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Show m tMvmUjr.t 0 11.I nr 'he Coala' ille '6 IMES. JOB wm tllTVf UttmtEb Vo. 3T. i 4N ! a TAKE CONFERENCE. tithing wee revealed to him, and how ell the people rereived him and bites- ClavMa and Prari. Welle la dates. Attaadanea, a quarterly conference of Summit convened' In the Tabernacle Son-h- 'l The ehoir esng the a.ithem Great ia the Lor j,andHer benediction by Patadwas conference riarch Thomas Bell, FELL TO HIS DEATH.' kwlntaiwnlsf HoytavilU Killed latl Friday. Irwin Sargent, the iBftee-year-c- 4d sawn , of Mt. and Mr. Nrphi Bargectof Hoyt- s- ' villa, met with n sodden and iboeliwg death last Friday afternoon abead S oclock. He wee engaged with an oSdnr brother ie hauling hay, end in toe rsed they had to travel waa e dugway, wkiidfa. wee so sleep that n rough lock hiulto-h, nsed oo the wagon to go down with w ? eoraing at 10 oclock. Tba meat journed to Monday morning. ntM opened by the choir siugtug Sunday evening a conjoint aeMion of fS praise my Maker. end prayer nae the Y. M. and Y. L. M.l. Association Lfirng by Elder Smith. The was held, 8a pt Csllis, Prest. Lizzie thOiand congregation sang Prayer is Pack, Apostle Clawson, Preat. Wella and desire. S ster A Idar wera the spesksrs. all of W W. H. Branch reported the them talking upon the subject of matual loai, lhe older boy gut off end fLse3 veciof the high council for the past improvement. Solos were sung by W. the lock, while, the younger one drovw- us v moolhs. G. Patrick end Mist Mattie Salmon. down. When seer lha bottom th DEATH OF NILS. HOLLANDS. 1 op Ephraim Leoibert of Wood-- ' MORDAT MOBRIMa. male were going ae fast that the boy hM i a ' sported hit ward and expressed The meeting was opened by the choir to brace hie feet egainst the ft out of thee Feeees Away at Spring Vattev, Wr,, ' k ie! In ahort sermons and prayers m Sunday Lut singing "Lift epyoor heads, aod Eider rock so hard that the board broke and . s believed our sets ia oor praexia-4t- e Themes Copley offered prayer, Con- be fell to the ground and was run cvexr Mra. Sarah Aon Hollands, a former had h great deal to do with ti boed by the choir end congiegation by the wheel. One aide of his face wane resident of this place, died at the home here. badly mashed, and hie neck was broken tinging "How firm a foaodation. of her daoghter at Spring Valley, Wyo., City ward a as reported I y Bi hop' ! Eb'er W. Pack reported the iehora death being instantaneous. The pare a t i laet Sunday afternoon about S o'clock J, after which Prevt. Alien made of the high piietis quorum and spoke are nearly distracted over the esd aad , aged 68 years. Tbs canes of Lor death mark. He eiplaioed the policy of the com ort the performance of doty enddea death of their boy, beceueo b -waa old age and geoeral debility.' FLe j '.esthood ia deeiing with Seinta was a good eoa and much loved by every Mings. bad not booh woll lor seme time, an i ward to ward, p had been the it President Teyloretated her death was not a great surprise to bright milinnia) day of rest decided the Thomas The fneerel services were held front? Copley be ordained those who know her soffering. i by tba choir. and e patriarch in ala stake presented the Hoyisville meeting house Suodsjp-a- t The remains were brought to Coalville nt Rolon B. Wella, of the First susB oclock, su! was one of the largoeE-gatherin- g was which bis aoauimoualy name, Monday bight for burial, and the faner- -l i ! Seventy, was in trod need by n ordained waa of the kind ever held therew tained. He pathen we held from the Stake Tabrosc t Taylor, la the course of hie R Clawtor. triarch The Apoetle tdger by elnging was furniehed by the Stakw W edaesdsy afternoon being quite large! i he said. O what marvelous reIn Clsweon eext choir and the epeakera ware Freeouam Apostle spoke. attended. The speak era were Elders W. e yet to be sccompliehed. W hat of Eider Copley Malio, Bishop Sargent, Lydia D. Akivat ferring te the ordination W.Cluff end George