted to witness them, simply Para City last uinday those who give such psrtie feel Beauties, and the plums are Moores Assistant Snpt. Ward, Trainmaster Arctic. that a4ck of crl in the s of a John Nimhies of Kama- - was here on Roth, Fridge and Building Inspector business vednedav. If stub fruit as shown this office to- faithful servant of llod is a satire upon petsisou and Assistant Engineer Wvche day can lie grow u in Summit county, religion. Mi's Nellie Rhoades went up t i Lara of thv I'uion Pacific went over the on a commercial scale, as undoubtedly I have heard that tome who are branch yesterdsvon a tour of lnspectior. City Wednesday on a visit the fruit industry can be made called? offiente in the holy ordinances ilcaii, It is thought some improvements will a most profitable one tu that part of the have, whei absent from tl.e bouse of the Attornev White of Ogden was here the lie ma le along the line. of be source and the state, great wealth Lord or when tardy in arriving, excused hist of the week on business themselves because of the tune occupied to all who engage in it. at Morgan this A bank was started r attending a card in m giving that lu relation to fruit growing party. George Rotierts and two daughters of week with a capital ot 125,000. The city who thus indulge are not fit to adThose of few rears a the state, where, region Heuefer were up on business Tnesdav new the is to be c mgratulated on having ago, it was not believed possible to grow minister In sacred ordinance-- . Tber are business enerprise, tor it shows that fiu Mr. no more worthy than others who violate t, Wright savs All interested should la- prent at her urzens are awake and industrious, is the best apple to good moraii in any resjiei t. They should "rite Wealthy the meetings tomorrow and Sunday in and when this spirit is manif-steraise here. It is a heavy and annual be excused. nnv ritv progression is sure to foil )w I aui fold that young people offer as bearer. We are fruiting about 40 variMts. William Rean and fatnilv of Niiiir years ag a bank was about o of apple, aud five or six varieties an excuse for such questionable pastime eties in Coalville, but for some reason of bpuog Valley, VVvo., are here visiting pears, and tbe same number of plum. the accusation that cards are plaved in relatives. the project was killed. Since then no My w bole crop will average about as the homes of certain leading men in the etlbrt has been made to establish a bank the specimens shown and the entire crop charm-- . Bishops, however, ought never here Mil of Salt Lake is er Miss Edna here, and tbe need of one is dow badly is r ithout of R F. Mrs spot or blemish of any kind, to be deterred in their efforts to suppress the gnet felt. There are, we believp, plenty of visiting friends, and entirely free from the codling worm. the evil by esunter complaints of this Xorthcott. meD io this part of the county who Thus yon will see how literally Pres kind. The Bishop has the same right to would be w ilhng to lake stock in a bank ident Youigs words have leen fu'filled inquirfc, through the means of his Two carload" of Oregon lumber have if the project was propeily started, and First-Cla- ss new the he said, 35 or 38 years ago, that we i er, into t a pleasure of the homes of for here unloaded been recrntly if some public spirited peisons would will live to see as fine fruit raised in the the highest authorities of tbe church court house. take hold of the matter there is no doubt Weber vallty as grows in the state. At as int$ thoofit most humble mem tier. Frank Epperson of Park City came but that they could make a success of it. that time we could not raise anything If it bp true tbit card playing is prevadown Sundav and spent a coople of days Our town badlv needs a bank, and why scarcely, as we bad severe frosts every lent iq the burch, the bishops are chargnot have onewith his girl. month in the year. I have planted wag- ed witji tk responsibility of tbe evil, s. m t r duty to see hat it is abolloads of fruit trees here before I could and lt on Colic Hiit Lift (ivel by (hauiiierlAib'i