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Show Former Commissioner Accuses Immigration Immigra-tion Inspector, PROTESTS MADE Twelve Radicals Are Released Re-leased at Ellis Island Without Bond. NEW YORK, Nov. 2S The testimony testi-mony of Byron H. Uhl, actinr. immigration immi-gration inspector, before the house committee Investigation conditions at Ellis Island, was interrupted today by Frederic C. Howe, former commissioner, commission-er, who accused Mr Uhl of not telling the truth. The interruption came after Mr Uhl had identified an order dated April 24, Btopplng the circulation of anarchistic literature at the island The order Ss '-ricd with Mr Howe's name, but Mr. Uhl te-tifi'-d that he dictated the letter and that a notation in the corner showed that it was not received by the immigration inspectors until June 4 'Do you mean to say." interrupted Mr. Howe, "that I held up this letter" ' 'The chief of the division concerned did not receive it until the time indicated, indi-cated, ' n piled Mr. Uhl. Mr Howe then asked whether Mr f hi ever remembered his holdinc up letters more than 24 hours, whereupon Mr. Uhl answered, "you held up that one, commissioner ' 'That Isn't the truth," declared Mr Howe. The collo iuy was ended by Representative Repre-sentative Raker of California, who informed in-formed Mr. Howe that he would not be permitted "to do that sort of thing before the committee." Replying to a question of Repre sentative leaker, Mr Uhl declared that it was the opinion of all the employes at the island that the conduct of Mr. Howe's administration was "improper.' John J. McKee, chief deporting of-fleer, of-fleer, had protested in writing, he test! fled, against the circulation of anar-ehistie anar-ehistie literature on the island. Mr Uhl asserted that radicals held at the island were accorded privileges be-yond be-yond the regular practice. The pommlttee then bean an investigation in-vestigation of the cases of twelve rad-: rad-: icals who were brought here from Seattle last February and released In Man li v. ithout bond. An order written to Mr McKee by Mr Howe then was introduced in evidence evi-dence it said: "Please supply the men held as political po-litical deportees with medicine balls and also see that their bath rooms are not subjected to draft - ' A letter written by Mr Howf to Anthony Camlnettl, commissioner-gen i eral of immlpratlon, concerning one Andrew Ciafola was introduced. It said thut Ciafola had been released on pa role and that he admitted that instead Of believing In organized government,' he believed in "organised spontaneous combustion " "The trying of a man about his opln ions is so outside the experience of our ( rlminal or civil laws and Ihe Immi gratlon procedure is, so without the protection of ordinary procedure that some new rules ought to be formula! j ed." the letter continued. Mr. Howo addressed the members, informally and said he would like to I have a nimmediate hearing to answer some of the charges made against him. |