Beard. thought that we are to be like he said that to be ordained a patriarch ead Preat. Taylor. Sarah inn Hills Hollands was born at even to be able te create was a high and holy calling; perhaps Cbelsflald, Kent, England, June 4th. and showed np the real relation Awethwr Se.4 Dvath. higher than many suppose, and said 1834, BbewM baptised intotheChnrch ha Father, Portrayed beautifully It eepma that when troubles com menc farther tbet a patriarch baa the power of Jetns Christ of Later-da- y Saints ' mga we have in immediate re- a family they never oeaee, at least, la be whatever to bless or corse end that the age of eighteen years. She . "The important thing for ae each erems to be the lot oi Mr. and Mra.--. biade or losses on earth shall be bound married te Jehn Cooper Hollands tbr;-ye- an is that Joseph 8mith wee sent Roblseoa. Only last week James or loosed la heaven.' la connection later, end by him raised a ' prophet, to us." He explei ned la these eulnmne Ibwdeatb with thia idee be connected the power (amil), He hnsband died ia Engla:. lure, "And the gates of hell one of their as boye, the result of so sed enthority with that of the missionin 1347, leaving her with n family of i pruvil sgaiaat the principle of tack of and this week ww diphtheria, ary elder at heing far greater than that to rsis and support. After ft called on are record to the death of tLe held the President of the United States. hard atrania the managed to send oast' ' boir and congregation sang daughter of Mr. aod Mrab He brought oat the feet that the imthe older boys to Utah in 1807, bod ly ?uma ye aaintt," after which the esnss of bar death bwia portant idee with as is not what office do Robtnson, hie efforts, herself sad family, with t! D. Alder spoke. Referring of her brother. It ie sa asm a that I bold In thecharch,bnthave we secured the exception of one daughter, wbe ie ati : - just tong said It called to be blow the parents and they are ante enreelvee the worth laves to enter ead in England, arrived in Balt Lake C y ( the older ones bow It wee filled with and sorrow. The peogriet of God. elied the ei position on May 1st, 1882. The first few yea1 tr days with such a goot Prest. R., B. Welle said that It wse not ple all eitend ty mpathx in tbelr hour 3 she made her home-i- n Nepih, J b hlso bore her testimony, - -" the eloquence of men and ttu-l- r words ftfSietioa. So 1 CoeHilTe to cminlT. and cates Jj I t out VHt of T'ue F anrrn? r t r rr at rrrGpsnv 1 tv and fn te her korea ever s which has , , F. Sorenson tod aoa Arnold went to sit Ltkt Sunday on busiaesi. lira. Msry Brown of ldtbo visiting ber daughter, Mrs. Letba it here Ander-eo- n. bach lore ie often eeen wending hie way np the road. -- Wm. Wilkinson, Jr., who ha been herding ebeep at the bead of Weber, wee brought home Tneedsy morale Mite Etta Lambert of Salt Lake it dangerauaiy ill. Dr. French was called visiting with Mite Helma Lundberg fur at once and performed an operation. Ht few days. it in a critical condition and it ia doubtof a os ful tf be will recover. Emma Sieve Mra, Oakley spent few daya last week visiting her mother, lira. . B. mru; Hoyt. 7, 1002. The Uiatea Clara BImieter and Mattie Times : Editor Salmon of Coalville are visiting with J Heeeftr was wall represented at the May Lewis for a abort time, Stake conference. Mra. George M. Christenson came oat 6tcpben Beard has been on the sick from Salt Lake on the let to join her list daring the week. hetband who baa been working at the Mra. M. F osier came down from Park Crystal Creamery. They both returned the first of the week. City home on Monday. Hsaaraa, Utah, Aeg. Fred Stephens ie moving his family returned borne from Layton to Henefer. on the 4th from Salt Lake, where she Harvesting has comm tnoedia earnest had been attending her si iter, Mra. Grace Williams She reports tba latter and everybody am busy, Jessie Schaffer left here on Monday to ea not being as well ai aba was n week fill an engagement at the Pacific hotel, Ho- Mias Lillian