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Show jns&MO" -zyx -fx OLD LANDMARKS GONE Fetmoue UnnriT, I'o-.loff cr CMltrritlcl ly the y V. Mrc h of I'rogress vr & j va ra Tli eaiahllahnii-ni of :S"0 free rur.il delivery mules In Tcnti. and lb.- ' consequent aliolllloll of from fi:,ll I1, 7" ) pon'oU'ecs haa wiped from the p.ev l l mp tli nmlorlty of Hi.. liiK-Dri.nl tottna In Dm stale N...V and pro. Ii (him towns bate spurn;; nil near tin v ! 1 1 n : i which nrre notable In Ih.t .-! days nf Ihi r-"i''ll. and Hicy have been . I. cli .l as distributing j. outs for tlm mail. A striking Instance of (Ms pmrcsa In ll.-un aintl'iti. Cialngi-r county, whom William ll.nn In 17'.' hnlli the lint r.il. In nut up by n white n.nn In Ken turky. Tennessee or tuiurn North fnroliim. Thin nlUo will hereuftor li hiiI.'I frtmi Talc Spring. Another noled nfflrn that become extinct l Nolllchucky where Jamb llmw n opem-d the llrat store In Ten-ii. Ten-ii. -.-n nr Kentucky or. In fai t, anywhere any-where aoiith of the tililo Wvnr, In 1772. j an.l Wirrn It In thought that Itiisscll Itean. tin. (IrKt child horn In Tcnii.ii-hh. Tcnii.ii-hh. mm raw IK-.lit It wan for bruv-rv bruv-rv lu a haHlc with In. Ilium at lliia point that John H'vIt won llin ron nomcn, Nolllehurky Jack. A fow biiii.ln.il yarila from thla officii la Hi" gigantic beech tree whlrh bears the fainoiia liiarrlittnn. "I, MiH.n rilled a bar In lint year 17'I0" Hut It la thought that the pioneer hail been In what arc now Tennessee an.l Kentucky Ken-tucky before ha carved hla nam nn tna trt'ti. In North Carolina la the battlefield nf Kings Miuinlaln. where John Hnvlor turned thfi tide of thn Revolution by def.-ailnr; On rVrguenn an.l hla llrlt-I'dl llrlt-I'dl hosts. Hieniuorc Hlioitls posto.'-flee, posto.'-flee, wli.ro Seller of T..iiicss.,c. Col. Campbell of Vlrglnln att-l f tin South Cnrollna foir.-H not to drill I,- tna tight. rnnti.it he foun.l now aa a iot-of. iot-of. '.. A free rtiritl delivery ruule la now supplvli.e; I,e l..wn. Karmlngl.iu, Mitishul county, which lacked onlv inn. vote of being mailo thn rnpllnl of III" alaln lunti'ii.l of Nahvlll", l,n k.ii.I ikIi.-.J on ac- nt of rtinil .l.'liv.-iy, A roiitit l. a.lliiK rrom J.-fr.'raon Cltr, .1. fftTRon co'iuty. paNM.-a nn.l aupi-ll" what n f.iniM.rly liylon, tint plarn )iT" llavy Ciochi'II nn't an. I won Tolly Klnloy. II. re the firm Hiiii.Ir arho-il In TiTini'KH.M) waa ori;utili-il. In ploni-fr ilaya tho IoiiIkvIII... Ky . an.l Charf'-alon. H ('., alnii roiirb linn ha'l Ita nialn atntlon at t ita point. Thn town whlrh rami n.-ar hi'lnn the flrxt mpllal of tin alaln. Klll4 H.rt. H'llllVHn i-ounlir. hint ftiiflVri'd thn aamn fain. owIiik to a nmll rouli run-nliiK run-nliiK from Fall llriinrh. Klnt.'HKrt waa onro thn Iiomn of John Ht'Vl". anil ho la aal.f lo hnvn at one tlmo i.-rlil"i lo inakp It thi capital of tho alaln Inalcn.l of Jom-ahoro. anil falloil to ilo ao tiwInK to th hittrnil tin bail for a pnimliii'tit rltlrcn of tho town. A route from lin.lon, TVnn., takna In thn aniatl ofllcn at fl.l Fort J-ouilori, wbnra waa the flint whim fort In tbo aiatn. ('amplM'M'a HtaMon. Knox county, thp blrthplaca of Admiral FarraKHI, t'llata no longer aa a mail point. |