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Show fr - T ? fHE COALY 3D3QVO'X-LL- TO TliXD D LLE TIMES. XITXXIZRXS 3TQ coalviixe, summit ccum, Utah. November V. MtW tttCBTQ OF RTTMfTT OOTJXTTT. 7, 1903. t h ill KILLED More good coal miaers are wanted at During 1904 so family should he without a good metropolitan newspaper. In the Crass Creek mine. addition to tbe Presidential campaign Will Patrick waa here Wednesday tak- the year promises to 1m filled with Stir ing orders for the Z. C. M. L ring events, concerning which every pUADLE Ran Over H tili a Train While 1 Mealing a Ride. intelligent citizen should bs informed. Alexander Wright has besa City tbs put week on besineee. KT ECHO. ? A yoang is Park If von do not get your mail daily be da suo named John Sullivan, sot car to incur tbe expense of totting iboillfyan of age, wu run ever by a a daily paper, the very beet thing you tre gbt train tod instantly killed in ths Mrs. E. M. Bromley of Echo wu a can do ie to tend for the Salt Lak e yards at Ech sometime during Monday Coalville visitor last Saturday. now to May n from week twice a It setma that hs and another Tribune, 81, 1906. It lathe but substitute for s young nan bad left tbeir homes in Botte, The Grass Creek Coal company waxt daily, aad at an extremely low prio. more misers and several day met. . Mont., Bid wtrs beating tbeir wny to The musical teat ares with Code leaver, While in Echo he most have Dr. Visick, who ie temporarily located Josh Bproceby company toll year in- fall Irocv th brake rods between tbe at Morgu, came home on a abort visit clude a band and ns orchestra of eight moving tin and the entire train patted this week. concert over ibis solo musicians. At tbe ooon-ds- y hodyit being completely tev- a program of popoUr and high grade Cham ber Iain's Stomach and Liver Tabthe shoulders. Tbe r ndered by tot band, tin tv lets are becoming a favorite for stomach te lection e, art .km; have become very bc.. ns thno U7B he ,utid 01 trouble and eonatipation. For aale by and them concerts atmuch attract Mher Prt of th body popular and invariably Jobs Boyden A Bob. tention aad comment Tbe orchestra lit mils la the middle ef tbe Mrs. Msy Olson gnVa birth to a fins between the acts discourse a pleasing trr.k, ; baby girl lut Friday. AQ doing nicely. program aad Ie one of the many attraca lh ir mersndam book on the Frank came is irem Salt Lake to see the tive features with tbe show, For the first time this company appears at popthe address: James sew arrival aad Is well pleased. . ular prices. A crowded house will no I! , Lmdsle, Utah. People at Unde Josh" at the tl.t County Becorder F. H. Wright made doubt witness it'V sere communicated witb, Den business trip to bie ranch is Ogden Coalville Opera House tonight. 1 1 t unfortoaste man. lut Saturday, Mrs. Wright came bnct served neats on sale at The Times offivs. It c3 'tkaewthe 1inisd that he hadacompea-le- a with him and will remain here for tome v Ltd 1 on to Evanston. This time. gone OalrMakwa MVWtwWsm. never of t ; pd at Evanston tad brought havs it bey you thought Perhaps The train from Park City did not get but the tact mutt be apparent to every b to I is to testify at the iaqneet, here yesterday nntil noon, and a a one lack is canted that by constipation whit v- -i held Wednesday, He uid the mail wu late from the west. A leaky boiler wu the cants of el water in the system, aad tbe nee of that the 4 4 boys name wu John Beldrastic cathartics like the old fashioned the delay. li nod V at they had left their homes pills enly makes a bad matter worse. vt Z . in s i were making toeir wny to The district rosrt wu to have bun la Cbamberlaias Stomach aad Liver Tabin lets much and are mere mild Deny gentle seeaion last Monday, bat in compliance tl ' the dud boy's father wu and is dose when tbeir the effect, proper tea letter from Judge Lewis, Clerk a po!li in Butte. The father wu Neeley informed attorneys end litigants taken their action is so natural that one com r, 1 with aad caked what can hardly realise it it the effect ef e of an inoefiaito postponement. be odd made of toe body. medicine.