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Show SMELTER FOW SHEEP. j A rweawMe afcetl Wklek mam akeave mm Wl.lw rU. A plaa for a portable abe4 that eaa ka oaed (or thadt and protertloa from fllea In aunimer and bt moved lo lot reading yard In tha winter la gtvta by aa Ohio Parmor correapondent He aaya: Take two t by S Inch plarea. any length detlred-wt oat tliteea feat bevel one edge at both endt ao that It tan ba moved la either direction. Two ram a or ronaiLa aaas. or three fert from either tod, depand- j tag apoa length of allla, aplka aa up- , right pott, one three feet high, tha other oth-er four, ao aa to give alope to tht roof. I Plact poata of elnillar I en fine upon Iba ' ether will. Tha poete oa either till Buy ba tied together by a fearing board or ahlngtlng lath, aa ao weight will ba thrown upon them. Neat girt tbt two pane together by plecea cor-reepondlng cor-reepondlng to platee. Theaa thould ba aot Irea thaa I by 9 or 1 by Inch If the a tied la made aliteen feat wide. Hplke theee to the poete ao that toe weight of the roof falle upon them edgewler. A brace from tha platea to the foot of aacb poet ma ken It ready for tha roof. Pine boarda make a very eatl.fai-tory roof. If tha abed la ta ba need In tha winter, tha boarda anould ba tapped at leaet two Inrbee at el I her edge and nailed tightly, the nalle being clinched below. Where enrh a ahed la to ba ueed for aummer eliaile only tha boarda need not ba lapped. It may ba Incloard to eult one't fancy. I leave It open. ITrora aummer protection from fllea It la Important Im-portant that tha roof ba very low, aa Iba gadfly la thy of auch a thlrld. The roof boarda abonld ba aa long aa tha allla or avtn longer. Ilea auch length that they will extend three feet beyond .tha platea. Tba roof will not then aag at tba middle ao badly. I think It highly advlaable to replace re-place ahada treea In Beida that art aometlmea plowed with each ebeda aa thla. By moving them every week or I tea daye very rtcb apota will ba aaade I during a aummer. Then there ta aot tha danger from lightning. |