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Show I RANDOM I'i REFERENCES I ' Rig costume ball. K of iv hall, Dee. H' 3rd. Admission 75c. 1150 Too Late fcr Funerai -Heavy wind H stfenn of Wednesday detained James Hi ! T. Fisher, of Afton, Wyo., for a day H while en route to this city irom Wyoni- Hj ; -ime so that he was too late to attend , the funeral or his brother, David V Fisher, which was held Wednesday. H New serial, The Host of Luck," K starts in Saturday a Standard. H' Car Recovered Ford r-r the prop B i rt of James Thomas, was sioicn last H:j .""tftbt and recovered about one hour 1st r Hftij fty ihe police, in the south section of llv- Hj'l! city. The machine was stolen by a party Ha) of boys Wanted Man with horse and plow H rone 52-W. Dunike Floral Co. 1129 HP Robbers Thieves entered the home f U,' William Driver, 2705 Jefferson avenue, j KMl efiterday "ml lole one overcoat, t vvi jj suits of !othr.. a number of French Hfi coins ami jewelry articles. Tin.- robbery j was reported to the police. Old pape'B tor taic uitn Cta-.-j Roosevelt Funds I ertificates, Bhow- Ei in? 'individual contributions to the Roosevelt memorial fund, will be mailed from the New ork office of Hi' the genera! committee when the tre- H menduous rush of contributions his H' somewhat abated, it is reported. Many jj liah pcopli- arc- conl ributinc to the Hj fund, it is slated. In New serial, "The Best of Luck," Ritj starts in Saturday's Standard. Clean rags wantej at The Standjr Kin Rooming House. Richard Lockhard HI',' was gronud a imhui.i.c house license this morning b the rity commission H : ! crs. Lockhard operates the Central Hull rooming house, at 220 Twent) H street. I Pholograpns are history of Hie fan I Jly Hae them taken todaj as The Tripp Photo Studio, 220 2"ih Si sWI 'flj New Pork. R A. Browne of the HI jjprest service, who returned yesterday Hill from an insp imn 'tip in ih- Southern H : part of the stale, reports that people lfl in Dixie arc jubilant over the nev Lwu national park at ion Canyon. Clean -ag winicu ino Standard nl cffie Case Postponed The case of llu State Bill rersus Alfred Brandon haj been post-P)M post-P)M p-'nr-ri fi an In.l. lii.'.- period I BRICK, cement and plaster jobbing, chimneys, firewalls, etc. Phone 770. lu Dance at Springs In -pi.e of the cold spell yesterday, a large crowd of Ua dancers attended the party -ivcn at lhe Utah Hoi Sprines last ni.-nt. Ren Fords orchestra furnished the music tor the occasion. Manager Ledbetter ftated toda that a special party wi b -special features will b- held at the PI popular resort N.w Yen'; eve False Alarm Escaping steam, at the home of Heber Scow roft, on the I corner of Twenty-fourth Btreet and fl Monroe avenue, shortly before 2 o'clock, gave rise to belief that the Jj home was on fire. Tip' fire department depart-ment v. as called. From Nevada Supervisor C E. Favre oi Klko. Nevada! was a visitor today at the forest service office 111 r'- Ml New Store Two brother.-. 11. N. Tit-lev Tit-lev and E, L. Titley, opened one of the most up-to-the-minute song shops in I HI the west this morning, at. '.'SIS Wash- i ington avenue. The stor will feature nothing but sheet music, and an elaborate elabo-rate line of classy selections will b cn hand at : 11 times The new stor? has been named "The Song Box." |