- Try a 25 east bottle cf them. dilp. A j Preeioent and Mrs. Mows W. Tsylor For sale by John Boyden A Son . empaneled and an iaqoMt invited the old people id the ward to held, timing returned that the tbeir boms yesterday and treated them A FImmsi Isslal v.h by being ran over ne--r boy 1 ' ton fine Thadksgiving dinner, which President and Mrs Moses W. Tayl ciJ. j tLeesrn. wu greatly enjoyed by the guests. royally estertalned a bo tit City of at their borne on Tuer ey err n Tb cut off has hues . I 7 ffine. The time wu very pleasictly r; completed and? the golden spike wu in playing gamesof various k:sfj. k wik kidney driven yesterday by Min Iltrriman. A awarded the tuccrr .1 v i iciaee, number of the prominent railroad of- Several mufical tdectiont were m e j ooce ' I' ficials were present, end a big Thanks- kfter whkh !yv..5I dkioustefn . i ?,'pov. was on uw-served out the giving dinner autlifig o. CaLekT iwt ' v.f t.W, itti , Sw.., . AW usiog a noik. were served, and at midnight titogaeste tew don WawteM up and eaou thereMtrelievnd. t John Bees ' bad his right foot quite departed, all expmsiag themselves after ws entirely cared.1 aod have not teen a chh day eince. Neighbors of mine badly crushed at the Wasatch mine last having spent aa enjoyable evening. ia, Friday, tie wu driving and in some Among the invited euents present wens have bs cured oT rheumatism, manner n loaded car pasted aver his the follewing: Messrs, and Metdamee liar and kidosy tronbtee aad d foot. Us is laid up aod will not be able Amos Bar eat, William Sargent, Frank debify. This la what B. F. Bees, to work fur some time. Croft, John Aatin, Milton Croft, CL A. of Fresaaiit, N. C. writes. Onlyfifleat Callia, Freeman Malih, F. H. Wright, John Boyden A Boa. druggists. The price of hay ie steadily increasing George Beard, G. Y. Bullock, J. W. in to is locality. Inasmuch last sea- Lamb, T. L. Allen, G. W. Yeung, E. H. Elatrlsjured at Grass Crek. sons ciup wu good the increase in prion Rheiad, John U. Salmon, William Hod-sJoha Polokineky, a German miner ; Mesdamee John Bowen, M. Calder-wooout be due, at least in part, to the fact E. Lusty, E. Rich! os; Misses May working si tbe coal mine ia Grass Creek, that most of the choicest hay was shipWelsh. Ellen Copley, Vbiuie Copley, wu quite badly ped sway this fall. injured Wednesday Tills Wilde, Mattie 8almon, Maggie Ha had pnt .fa two abota, one of night Mrs. Sarah Allgood has sold her farm Sslmea, Belle Calderwood, Grace aad which went off when he expected it but here to a man fiooi Biagnam Junction, May Young. tb othet being a little slew la going off who will take possession the first of next rnon couth sraics. ton man Rent to ee what was the matweek. Mrs. Allgood baa pm chased property in Park City end we under-elater, and just as he got to where th shot Xiw Wny f Cw Ctinwibnrtnlw'e she will make her borne there. wu putln, th exploeion occurred. The from Dur- man wat badly bruised witb th Arthur Cbapmau writing A big company in an enjovable comfalling Ana coal ; bit left arm aod band were broken ban, Natal, South Africa, aaye; edy drama, an operatic orchestra and tbat Chpmberlaina Coogh Remedy brass band in a novel street parade all proof ie a cure suitable for young and old, I and bis face burned and bruised. His at popular prices makes a magnet that tbe following: A neighbor of legs were also braised. will no donbt pack the Opera House to pen you ' mice had a child juet ever two month The unfortonat man bad ' only been the doors tonight. old. It bad a very bad coogh and tbe working at too mine about .two weeks. ' We have made arrangement! whereby parents did oat know w bat to give it. A team wu procured and ho wu brought if we can give that excellent farm paper, I suggested that they wonld get a bottoCoalvillo ia too night, wbero bis of Chamberlain tle Coogh Remedy nod the Farmer, with this come upon theduuay tent the baby wounds wero dressed and bn wu mad paper next year to all who pay in ad pnl vaoce. Leave yoor order and money wu euckiog it would no doafat cure the as comfortable m possible at Englands they did and brought about rsetaoraah Hs is not able to talk much witb our agents in tbe various towns child. Thie a quick relief and cored the baby." This end get these two papers one year for remedy ia for ule by John Boyden A English nod on ef his fellow 1.50. Bon. ., him for a time. Peoples Mercantile Company, 11-5- 1 :t General Merchandise. If ' Atscluiafy Pur , T::riis is substitute DEALERS IN ( 4 , ALMA ELDREDGE. Manager. , LOCALS MiO PERSOKUS. 