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Show ;tii()(hs c.i'i:i out 00V. WELLS CPDEHS STATE M. LITI A TO CAItB iN COUNTY, i jMatlon.il f.uarrlTrn WIJI be Required I to Guard Coat Properties and Pre- vent Disturbance by Etrlk- I ing Miners. florernor lb Ie r M Well, hna I sued n pnirlmii.ilioli oi leilng tlio entlro N. I'onal Hn.inl of I'lnli in t'atbon county Ilo prole i. lift unit property and u,an. , lain or.ler nt th,- a, en, h of tho co.il miners' slrlke. Tin- pi,ic,Hiiinlit, d- . h.aueil Mo relay r.li-hl. (love, nor Wclla, im romeiuiiidiv In chief, lnvriirli- a,. lulnnt, Cenetiil ' luit-l.-i H. Hiir.,n to I aiiu any mnl nil iir h ra whh h ho mar I deem exticlh i t In ihe rno! Ilunilon of iho KU.inliii. ii nl ihe ac tio of th., trouble, and pnn ,ln for their Irftrn-portailon Irftrn-portailon to Hi. i ilbi'tirhod- ,11-trlen. At onii time It v ns theueht by Cor- ornor Wells i,m h i,:,,t bo oom- polled lo decline thai lunrtin. Inw ri. I:ted 111 Iho d'K'ur i. .1 lIMllcl. ),( .ii,.r lurlberM. Iih. r:il..u uvur'"e lualloii, ho .h-oliicl , i,'iJ" .iiireum a ion until .iter J hnvo nnli i-,l upon iho hi hi''Li, heller uhio lo JinU-e Ihe .olidllcl ol Ui pooplo In the fiicn of nn niinfd forts. It la tho oxpnvsed Intention of the govomor to call un citra aea'alun nf lh loglalntiiro In lit., tii.xt two Weewsp to oiako nn anpniitrinilon for tho main-Innani.. main-Innani.. or ihe tumps in thn Hold It It la found nec, anry to eipend a very lur.,1 uinonut of inio funds to pie-ai.rvn pie-ai.rvn pon. , In 1'iirlion eotinty, . , . Oov..rnor Wella' a, lion waa bniiod on tho repinwa of. thr.sita annlrist llfn and pmjiert.v Hun w..r,lirouKlii to Ms anrpe. Men who hnvo wlnhe-i to worb. Jlinig In ii n, lelt-d fomi 'dftpfi: o thiouirh Iuji- tr iqtnry to thulr ram": llleg knd thn burning of their liou,.. Thnaio liiu Iieen ntu.lo-nr rtestroy (ho plnpelly ol III,; Colupiuur as Well. ' ami Her.. Iu,s I n n,ireh"Ul,iu- anionv tlm 'inlin r-l' Hint -ehnfiri llo-y rontiiin w.jrl. In tin... jnitm i : the funs I that suf.plv Hi, in Willi nlr in I." In ba wnxkecl ailM fh" miners perli.Ii in con. , .ao-iu, ui,! ,. . ... Tin. governor ,e, )inea thnt he la d-J tonnm.M'M (Me-i,,. pence nt nil hnz-! ar,U, nnd iUi tr oim wi. ie t bn ro-cnll. ro-cnll. il until l y I, an:iircl tnnt their pr.oiie,(.,l'ilA ' I1K.t. reii'ulred at Cni;e .limn. Hiniiy,iin, hVollrld knd Wlnicr ijunriers. . Th,. enilro gviar.l will he dieirlhuii'd nuioiig Hioan rumps In coiuiuu ti,l it In pin, oil!, in to the ro-UUiiementH. ro-UUiiementH. on th, unht beat by Uuu-oral Uuu-oral Cuniion. ' i i |