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Show oo J. J. Brummilt, 2417 Hudson Hud-son avenue, pays highest prices for Liberty bonds. Ln nn iTtviwi oo Woodmen of the World Dance novelty stunts, turkey given away, refreshments $1.00 per couple, extra ledy 50c Thursday, Nov. 27, W. O. W. Hall. . ' j Girls! Your hair needs a little "Danderinc" that's all! When It becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; vhen ugly dandruff i appears, or your hair falls out, a 35-cent bottle of delightful, i dependable "Danderine" from any store, will save your hair also double it's beauty. You can have nice, thick hair, too. l I Advertisement. i Read the Classified Ads. l How This Tire Service Promotes Truck Economy I There are a lot of places where money can leak When changing tires we inspect wheels for loose out if anything is wrong with your truck tires. spokes or broken felloes, we inspect for broken ft And the resulting losses are not only noted in spring leaves, and of course-we inspect the brakes RJ. I too high tire-mile costs but, as well, in inflated to be sure that they are equally adjusted. ET5, mile-costs of operating and maintaining trucks 4 ' and of carrying goods. -nc " rcs are neglected after application, the A. . .... injuries they receive on the road will frequently Some of your tires may be responsible for ex- devei0o mtXjlv and cuse their failure cessive truck repair bills or for too many break- develop rapidly and cause their xailuxe. ages of merchandise handled or they may be , For instance tread cuts should be filled up and inadequate in size for your loads and wear out ., ' , - c. 2 too fast. It is an important part of our service Sldf wal1 cuts taken care of ? Prevent water' 01j to recommend the right type and size of and nt from Siting in and causing rot and g Goodyear Truck Tire Solid, Cushion or Pneu- ultimate blowouts, matic and to carry it for you in our stock. tX7- , t - , t . i J J . We watch customers tires; report their con- If tires are applied without proper examination dition; helD conserve tire mileage. 1 f of wheel alignment, condition of springs and brake adjustment, undue tire wear may result Are you not interested in knowing all the details from several causes. of this complete truck tire service? ?w I W : j v n Goodyear Truck Tire Service Station I $ GEO. A. LOWE CO i &' |