Mitchell Ogdeo. - v w at re pleted, will be quite an improvement to the place. new roof has been pat on the old Alexander bones. When it wee built thirty-si- x yean ago it wee the largest boose in Eammit ooooty. It is now the property of G. W. aod Robert Yonng. Our Sunday school gave an entertainment on the eveolog of the let and it waaa success in every way. Mach credit ia doe thoee who bed ehaige of tbo affair, Bnpt. Haneen and wife and the Misses Copley and Barber were present and all ex pressed themselves as being erell pleated with the entertainment. v aorwaviLLB. HotTSTUAX, Utah. Ang. 6, - Edrob Tims 1902. Bevefsl of our people leave for Verna! Tnetdey, Bamoel Mill came dowa from Park City Bnoday. Eugene Neff and James Austin of Mill Creek were here lest week visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. David Neff are spending a lew daya with their relatives at East - Mill Creek. Most of onr people et ten Jed conference at Coalville end report haying bad an enjoyable time. 1 M1 ,ince boms and the returned tain young man is often fern at the poet office. Lois lakes ranch delight in eicouipenylng her. - Cornell m The gentle breexe it will not be man wedding will take !, ed 5 -- five-year-- "For yesrs I suffered such untold miwrites J. H. sery from Bronchitis, Johnson, of Brooghton. Gs., that often I was unable to work. Then, when everything elae fHed;-- I - waarw'botty cured by Dr. Kings New Discovery for My wife suffered inConsumption. tensely from Asthma, till it cured her, end all onr experience goes to show it it the best Croup mediciue in the world. A trial will convince you its unrivaled for Throat end Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at John Boydeo A Ron. A Shari Court Seesaw. Judge Booth came out from Balt Lake Tuesday morning with an order from Jodge Morse to hold a abort seesion pt district court here. The only buriueet iraossOed waa the admitting f the persons to citisenship: Carl M. Johansen, a native of Norway ; Jacob Koskey, John Sjobiom, Simon Johnson, natives of Finland; Nila A. Hansen, Carl Gnataf Johnson, Gut Liadstrom, Andrew Johnson, Gas Nelson, natives of Bweden. John Sjoblem procur-- d his first papers from the clerk. All of the above men except C. M. Johnses are residents cf Park City and were brought down by the county rest remove! committee, so that they could get their papers and vote at the election this fall. No one in Coalville knew that there wee going to be a session of the coart nntil the judge came out from Balt Lake Tuesday morning, not even the clerk. TO CVKB A COLD IN -i n-r- a bet &wet bn she W (4 &4rt4naAMwt has made her home with her the 9 meeting house. The Poos ward daughter at Spring Valley, r wsj ported by bishop Msxwali who said tbdr new meeting boo M nearing Shatters All lltrards. ospletioa and that the "people were Twice fn hospital, F, A. Gulled ge, cooing to tha aaaietaace of the bishopVerbena, Ain , paid a vast sum to doc- ric liberally. Bishop John Jooss retors to core n severe ease of dies, cane ported the Bench Creek ward. Said ing 24 tomora. When all failed,- - Bock-ten- s Arnica Salve soon cared him. neatly all of the office! t pay their tithSubdues Inflammation, conquers Ache, ing ud keep the word of wisdom, and kills Pains. Beat aalve la the world. thstthe bishopric was united. 2(c et John Boyden A Bon drug atom. Tie so them Praise ye the Lord wee j power of li norkit.,0 of U ,, .... ... the Lord ; t before we should lira eo that were Elder C. A. Cait tod Alma LI ne can always be ia poeeeetioa of that dredge. spirit. When we have tbst spirit it wilt IF TOP Disrxrais, bimv-Tbi- s. cleanse ns of our sins. It is not the et wherein the tin come, bat in tbs preTht old way of taking pepsin, biammthr meditation aforethought herein tbs sin etc. to core dyspepsia, is all wrong. be lie. may They pat op In tailed in UqntA , Prest. Allen made n few closing re- tbe result is just tbe seme. Tbe obj-trt- w marks on the good work that esa be done ie to create