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Show Porothy:Dii:k$' j XHE EFFECT OF ABSENCE ON LOVE. j py pOKOTHV DI5, the World s Highest Paid Woman Writer f'cH absence make the hear. T r nder as the old sonc says, or ! ' absmro kill love as the majority rf0?.!!? be said on both rides I uch -non t ndoubtedly disll-j IU,be q", lies in too much familiar-"T-hMv Is the mother of bore ' j kani;an be fed up bo completely m iPt ot even our best be-Vi'that be-Vi'that Vare read) to fly to our m'fw. for a chance M1 u whv domestic life if so I Tt'P hv husbands and iries ,L c,5h others faces or else, 1 in order to pul a little zip I,. Thoughts of Married People. J could read .he secret thoughts I ,fh!,vPrare man a? he looks across, 1 ";, -abl- at hi Maria we ft'n find bin. wondering what he M J r lie was " hen he led that I'WLiac" ladv ,o the altai And; IfrSSS look into the mind of Maria; tf.!hVanie moment, we should ascer " that she 'a as wondering how on! "Zy lie liad ever been nypnonseu LTthinkins 'hat a fussy bald-headed; Kdowed man opposite her ould er ha represented her r-nlish, S'ihe man and woman hav- not St found out that ihev are miatak-Ifiatbtir miatak-Ifiatbtir choice of a life partner. Nor Jieir marriage a failure The) have I irflv ren loo much of each Cher j E have been too constantly to Jsber. and all they need is a tempo mi separation. Absence Sometimes Beneficial, rrobablv i here is no married couple !val ha not proved the truth of .his liwrv by itr- own experience Lei En par' for only a few weeks and ,) old glamour renews itself. They b each other as handsome and deslr-' We again. They realize how r.eros or they are lo each other, how tweei Is bora.- life, and they chatter like, Bipplf.' because they have new things I, kII each oiler instead ol hi vine ' to thrash out the old conversational! W . m jj . 1 Top grer.' preentivc of divorce is fcence applied when needed, and if, tbands and wives had only inlelli-fcce inlelli-fcce f-nnucb to realize thai when thoyi bf.:m m quarrel, and to see only each! Bier's fault", that all the-, need is aj Iflcs para.ion they could make mar fa:?? cuccess instead of the failure i it w often i Djt if f-horr absences ire a sort of; p9fral panacea !r almost all domes , tifl?, the same thing cannot bo said jf long absences which are full of dan , rand apt to prove fatal to 1"'.' W Tnrc are many reasons why ihi-IiiculJ ihi-IiiculJ be the case, one is that pro-; SbiQuiiy hr.s ever been Cupid's hand I 1 maiden, and that the sight of a lovelv rare or a manly form, the thrill of R hand clasp, and .he sweetness oT dear lips on our own. are far more potent In keeping (he love- fires burning in our hearts than the worship of a dis tant love who is a cold phanfom of memory For another thing, love js bound up In a thousand little filaments of inter est. and common knowledge of little pleasures enjoyed together, of mutual friends and acquaintances, of plans, and hopes, and adventures skared with each other Two people ho have lived the same hfp find in their common com-mon memories n lie which binds. ihem together, and lacking i. .here is a wall between them that thej cannot b.eak through This makes it extremely dangerous for husbands and wives to be parted for more than a few months fhey not only learn to do without pach other bul Btrangerc fill their lives. It is (o Strangers they .utn with their 'do you remembers. " Long absence makes n chasm between them that 1 eren love cannot bridge over. Outgrow Each Other. The chief danger, however. In pro longed absence to love is that when n man and woman are separated, and living under different eondiiions and environments, one or the other is ab-l solutely certain lo outgrow ihe other A familiar example of this is given I In the iragic cases where a man -arn-j fieed himself to marry the girl lie left 'behind hini v hen he went forth inio the world to seek his fortune. When they were both sweet and t'wentj the girl ivas a suitable mate for the bov . but he went to the city be studied, he worked, he responded to the stimulating Influence of the rir-vei people he was thrown with, be look advantage of .he culture the cuv offered of-fered him Bui the girl lefl behind vegetated, and became more narrow, and provincial a" imi" wr-nt by, mi , that whn the daj came for the bt j to redeem him promise to her .he had not a thought, not an inti rest in ! common. Many Tragedies. Long absence works the same trag , ed tor husbands and wives, so that many a longed for reunion becomes a i heart breaking disappointment If Jhey had sla eel together (hey would (have had a bet.er chance to grow to igether, and at an rate familiarity jwiih each other's little faults and i weaknesses would have accustomed them fo defects so gradually that they I would scarcely have noticed .he blem-' blem-' ishes , The moral of all of which Is that absence Is like certain potent drips 1 a valuable remcdj Is used in small and Judicious quantity, but deadly If : taken in overdoses |