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Show I IHear 1 I I SOUS A AND HIS BAND I I I I THE MOST M W" f THE NOTED GREATEST I DIRECTOR ' ' I Ogden Tabernacle MONDAY, DEC. 1st, AT 8:15 P. M. Reserved leata on sole at Jones Shoe Store, 261 Washington Avenue. P-ces $1.65 and $2.20. tax included. B cIhe charm of a 5 may be yours A clean, healthy skin is usually a lovely skin, but the use of the proper soap is necessary. I Resinol Soap is specially cleansing, yet it is mild I and soothing because it contains the Kesmol properties prescribed by physicians phy-sicians for years in the treatment of skin troubles. It gives a rich, refreshing refresh-ing and insigorating lather that you can really fee in cleansing. RESINOL SOAP is also excellent excel-lent for the shamnfi-.?s it tends to lessen dandruff and make the hair soft and luslrous. Atall druggists and toilet goodsdealcrs. if you arc in the market fcr hay, corn, oats, flour or potatoes po-tatoes get in touch with Mit-chel- McPeek Produce Co.. Room 503 EcciesBldg. P'nonfs day, 1 76; night. 1 654 or 1 349 2I8 KhI brand jIM KETTLE I AWf KB RENDERED LAKP IB And such pies as arc made from Sj I; . jnl crusts are so appetizing---tliey're the kind yfi jfil that "fairly melt" ; so delicious, so tedder, H . 5. S'J ta5t-v- Other pastries, too, just as D feJjjl tempting, canbemadefrom MOUNTAIN IB Jfclllliill 'luBgi brand Kettle Rendered LARD. B aaH Youf! .'li"" Brand is another "Moun- MmH Ho Ctoking A Nutritious Diet for All Ages Quick Lunch at Home or Offic Avoid Imitation and Substitates VICTROLA ! The instrument specially made I to play Victor and Victrola Records 1 j H i W 1 jj ture. Tt to y secure a perfect reproduction. That is yf I the way for you to hear in your own , Vi,ctr!f77?cv;1' $.30 1 7 7 7 Victrola XVII, electric, 365 H home the superb interpretations of the Mtho8,ny ot D greatest artists exactly as they themselves m I heard and approved their own work U There ar? Victrolas inreay New Victor Records demonstrated j Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden, N. U. S. A J Quickly Conquers Constipation Don't let constipation poison your blood and curtail your energy. If your liver and bow ela gSfP-i wnvzr I CARTER'S CARTER'S HJIITXLE UtU Liver 4 ttf w pr p rill today H Eg R and your M r 1 1 trouble will IdnHBtSSR ceaae. For dizzineaa, lack of appetite, headache and blotchy skin nothing can equal them- Purely vegetable. Small pill Small Dose Small Price DR. CARTER'S IRON PDLLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for Ac end a, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and Feieale Weakness. filM am fcaar larer &t'&ZC FACE ITCHED WIIHFjMPLES Could Not Rest. In Two Months Cuticura Healed. "My face u-as bad with Vffl and I could not rest f L pimples were large and red t but they would fester after f b days, and my face itched untU tbjy n had to hold my hands. I wou scratch my face in my sleep. "A friend advised me to try cura Soap and Ointment. I uea i Cuticura Soap and Ointment two months when my face was hea0. j (Signed) Miss Helen Bryson, Moines, New Mexico. Jan. o. j For every purpose of 1 nursery Cuticura Soap. Oinur.en and Talcum are supreme. W So.p2Sc-OinlmeBt25nJ SOc. J cr i L 25c. Sol.l .hroughout S&mliA-ample S&mliA-ample each free add- C" M or..on0. Dept. H. MMfatmv. |