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Show Privileges of a Peer, Apart from hla aocial rank a peer of the Urttlah realm hue niauy little advantagee over a commoner. Kvery one, of course, knowa that If a peer oommlta a felony he can elect to be tried by hli peers. An Instance of tola occurred qulto recently. A peer cannot be arrested except for as in-dlctablo in-dlctablo offence, and ha need not aerve on Juries. Then a peer can dumand a private audience with the king If he wlahea to have a quiet talk with his sovereign over any matter mat-ter of urgent publlo luiot'tance. In eourta of law a peer need not pay any attention to the cry of "Data off." for he is entitled If he ao vinhes to wear hla hat In hla majesty's eourta of Junllco. I.axt of all, should a peer be condemned to suffer the extreme penalty of the law hla rank entitle-) him to the doubtful benefit of a silken Instead of a hempen rope. 1 |