It only costs 10 cents to get into the W t CONNECTION. men and womsn who enCliolcta and Diarrhoea Kmed get them to grow, but I have never lost ished, concert tomorrow! night, so you cant afB. L. Byer, a well know i cooper of sight of what President Young said and courage it i brought to an account beford to stay awav. this town, says he beneves Chamb?r-latu- e I have worked peisistently until I have fore their t tbren and sisters for the Miss Lizzie Arnold was a passenger to mple they are setting beCotie, Cholera and Diarrhoea saved accomplished what yea see in the perniciou TIIE- Park City Wednesday, where she will his life last summer. He had been sick fine fruit that I send f ir your inspection. fore the y h of Zion. Certainly no for a month with what the doctors call The plums have been injured with the bishop can ' ort bit ward in good convisit tor a few days. a practice prevails. bi.ious chsentery, and could get nothing earlv frost this fall, but they show that dition whM-ie- h Mrs F. M. 1iuiieo and children came to do him any good until he tnel this plums w ill ripen at this altitude. Tbeie Preside of sakt re not without dowu trom Park City Wed need y an reuiedv. It gave biui immediate relief, is nothing to prevent the Weber valley their re t lity in this matter, and will n. ise tln-i-r home here. f r eHbood meetings of the saysB. T. Little, merenant, Ilaucoen being filled with fruit like the samples at the geif our people will plant orchards. 1 stakes t Md. For sale by Jot.n Bov den & Bon. i make searching in- -- ? thin you will agree with me tbat Pres- i'"Ty v ccisi par- County Commission-- r Paskett and t to Park went City utterances Cadis h ide!)' Jt an up re Youngs prophet) Attorney otlrc lt Conlraciori. In'Wr E . to frail VstTeyTfyftw gasUing ruining yesterday oa offie 1. bnaine.. ,f . Bids forth e co trriKtlon of an outlet Wednesday's Des- tb rough the medium of the block tcav titunnel aud gate abaft to fie constructed literally fulfilled. Card board, picture News. FOR SALE eret ers, vhether there ae any pracice in at the Weber Reservoir, Poaer & Irrigathe bouies v f the peope inconsistent mounts, fancy stationery, notebooks, tion company Reservoir No. 1, in Lost etfiee. this at wHhtb ieion of MomionUm, and StiHimch Trouble. paper, envelopes, etc., Cieek, M irgau county, Utah, wt'.l be is certainly inconsistent is the Most Practical Typewriter for School cardplaying reteived at the secretarys office, CoalI have been troubled with my stomXo man who is admission. State Coal Mine Inspector Corner wttbth.t beor ville, Summit count, Utah, on ach for the past four years, way D. L. dicts! to card Thomas was heie jeausidav aud made fore t c ' b 5 h 39 3, and to be opened playing should be called Beach of Clover Xook Farm, Greenfield, as s ward teacher, such men canto ad Business Purposes, an official inspection of the coal mines. on October 7tb, 1003. Mass. A few days ago I was induced advocate of consistent which that not L. For specifications seeThomas Allen, to buy a box of Chamberlain's Stomach John renJleton this week moved his tbeydo not themselves practice. will Coalville, Utah, or Engineer Frank C and Liter Tablets. I have taken part and Kamae from dowu they .la argument in support of card playfamily McCornick Building, Salt Lake of them and feel a great deal better. If make their home hern for some time. KeNey, that has no other or better justifica-tio- s ing vou have any trouble with your stomai h City, Utah. than that somebody else does it is The c mipaov reserves the right to reYon are cer- both try a box of tbeseTablets. The leaves on the trees are turning I hope that I trifling and vicinnt. any or all hi Is. tain to be pleased with the result. Price havs been incorrectly informed, and t hat yellow aud falling to the ground, which jectt fe Pow vtion Irrio eh oik, rfr 25ceuie. Foreale by John Boyden & reminds us that winter is rapidly aprepresentations about tbe card table are Tfye writing is right before your eyes all the time, which Company. bon. excessive if not wholly untrue. If card never been