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Show A Short Court Seeeon. Judge Booth came out from Ball I.ake Tuesday morning with an order from Judge Morae to hold a tbort eetalon of dittrlcl court here. The only business traotarted waa the admitting of the following fol-lowing penon to citiienshlp: Carl M. Johanten, a native ol Nor war; Jacob I Koskey, John Kjoblom, Minion J.ilintoa, j native ol Finland; Milt A. Hansen, j Carl Guttal Johnton, Unit Linditrnm, I Ai.drew Johnton, (iill Nrlton, natives ol .Bweden. John Sjobltm procured hit first papers from the clerk, j All of tlieauove men except C. M.Juhn j tti) are residents c I Park City and were brought down by the county scat removal 1 committee, to that they could get their j papers and vote at the election thii all. . No nne in Coalville knew that there wat going to be a session ol the court until the jud-e came out Irom Bait Lake Tuesday Tues-day m irt-ing, not even theclerk. |