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Show BOLD TRAIN R0DUERV NEAR ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI. Four Maiktd Men Hold Up Eiprea Train, Wracking Saf With Dynamite. Dyna-mite. Four mankeil men at 10 o'clock Monday nlicht held up went hound Ilurllngton ik Mlnnourl Illvor train No. 41, five mllea north of HI. Joneph, Mo. The ante In tho vxprena car waa dynamited and tho car wrecked. Of-llclal Of-llclal of the road any that the afa contained but llltlu money. Other report aay that It contained form $r,.(ino to $111,000 In money. Kv-arythiUK Kv-arythiUK In Iho nufo waa tnken nnd tho men encaHd In tho ilurknem with hornea. A Kiaao waa orKnnlzed and la In purnult of lliii bandit Not a Initio allot waa fired. Thn train waa atopped by meana of a red J!t;ht. Thu eiiKlna and expren car were, uncoupled fnim Ilia balnnco of tho train and backed half a mllu further on, whom the aufu wna dynamited. dyna-mited. The trnln wo In charge of iconductor ItarVwjr, who hurrletl to tha city and Kva thn alnrm. Tho officer of-ficer loat no time In organlclng and making a atari. It waa nummary for the entire train to be brought bark to thn city and a new train mailt) up, which left nt 1 o'clock. According to nicipT reiHirta received re-ceived from thn aci no of iho hold up at ml.lnlKlit. tho Umlaut tho train waa (topped two of Ihn mbliera climbed Into thu pukIiio nnd. with drawn weapon, compelled thn engineer and nn-nuin to obey ordorn. One of the men uiiroupled thu en- nine and exprona car from the balance bal-ance of the trnln. The pr.y then climbed Into tlm cnb and the ein-me and car were run up the trail Tho exploalon followe.1. A ,, th" mifo waa (lynnmlled thn men n-lod to tho wrecked cHr." It ai-erteil they did not get a cent aa a remit. Thn trnln waa loaded with pawn er for Ihn went and tho piplnnlon created a panic. |