proaching. accomplished by a standard, high grade Typewrites By Thom a L. Allen, Secretary. is prevalent or even occasional until now. plating Utah. Box P It is accomplished in the UNDERWOOD absolntely O. 90, Coalville, Program for Concert. Fora bilious atiack take Chamber in tbs homes of the saints, it is a re- and practically without the sacrifice of a single previous existh Jams Momar ti aud Liver Tablets and a The f cl, v ing is the program that will proach to the church and ought to be John eale advantage, but with the addition of many others never before by be rendered at the concert to be given in aboUhed. V quick cure is certain. For Ilti) s 1UI Hide for Life. A. bon. "A united and well directed effort is obtainable. Boydeu l'h f mil v around txpectirg him to tbe Stake Tabernace Satnrday evening: mad by the Sunday School and other Selection by the Hardy Bro. Mandolin 18 miles, to a SHHM1 MftW ionimenccd work die an g son riding for hie, lour m re ma-Cub orginization of the church to introduce Srt Dr. King s New D.ecovery foi it4r) get nuand I ueadav , l.ouw on iLe Lourt lumber Clo rns by in the homes of the saints the practice V. H. lullaby, ar.tl Colds, Coligls the iut and muitar me being put to- Brown of of home residing, but every effort of that It lias a Tabulator winch is a pait of the machine. Otheis charge isA Letsvtlle, Ind , endured eight littl girls. kind may be easily thwarted by a pack M extra for this, its Marginal Stops are all In front. Its type are cleunett Misses Mattie gether in proper shape. Duet, morie, by death V agonies for asthma, but this in an instant without soiling the hands It has an Individual Key of csrdt, which, in an old adage, is apWilliams. wonderful meilli me gave luetant relief Salmon and Mary Tension which permits ol the Uniform Adjustment of all keys; Ttf A dance will tie given in Judds ball The Devil's of Ira ei Zion, by propriately styled, Quar'ette, Daughters He writes. "I now soon i tired him carriage is full flail Be utng. (orrec turns cm he made in an instant at Cpton on Friday evening, Got. 2nd, and "1" John Thilliiie, Sadie Raiband, Annir Bo k ' Whin Our voitng people have a sc.ile. Xo carnage to lift to we if vott Ime without e marl! every night Lise ? n'.n loop for tn e leuefitof Mrs J J. Bowen. lion in the light place Its L ght Action, Ease of Adjust ' ' once acquired the haoit of the higher Mr. of cotiet and Peterson Park your Phillips City. Pneuvelous cores of Consumption, input and Simplicity, make it the easiest to learn, easiest to opeiaU is invited to attend. Graphaphoue selection, "Swech. Bud social pastimes of good books and good and least parts to get out of order. It is the Most Durable Typew rtex monia, Bronchitis, Cough-- , C Ida aud On. society, they will have little taste for Sing tors sate from 25 to 33 jer cent, of their time owingto Oja-rall lor made. matchless merit C. H. its C. and XG. - Mandiah, .11. Gup prove by Edna the debiMtating and degenerating these ad vanwges. Duet, Little Pee Weet, Guaranteed troubles. id Throat of S Lung K. G. Pythias, Knights Wardletgh, Beard and Winnie Smiths card, table. The card tallu were here Monday and paid a fraternal bottles 50c and fl 00. Trial bottles free been tbe scene of too many quarrels, bat Mrs. The Frank Solo, Serenade, by at Boy den's drug store. visit to the K. of P. lodge. tbe birthplace of too many hatreds, the THE UNDERWOOD is Evans. reonly of too many murders to admit occasion Mr. Peterson. The Sentinel, oolo, Dead. Mrs. Kimball George Wooten, an auditor for the Mrs. J. A. one word of justification for Private? ceived the official endorsement of Mr M'li-s- a Ouav K'mbail, wife of Solo, The Swallows, Itotkv Mountain Bell Telephone comwhich it too often en-- g chea'ing Smith. spirit of 11. the one snd ear W'.lli mi Ki'itha'l Commercial School Manager's Association. pany, was here last Fn lay and Satur Tilers in tbe heart of its devotees. A new arrangement of Massae in the of U ah, t a d awav st day lookng over the Ikioks of the tx ly dav Uy frequent anl enr phatic expres-- si Cull tftound, lv Geoige P.eatd, 2 82 outh West ' the Ginilv The above Association is compqwd of the owners of the leading Busttt change, this snhjc are the reilt of the F. H. Wright aid Joseph inon Join Callir, afternoon of the coun.ry. 