artifice digestion, but tUa does not make e core, Stop taking thm by the patriarch. The choir aang "Wo pepeis, eic., end yoe have your dyspept thaok tbo, 0 Go J, (or a prophet, and sia or indigestion beck again People eungby the choir, and after benediction end cocaine for nervous troDUM-enafter benediction by Elder John K. by Elder Thomas Beard, masting - was tick headache, It does not core, stop Lemon, conference was adjourned for adjourned to 2 p. m. takiog the drugs end the pain snd dirtrasm three months returns, Tbe o Jy Common Sense MeArrsfuroox ass to. On Monday afternoon n conference thod la to dr i vs oat of the r , system' tk - The afternoon mooting waa opened by of tbe Relief Societies of the Stake wm cause of dytpeepaia and sick beaded by the choir elnging 8oni of Michael," held, presided ever by President C. Y. by cleaniing the etomaebaed bowels, aA and Patriarch Richard Birch offered Peck. After the opening exercise the the tame time nainge medicine that wltt tbe liver. Thia force through Ike the speuiog prayer. statistical snd financial report wm read. acton of tbe stomach the digestive floi gieadt "dory to God on high" was esng by Prest. Pack made a few remarks and that nature iotended In thia way yam . the choir and congregation. The sacra- Mid that it bad been decided to bold care dyspespain. Tbe medicine thwh ment waa administered by Elders O. A. tbe anneal conferences in September in cares dyrpepsie by this mttid ie cells t Dr. Ganns Improved Liver Pills. They CH snd W, L. Hansen, sssieted by stead of Aeguab put tbe body in condition eo that Ike six rider snd eight deacons. Tbe Park City and Coalville societies different organ can do their work, fas at natoral way Droggiat sell these pills at .The general and stake officer! were were reported by the reapective presi 25 cte box, or we will rend them-pes- d. on receipt of 25 eta. in stamp. Bantplm preesuted end sustained unanimously. dents. box free. It take one piU for n dosev Prerideet Taylor made a abort speech " giatar Harriet Badger advise I the Address, Dr. Goan, Philteolpbla in which he expreseed bis pleasure at teacher to get up a entertainment oc- For eel by John Boyden A Soa Coalville?. Utah. the generosity shown by the people zf casionally and have a good time. Also Summit county in the water quesfon in advised them to etor np wheat, and wm "Torese Site WsJf." The Stake Dramatic Association turning the waiox down to tba people in pleased to hear that iwi 'many oi "the s the lower counties. He pronounced the last Saturday niglA. paid their tithing and kept tbe themaelvM proud w of who all thoae when blessings beeves upon word of wisdom. they presented at the Opera Boom had acted so liberally and said that thoee Rath M. fack made n few rematks re beeetiful play Tsggt lb Waii" Jk. wfaowrera not eo generous would not reshowing ap tbe great w rk that ie large and appreciative audience ware ceived the prosperity. He also apoke of by tbe eocieties, after which Bister Aldrr present and all teemed satisfied with tbm the evils of visiting salooos. explained why tbs Relief Societies were effart of the company. Every artor The choir sang "Como a e that love organised, Ppoke feelingly for some took their pert well end did very wSeelyxr the Lord, after which Sister Harriet time on the subject of -- charity, end considering the ebort tme they Wt N Badger spok of the duty of parenteto showed tbe tree lova that tbe gospel prepare the piece. The only bad thiiwcr tha children. about tbe ahow wse tha loog waits. bring. refew Elder W. G. Patrick of Balt Laka sang a made tween acts; everything elae pasted closing Taylor prest. "The Plain of Peace, accompanied by marks after which conference was nicely. Something over $G0 wm tar aeg 5' MrsJoba Gallia. ever to the Stake presidency ahrrailea was the next Apostle Radger Clawson peereahsd been paid, whieb ehewetbeau Jaet ALook At .Her. tbe people appreciate our home-- ItkvL. speaker. Bald we are here in quarterly conference to hear