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Show PREDICTED KINO'S RECOVERY. Or. Bernaya. One of the Most Famous Surgeons of the. World. Ir. Augumus Canrlea' llernnys. the noted iirieou of HI. l.oula. wlio poal-llvi'ly poal-llvi'ly predicted that King Kdward would recover, and who likewise Insisted In-sisted from the beginning; that I'real-ilciil I'real-ilciil McKlnley would dlo, la widely known In Kumpa and America for hla remarkable nperatlona and hla many Innovations) In the science and art of surgery. I'rof. Hcrnaya studied at HelilellierK and was later tho personal naslHtant of the great biologist, (le-genliaui-r. In i!m same university. He la one of the few Americana who are menibera of tho lloyal College of Surgeons, Sur-geons, and la one of tho moat brilliant of tho younger school of aclenllllc practltlonera and aurglcat theorlsta. |