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Show CHARMING SUMMER GOWNS FROM PARI8. The gowu at tre left Is of white nou. trimmed with wide bands of ",l,t guloure et Into the material by t-xr.i if bands' of rirawu work. Two f theo bands start at tha square which Is aim of guipure, bur-lured bur-lured with drawn work, attending ver tMe friint ot the blouse aud down iver the V Irt In loni; stole ends aep-'istinft aep-'istinft a Wtle at the bottom. Tho re:it of tho trained skirt Is en-cin en-cin le.l with Ihr.-n h ind of the gut-pur.', gut-pur.', horde. -cd with the draws work, v. hich nl,i trims the slue;e lenKth-The lenKth-The latter is all lu ona piece. caff. The girdle la of bine wash allk. knotted In the back with long ends. Tha nait gown la ot coarse white llnsn. figured with large golden brown dots, bordered with festoons of white. The tklrt Is trimmed In an odd way with galloon, white, mauve tod blank. Thla alto trlma tha short bolero, Ike yoke, which extends In epsulette fashion ovor the shoulders, and the deep cuffs. The bloune and aleevea re of flowered mouaellna do aolo, shlrrel and puffed. The bolero la ornamented or-namented In front with cteirles. drawn In at tba bottom to form Tba third gown la, of white m nails, wltb large embroidered dots. Tba full skirt la encircled wltb two pufta of light blue ribbon. Tba blouse la plaited, and ona mented In front with Urge motlfa ol heavy ecru lace. It If almoat covered cov-ered with a flchn like mantle of light blue taffeta, fastened at tha waist with a motif of paaaementerie, then falling over the aklrt In long ends finished with frtnga or pendente. Tba ahort aleevea are oomposed ol little frills ot plain muslin. l-a Modi Artlstlq.ua. |