report of the Blake Whence came that sprightly step, We nr glad M see the people encoexagtse presidency, bit hop, high coanoil sud If.ultle skin, rich, rosy complexion. t e essxriation end hope they wiiialeraiyww others snd to transact basinet. Said smiling face. Bbe kroks good, feels good, support them, as It G their in antiuswtwm ' She ore. Dr we had some very fine singing and de- JW.herrecrst. plty( qaiu often pat Result, all organs New Life PtHs. time eMon' lighted in it. He apoke of the active, digestion good, no headaches,.10 when President Know visited the lower DOChoce for bluet. Try them your- -( We can do your job wcrikJ. pert of the eute when tbe principle of eelf. Only 25c et John Boyden A Bon. bits warn-ophtn- d OXI DBF Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. (Take , erhifper to us druggists refund the money if it fails before epcpbfZjQnra EAYG roves signature is on as vie vl our , each box 25c. nJ plc, A -- ALL WERE SAVED. fol-low-ing j , -- William Edgeworth made a trip to Ogden during the week on business and Wansnir, Utah, Aeg. I, 1002. pleasure. Edit Tints : John Andereon has returned te Idaho. The Primary Association, will give n Mark HLxaon baa returned to State-lin- e. picnic party in Pasketta groveoa Monday, the 11th. All are invited te attend and briog their own lunch. A n umber of ear people attended Mra. T . J. Mikeeell, who ban been . conference in Coalville. . w e rar nm a ivr yv tbw Bennett family the t.j oat visiting with Mrs. Jessie Bate and family two weeks, returned to her hoses in part from Balt Lake to spend a month or two Salt Lake on the 7tb. with relatives. v a Sum1 . ''& 4a"' - - Mr. Bead, oar echeol teacher of last The committee appointed to prepare for the aexUiary" meetings to oe held winter, ie with os. He will teach here here on the 16th is at work and we an a again thia aeaaom good time. The affair is in ticipatea ' Mrs. Reynolds baa returned to her charge of the ladies and ia sure to be a home in Salt Lake after a pleaaaat visit success. with her family. t Mr. George P. Jones and Miss May Margaret Hixson and daughter Hazel Wright were married in the Balt Lake have returned from Salt Lake after an Temple on Wednesday, August 6th, absence of two months. The yonng coo pie have a boat oi friends Henry Learning ie building n new who wish them bsppineas and prosperboose on hie lot, which, when com- ity during their married life. WANSBir. a 1 Swarise Pwrty. Word was passed around among the members of tbo 8take choir Sunday tbet they were wanted at' the Tabernacle Monday night for a special rehearsal, and they wort ail present. Nearly all of them knew that it was not a special practice that they wereol ad Lm ; that eotnej thing elae was in the wind. At the hour appointed the practice was commenced and a number of piece rendered. Choiritter Beard then eeuonaeed that one reason they had gathered wee to consider tbo ad visablity of giving mmi sort te pay for books, and etc., accordingly it waa decided to puton an opera which will be presented some time in the near future. Next came the surprise.'" Id A' neat speech Choirister Beard told Organ 1st J. W. Simieter that the main reason for them meeting together, wse to show to the latter the love and respect that the choir members bad for bim for bia long and faithful services as leader of the choir, and in accord with tbotr lova a beautiful gold beaded cane was presented UiMr. Simieter, containing tba following inscription: "Presented with appreciation of long labor to Joba W, Simieter by Summit Stake Choir, 1902. Mr. Bimister responded feelingly in a abort speech, aod speeches were made by F. H. Wright, Prest. Taylor G. W. Yonng sud James Eton. Delicious iee cream aod cake were served and after' more singiug aod benediction by E. H. Rhead, the party broke up, all feehng that aa enjoyable evening bad been peut, and that the choir was materially Strengthened by such gathering. of an snwpatameat fa t -- ft; darin(flU. -- J nproou the good seed. |