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Show PERISCOP THE WORLD! t with J 1 Our Office Boy. V THE ENDLESS CHAIN Oh! Plunkviilo imes them When they sp d We'll get Tho coir. In loads, And with II so nuns 1 The PlUnkVlUe re.-d We II fix I p better Etoada, on better roads They'll speed .conic more. Or so Our town tpines, There'll be more speed) 1 Thin bcfoi" And we'll Get still More fines. Toledo Times . Along with "Have a drink with me" In the column for dead languages may well go "Won't you Join nie at lunch I Bootleggers can charge big prices and I there is never a murmer, but not so the : shoedevders. We not In the official Bolshevlkl orgn. j Bull, that Mr. Ueninc. the esteemed lead-1 lead-1 Ins man Is up and about again after thr e ' assassinations in the past month I Night ta.hool can teach you anything, ! For Instance they can show you how to j spend an hour a day at night with them Toledo. Ohio, voted to mxt the street car company from tho streets and tlio companj Immediately obeyed, taking the 'cars not only from the Streets but from I the stale out of Ihe Jurisdiction of the .courts Toledo ruefully admits that it I Is the fir.U time the company ever obeyed a law and now they've obeyed It so well I the law ean't reach lhe?n ! The Prince of Wales is now on Amer-' Amer-' lean soil. Soil il may be says th Princ-. hut It's sand compared to the Canadian oasis. Milk is .Iqlitv Cents a quart In France , so Is wine, but the majority of dough -1 boys prefer milk in the United states to ' wine in France. j On November nth every one r"meni-bercd r"meni-bercd that one year ago he or she was crazy. At thit it's a pleasant memory. We wonder if as wild a demonstration will gret t t!ic flnai approval of the poaco j treaty by the Fenatc four years hence as I greeted the slsrnlns; of the armistice on- year or so thence? General principles Is charge enough :o 1 place "K-iinst any Red. The icason for natural pink cheeks Is fast approaching. . I Il Is a disappointment to some sonien thai the doctor can find nothing wrong 1 with them. Packhonc could have stopped the prc----nt chaos In Busr-la. But in Russia j whisker h are popular. Many a girl who would rather be a bo Is making a peach of a sweetheart. Braes Is ihat wonderful gift whJch enables n man to steal a sign from a inc. - J . hanl on Monday and on Tuesday liy In ( sell it back tb hlni paying thai It probable prob-able would be of more use to him than snyone else as It already had his nanm I on It The federal COUrt'S order t.. stop the ooal strike didn't hurt the miners but it caused considerable damage from knash-I knash-I Ing1 teclh on the part cf the I W. W. I Still la the demon rum with us Ye, 'indeed! Still The Mexioan controller of currency Is reported 175,000,000 short In his cold bal- anoc Wc thought our ransoms weio going to Stay In Mexico Who's been 'do;ng the blackmailing now? ( The miners claim that they tailed off their strikd not because of the fodei il ; court order, but because of an Injunction j b " tho w eather. i The real reason why the senate Is debuting de-buting so long on the treaty Is because so many senators can't say what they j want to in polite language Advice 1$ hard to take but easy to keep ' down. A convention In Chicago Is ttvlnc solve the question. "What shall I drink Better, "How can we drink?" IT AUTO I "He suffers terribly from mental lapse. I Getting so bo ean't remember anylhlnr ten minutes." I Then he ought to get a flivver." i "I bet that would Jog his memory" Florida Times-Union. A person can ret a lot of good reading 1 by going s feature movie nOwada; a j and seeing the subtitles. Food will never be cheap again, we are told. It will only seem that way by comparison |