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Show I AGGIES VIE WITH UTAH IN ANNUAL GRID FEATURE AT SALT LAKF TOMORROW, I.Md Ktng Football, alter a most plor I foul season in Utah and the west will I park his kit. for another ac;ui.n aft-I aft-I tr tKe gridiron same at Suit Lake to I L morrow between Ihc l tah Aggies and JT the University of Utah loams This I contest will wind tip the season in I Utah and (he loams within the next I ten days will find I'm- basketball I ganir ruling supreme lor a number ol I monihs. Throughout the stale of Utah 'he I gridiron game has been BUCCessful this season and the fiftieth yrar has a-iU lived up to the expectations ' i I writers who have stated previous! I lhat the fiftieth year would be the I greatest. The pre-war spirit ruled and I the ginger and pepper of old held I Bwa throughout the season With the staging of ihe came at Salt I Lakp tomorrow ll Is expected thai h number of Ogdenltes will attend. Two I Ogden boys both mainstays of the j Aggie eleven, will not be In the fray I and for that reason the chances of an I Aggie victory are not so good, t'.len Dee and Louis Falck are the ogden boys who will not be se n In action. Both stars were lnjur.nl In thr came I with the Unlversltj of Wyoming last I I week Despite the fact that two f tht best I grid stars in the west will be out of t the game, tho Aggies will present B H first class aggregation and it Is eJ peeted that the came ivill hp a battle I I from start to finish With Falck out of the fray the two barkfields of thr' ; v.i aggregations will be evenly, matched Had Falck brrn able to donj the moleskins the tide of hat lie would j have Tavored 1h Aggies. A comparison of the two elevens; shows that both elevens will be even-, y matched and that the team that1 wins will be the best On paper be-; lore the accident to Falck and Dee the Aggies were m l favorites over, flic ' ruiiHon due to their showings In! Other games, In the game tomorrow j the batting thus far Is even, but It Is expeeted that the odds will be offered on 1'tah. Start Promptly The big bat He will start promptly at 2 o'clock and ii is expected that thousands of fans will witness tho fray. The Aggies, thirty strong, will invatje Salt Lake today and will hold a light signal practice on their arrival Coach Romney has been working a mimbet of new men of late in the hackfield and the loss of Pee and Falck Is sure to be felt. Officials for the big game have not been selected bul i" i- expected that Nelson NOrgren, Freeman Bassrtt and Vlberi I'.lazier will hold tb- reins At the dose of tho game tomoiiow ihr curtafn win fall and the varsity men will forsaKe their moleskins for nonther year The hoop game will be ushered in and the stars of the slip 'pery floor will hold their laurels until spring when baseball and track will rule |