'Colleges reel, on Monday Tempialarm I have felt over tbe well founded j A rate of one i.ue f r the round tup on t e in mediate rao-- e of dearn Jo leg. that have come to me concern- -' Duet, The inking Ship, John Phil repon account oi the t tab Mate 1 .nr win be lifiLgh'art ftdnre The deceased was the prevalence of card plat tug m the , 1 mill Mr. IV'er-oLuKe. 1aeitic iip i Union the yy of e member fenm e t ttie onh jgiveu borne of some who profess to be A ltntssion, 10 rents. Concert Tickets will be on saleOctolier -t to tittj Mormon Battalion, and as such was I e o'clock will 12 h. Proceed Upon etery officer in the Oct. It Is bet doieg justice to yonrself to Imestlgate the merits of tbe good inclusive, returning dtfine thePnteer fi'tugly reio.-iilzett e lier.elit of the Mutual Im-- p chur b responsible in any way for the fcl evpa Jtorn in Can- - used for ISoZ lagexa..af the rant tflbleis placL.and. lu mentioning the marriage of Joiin FT ada Marco 2, 1428, and was then f ire 75 r eei enTH Oi i,iuon: Tjjewrlter Jberore I heavily, the of doing all Peterson in our last issue we stated that place duty demi-e, of her years if age at tbe time that he or she possibly can lo eradicate he was married on Friday at Ogden. Her firBt husband was William Corev, was married the evil. Let us he fully conscious of True was a mistake' as he M s by whom she had one daughter, tbe old adage which says that The devil on Thursiay, the 10th, in the trait Lake Doug'a3 A. Swan of bait Lake. Then out Mercer ami Sumner counties, W.Va. tikes to souse whatever ,t wet, and stop Temple. she marred JWilliam II. Kiiuhal1, 1 er hi 1,f 10 th k,d"M ow tbe ' boul9 tefow U pU'ln w a hom she had husband, by almost reaches Bruce Dexter was quarantined last present 0 the bopeless'y gamblers table. n,!hbjr five rf whom survive her UNDERWOOD AGENCY, Friday for small pox. He has had quite Burton Kimball of Los Angeles, Robert sflheted with diarrhoea; was attended Joseph F. Famii. recovered. about Las but who him bad two case, little, a gave physician aud Lvno Kimball and Mrs. Toweyof by f any, relief, when a neighbor learning When people living so far out ot town of Salt Kimball Lawrence and Bucklens Arnlea Salve Park Genel agents for Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Nevaia, City ot bit serious condition, brought him a a be get tbe disease, there is no telling Kimball was a woman of Mrs. Lake. World Baa wide fame for marvellous b.ttle of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera who will break out next. Oregon, Washington and Colorado. s eriing qualities and will be solely and Diarthoea Reined r, which cured cure. It surpasses any other talve lot'on, missed in tbe circle inwhich she moved. hours. For ointment or balm for Cute, Corns, Burns, him in lest than twenty-fou- r All diseases start in the bowels. Keep Boils, Sore, Felons, Ulcers, Tetters ,611 he will sick, A or Son. sale John yon Boyden them open by TO CCRB A COLD IN ONE DAT Trite tor Clmlxr liver Fever, Sora, Chapped Hands, Agents for Columbia Pbooog'ipb Col frodoct. Rbesm, lk act nature, keep IS a Bromo Tablet. active TakrLaxative Quinine bowels sicsemeg Skin Eruption ; infallable for Piles.Cure nd bix millione people Alt druggists refund the money if it fails Advertise your goods in THE guaranteed. Only 25c at John Boyden tnpingandfeeling, on is CAoCARETS; Groves W, 2411 Washington Are., recommend try to cure. signature 05DEH, DIAH. is A Son, Droggiets. j TIMES. each box. 25c. a I0c box. All druggiste. oi -- -t People's Mercantile Company. s:. j y ha-d- General Merchandise. ' ALMA ELDREDGE. Manager, - d Coalville House. Central Location. in every respect. Board by day, week or month. - LIVERY IN , 1 -- - ! . VtSlUiU i or t BECAUSE Re--ee- htn v ! )tfcrj I h- n, -- a ... ' the typewriter that erer the - s-- u. i rv-vitig Latter-davSein- ts. lUNBER WOOD v TYPEWRITER LA-CA- wi-bo- j , Y |