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Show Panama People Decline Overtures of Colombia. The Pauamn cotiiiulic inn conferred nt 1,'hkHi Friday with the Colombian couimiMihinorii, headed by Honnral Heye.,, who arrived In Colon Tliuruiluy froni Savanlllii ou tho French hte.im cr Canada. The P.liiai.iatis refused every overture, ilcclarlt;.; tholr jio.d-tlnil jio.d-tlnil to tie li revoc ihle. .::id declare I that tl-.iy would not icclvo any further fur-ther cilllllil . Inns liolu Cilomhui 1111 le-s vin recoKlll.ed tho repuhUo uf Piinama. A Stubborn Fight. Ferry CJueenan of Seattle sn.l Chnrles Seller of New York fointht twenty rouinlri to a draw at Van roiiver. D. C. Que.'iian had tho bent of the bout mort of tlio rounds, and 11:0.-t ).pollillK men weru Inclined to t'i:::', that the decl'doll mile hi 111 a idi'i.i.. the wont ol It. S. wa.i very tUnn-.i; uml forced Ihe b.-hting for H ' j IU.,1 lew rounds. Then Q mill tonj the heivy e.i.l nnd nil hut lud S. 11. out '1 he ' Icon in. in" c.nv.e up pr 'J Ire.-h In the elht 'enlli. mid was ill i daiiK.'i to the end ol the lUht. I |