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Show t..... , I .NEWS Sl'MMAUY. 'Cool tvrathor I" rati'lnu n fon-'Atlon or tlw Ti'llnw fover rpldmle In Tpm. A rtil d was found frorrn to iloih Iipnr Newport. Ky.. durlim tlia norm on tli lMh. It In mild Colomlila l lui'iiarliis for war "In wli'O out I hp IndlKiilly lu-pokorl lu-pokorl tijr 1'niinina." Cliliago nr.'ot rar mq ar still no Kutlatiix for pfitce. ad a "ttlemont may b n aclied at any tirn. , tt has'bwii ill ciucif-t that a II-yonr-old u Ktkoem, tint., been ruinilnK a niiilrlinitiilid liiii'eau. Ker,oHntlon of a trrn'y of rieifi tin. twi- n tho lolio an 1 thn hiivitiitimmiI of PreHl'lunt Wo y Hill of Eaa 1k-mlnito 1k-mlnito li4 bfKun. , . .. It la ruporU-d Ihst elehlr or mir bael and ran minr fnrtorlf In Spatn, all oxcrpt twrj or thrw. bavo Junt boon merged .In a ui;r trust. Tlia report of thr lalior cnmrnlinlen eitln ates the KhnrtiiKO of laborers at 111,000, or WDirn H'.Li'U arc neuca in tho'mlnlnn Indunlry aluno. Thn notnto crop of Ktixlmd la a fall-ro fall-ro thl year, and Knullnh buycri ar alreairjr (rciurlnK Jhr 'contlnont to- tup-ply tup-ply Ui tliraionrd doflrloney. The lalloat .boy In. Indiana la dtad. WIlllMn 11.' keplliiRor, a.-d 17, and landing t feet lurhoa, auccuni'blns; to braln'foTrr at Alexandria, Iud, on Sunday., . . ' Proof has, linen oeurod tht Bator-day'a Bator-day'a exploirloni a !rlpplA OrMk, iwhn.b kllltd tea mp!.tva' a diabolical plot, - carefully - and dollberately plannad. ' ' ' ' . .- . The OrfRfln teitHilntlire wtfl bold a special tension' lo r'al.io monoy for 6a-fraylnK 6a-fraylnK piiMltf cxp-'mes for. whlrh 'there li nn'.fu:-,d, owjui to a ilofuct In tbe tnx Inw a'. Ganiuel (lomners has been elected prnatdunt f thn Amorlenn Kedoratlon of I.nhor tir a larn rnnlorlty, and Fan Fraiicliico selnotod the place for holdlnit tho n!xt mnetJBit. , Charles Wrli ht; ap'd IS, baa, con-fecd,thnt' con-fecd,thnt' ho.wmte lhfi')ott"rs threiit-nine; threiit-nine; to blow up tho Plata hotel 1n Chlcatou.le a the n nnaKomont placed tr,00 at a point tie tndlenled. A table Juit lunned nhowa that 8,BS pormnin, were Ullil on. I -4C 877 Injured on rnllrcads durlnx the yoar ended 'line 30. ThirliiK't'i pmvloiis year 1,811 woroVlllod and S?,S00 Injured. ' .jnmcji (V!"1- - railoonkonpnr- of Bloaa. t'Mjf, lowa.- shot and perhapa family wounded 'hi yount; wife be-cauBo be-cauBo she rrfunod to live' with htm, and then ntiy hiwal'ir, djlng aluiout" lnimQ'llnlely. , Matlhow NVdnorl, rolnred, aftor-a quarrel with., his sweetheart, Tlilla Monro, also colored, shot alid.lnatantty killed her on the. ilro.ta of Illnom-leiiton, Illnom-leiiton, 111., and then . shot, falmarflf, dylnn Instantly. , Advlros Tewlrod hre from IJoyd-mtnator. IJoyd-mtnator. N. W. T., docliire that the Barr Colony, roinpoaed of 130 Imnil-crairtn Imnil-crairtn from txindon and environ", la tn dancer of nerlnut disaster bocauae of lark of (i.od. nurKlara entered tlio home of John oiupiiuy, niiniH-r iH.-r unni, oihiuht nltht, and attempted to cut oft the fin-tors fin-tors of bis dniislitor K llth to aecure bar diamond rlnc". The slrl'a acreama eauaod the biirf,'lara to flea. The nae of Plnacn ray a for the cure of conaumptlon s claimed to have worked throe curca that are pro-nounrtd pro-nounrtd , permanent, and further experiments ex-periments are aatd to show the ban efirlal effects of the treatment. The body of an unknown man, well-dreaaed, well-dreaaed, was found In a hurnlns box ear attaehnd to a Oreat Western train at HayOold, Iowa. The man Is be-llored be-llored to have bneii murdnrcd and the rar flrod to bide the crime. A eherolat named Balculer, with two Cornpanlona, monihnra of well known faiulllos. niado a balloon aseen-slnn aseen-slnn from Oporto, Rmiilay. After rnarhlnK a . couulilernhlo hnlht the balloon was curried to a a, and It la feared that Its occupants were drowned. The Natrona! Omnitn. In session at Rocheatnr, N. Y.. nlrrted Aaron Jones of Indiana natloual worthy mnstor aad J. N. Newcomb of On'idn, Colo., atew-ard. atew-ard. The rxso'utlon fitvurlnK woman auffno-e oren-d was adopted after a long dlHcusslon. rinprmientutlve rtlrhartlann of Tnn-noc'i'O Tnn-noc'i'O has Intrortund a Mil to place all trust niadn artlcloa rn tho freo If it and to reduce the rato of duly on all arltclea manufactured In tho t.'nlted Rtatea and .".old more cheaply abroad Henri Ttochefort la iuotd as say-InK say-InK that ha understands tliat Dreyfus, will be retried before ttie court of coa-' aatlon, which, he prellcts, wllltiunsh the rerdlet of the Ttonnea court martial, mar-tial, and that Dreyfua will then be rehabilitated re-habilitated In his rlnhls. The revolt In the valnyet of Yemen. Arabia. Is extondod aouthwert. Th; Ottoman troops silvancliiK on llndaldn were determinedly i ppomd by the revolted re-volted tiihea nnd were furred to retreat re-treat ' Another a't'nifit to advance from Mol.ha fulled, the TrukUb troopi bains defl ated. i i i .i ..i.i j...!.) ii -J"- |