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Show th&er IS COPIN V JTHE WORLDI with Our Office Boy. UNCLE MOE ON HEARTHS "There's suthln' in A lick in' flame Thct makes y' feci J" ain't lh' tame. An open hearth," z t'nclc Moe, "Is th' power thet makes Yer fancy flow V kin fly away On its ruddy light Into th' land o' th' Fairy Knight. An' its heat It makes jr v. nrm Like th' eunphlne On th' farm. Its ennppin', cracklin's Like a gun. An' igin ye'll BOfl Th' dvln Hun An" In th' Moze Ye'll jo . Th' things " di-l s a lmppy ho An' when th' embers Turns cold an' Bray . Ve'vc th' hope t' ll e Fer a better day. In Norway they have "Radium .ta?" When the first effect wears off, a little shaking will bring the effect back. The beAuty of It is that unlike other luxuries, i Uie flrit cost Is the only cost. There's nothing to learn about the world If we listen a to how someone would run it. The major of Milwaukee was forbidden to mako a public sperch in New York, recently. German is German, whether it's Opera or speeches. It's a ;ood plan to bo difsatisfied with your job If a better one won't satlsiy you either. When a Mlow graduates from college, he knows more than he will ever think I he docs again. It's a fatal notion this thing of thinking think-ing vou deserve money you don't earn rJATHROMM BOB GIVES UP head- J lln- in th- Chicago Herald-Examine-Probabiy couldn't get any hot water. In the absence of the chaplain, nieni bers of the. house of representatives In unison. It couldn't havo been that originated by 'be public In referm t- I ih pace treaty, could It? Empty bottle are dltasteful to every, one and are quickly cast aside. Even by living like coolies, a German leader complains, the German people cn ' never pay their war debt. If they'd 115 like decent people, they could. If a ban is ever put on swearing over telephone at the operator who says, after A fifteen minute interval, T'm rlngim; them," the phone ompanles wl'l go broke. Win n hunting licenses begin to bo la-sued la-sued with moro regard to hrlna and mental control and leas to the dollar and a quarter, we'll have fewer men Mlll I'O" orer a Canadian stumbled over ieos o; i rork and id anger struck it a blow vvlin his pick, thereby uncovering a vein cf gold. That is one time out of a thousand when anger is profitable And if he should now issue stock in the mine, the time might become less profitable to us who buy. The trouble with preaching np:nin.st modern dances is that thos- who indulge In dancing seldom hear the sermon REASON ENOUGH "Waiter "Porterhouse steak and make it small and tough ' Chef (In surprise) "Why small and tough'' Waiter "That guy that ordered It used to be my second lieutenant " Home Sector. DIPLOMACY "Why is It, Bob." asked George of a I very fat friend, " that you fat fellows arc always good natured?" "We havo to be," answered Bob. ''Yoj see we can neither fight nor run." Law & Order served notice on nearly 500 Reds in the past few days in a number num-ber of Cities that the old firm is still doing a Russian business. WHICH REMINDS US THAT Drums never lend nn orchestra even though they do make a lot of noise. |