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Show XKWS SHIMAKY. There are 11", ir,., r . .lir (.-y in j the lulled stain. Since Hie first li, stunt there have been H(l eases of cholera ami 11.' death In nil Kgv pt. Ililrglnra blent iiprn the post office afe at Culver, In.i., anil gut away with JMl.il) worth if stHtnpn. Conditions in the Illinium iron trade are irili. nl as ever, ssys a IVtiis-turn IVtiis-turn dispatch by way of London. Ji'lT I'hrnaillt. lily Marshal .lor.lon n.l It y .l.i,..R were killed in a jkdi m t i li K HlTriiy at lining.', Texas. A COIIOol i.lit t ioti of Icioling limiMtf Ilirets in thin country of axes and eer-tnin eer-tnin line of edge tin. In is in prospect. o n. .Mains still lion '. I men uu.ler hi coin in it im) . opposed to the Ml troops commanded t.jr President Cestru. The Indian government hue refused (he SiHiiili.nl (til compnny M-riiiisslon to prospect in the oil Ileitis uf llurmsh. t.cnersl Torsi, who surrendered Son-tlagu Son-tlagu ilc C'nha'to the American forces in July, ls'.ot, hu heroine Idiidi t Murcla, ICohhem blew open the aafe of the Temp, Kin., mete bank and took about Lisou in currency, escaping on a baud car. There hare been alight eruptions ol the Noufrlere volcano, on the laland ol Jst. Vincent recently. The crater It amnklng continually. (ieorge Vent, Jr., aon and prlvats secretary of Senator Vest uf Miasollrl, died auddenly at the Columbia hotel In VaablDgtoo of acuta gaalrllla, Ai an evidence that I'realdenl Caatro sf Veneiuela doea not oonilder that peace baa been re-established, ba baa ordered S.OOo.OOO cartridgea from Hamburg. Ham-burg. Tbe trip of tha gunboat Marietta Vo Uarcelooa, Venezuela, resulted In a allsfaolory aattlement of tha caae of Vice-United Ktatea Conaul liaise at that place. Secretary Hay and Sir Michael Herbert Her-bert bare 'taken up again tha llond treaty, providing for limited reciprocity reci-procity between the United States and Newfoundland, In lluffalo. N. Y Christopher Willis ahol and fatally wounded Mary l'er-guaoo, l'er-guaoo, hia fiancee, and then ahot and killed hlratelf. The cauaa baa not been aacertaiued. It la reported from Densln, Department Depart-ment l)u Nord, France, that at a meeting meet-ing of 3iK)U inlnera held there It waa "Toted to continue the atrlke. Densln la being patrolled by troops. , At Wllkesbarre, I 'a., Ilennla Dorrla, a foreman, waa fatally ahot by a miner named J. C. lleunessey, because ha had iti r Abeen refused work. Doris la popular ' ' iiuil thore were threats uf lynching. Walter M. Jonea, who waa superintendent superin-tendent of the harbor police at II-ivsua II-ivsua from tha cloae of the Spanish war uultl'S few monlhe ago, when be .retired because of 111 health, la dead. A rebellion agalnat taxation to meet the Indemnity China la to pay to tha powers baa broken out In the southwestern south-western part of Chl-LI province. Troopa have been sent to auppraaa tbe disorders. In Washington, I).' C, the coroner's jury has held lilchard Cole, a colored rporter, for the murder of Mrs. Ada gillbert Deunls, the dressmaker who waa assaulted on the night of December Decem-ber lutli last, and who died recently, Inaecla Imported Into Hawaii from Mexico for the purpoae of having tbem attack the lantana, which la a moat sdeatruetlve weed throughout the Islands, are supposed to be doing what waa expected of them on the laland of Maul. , Tanbara Ulsaburo, a Japaneae, who was found guilty In the United (states court of tbe murder on the high aeaa jf UapL Jacobean on tbe achooner Kred J. Wood, haa been eentenved by Judge F.stea to be hanged on December Decem-ber '.'Uli. Auguat Kregla of Hllllwell, Ind., has 1 Just been reunited with his sinter Jus tine Kregle of Oxford, O., after a separation sep-aration of forty-eight years. When they lost each other Kregle was 0 years of age and Mlsa Kregle waa two years bla junior. It baa Anally been decided that the details and conditions of tha evacuation evacua-tion of (shanghai by the troopa of the I'owera are to be adjusted subsequent tm the actual evacuation, which will, as pravloualy agreed upon, take place at an early dale. Kdward llahooey. a deputy ehsrlff, waa found dead on tha lake shore at Ilulutb. A man and woman were aeaa late (Saturday night near where the body waa found. .Mahuney for many yeara had acted aa trainer for the Du-. Du-. luth Host club. Minister Hunter at (.ualrmala hsa auotltlcd the state ilepsrtmcnl by csble that Manuel lorlolle waa elected president presi-dent of HomliilSh ou the i'slu ultimo, lie says thai thrrnts of a contest uf the. election are boldly made, but lliul the country is .tuict. An IncresMi uf 17 per cent In the wages of eugluu, train and yardruou of the Mexican Internstlousl rosd waa decided upon by the arbitrators selected select-ed to adjuat the ditllrultlea between tbe employees and management over the question of wagca. i |