6te Uncle Josh'1 t the Open Boon Insight. Min Bleocbe Young come down from Xomoa yesterday. Attorney Collie mode o basinet to Turk City Moodoy. W. Ht Bennett wm op Tuesday eo bneioen. rom Hmtfer Min bit fStello Allgood went to Fork City Friday on o visit. WANTED Good root minera ot tke Gives Creek mine. Will Moon and . tomily have moved back to their ranch ot Cootie Dock. The nice worm weather of the poet . ft week bn been greatly appreciated. ' . u 5 - and wife of. Sooth lut week pa a visit. wMwpwawmnnpNNp Bat-xtrd- ev A nassqaerade ball will bs given at the Opera Hoon on the evening of Dec. 9ti, Min Annie Croft of Fetereea was hero the first of the week visiting her broth ere. Albert Bollock came in team Spriag "Valley yesterday to eat turkey with hie folk. Several care of haled bay have been loaded aad shipped iron here the put week. Why don't the band play, a lively tuneT It will at toe Opera Uooee Engene Alleu came up from Provo the week for a short vieit with first of tbs teit folks. wae down from ths Park lut Friday oo a short skit with his parents. FOB SALE. Block 68, Coalville City, Apply to S. F. Teaadel Est, Salt Lake City. 11 . J. A. Smith and E. S. Fisher came down from Park City to spend - Board by day, week or month. : LIVERY OT CONNECTION. -- THE- -- Al after a visit here of three weeks. T. Booth V I X tears yesterday on hie way to Morgan. John in every respect. First-Cla- ss s ? E. L. Benson returned to Ogden i ng. J. A. Simpson ol Hcber passed tbroogh i Central Location. - Ogden-Loci- ' John Midboor Weber were here Coalville House. Thanks-jivi- ng y - .,t. u Visible Typevriic; aanr-alg- gsa-en- u on d, nd Inter-Moanta- . Ck in - A. A. Perry and wife came in last Friday from Nevada and spent the week Mere with relative. UTTrn ( - conntry-men'&llnfte- day. i nd Is ths Host Practical Typewriter for School cr Business Purposes , - BECAUSE The writing is right before your eyes all the time, which has. never been accomplished by a standard, high grade Typewriters nntil now. It is accomplished in the UNDERWOOD absolutely and practically without the sacrifice of a single previous existing advantage, but with the addition, of many others never before obtainable. swrwwwt to.esiew.siww.wsisw It hu a Tabulator which Is a part ot the machine. Others charge t2S extra for thla Its Marginal Stops are all in tront. Its type are cleaned in an instant without soiling the hands. It has an Individual Key Tension which permits of the Uniform Adjustment of all keys. Tbe carriage is full Ball Beiring. Corrections can be made in an instant without consulting a scale. No carriage to lift to see If you have made your correction in the right place. Its Light Action, Ease of Adjustment and Simplicity, make it the euiest to learn, easiest to operate and leant parte to get oat of ordw. It is the Moot Durable Typewriter made. Operators save from 25 to 83 per cent, ot their time owing te these advantages. ' t KMMMK kMMMMMMMMMUMMto is the only typewriter that ever ceived the official endorsement of the Private Commercial School Manager's Association. THE UNDEHW00D - The above Association is composed ot the owners of the leading Buatea Colleges of the country. Tn H4 Rev. 1H A Hicks HOI tlmiein Joseph H. Barber hu been given the It Is doing justice to joarsolf to InY&stlg&fe the merits of the "Tliaitroni TP recks. position of clerk in tbe grocery departThe Bev. Irl B. Hicks Almanac for Caries veu ie responsible for many a Typewriter before buying. in the place 1904 ia no reedy. It will be mailed to ment cf tbe Coalville Co-oand to tame causes are wreck railway of J. II. Wilde, resigned. Mr. Barber any address for 38 cent. It Is surparis-in- g Not many from here attended the wrecks of sufferers from been working at the Kenyon hotel hu bow soch an elegant, coetiy book Can making nimaa and at priesthood meetings UNDERWOOD auxiliary Troubles.' But since and Throat Lung seven months. for Lake Salt tbe put in AGENCY, be sent prepaid so cheaply. No family Park City last Saturday. Hs will take up his work fas in about a or person ia prepared to stud? the heav- theadvoitof J)r. Kings New Discovery General for for Coosdmption, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, agents aod colds, even week. en, or tbe storm end weather ia 1904. tbe worci cases cancoughs Thankejfi' day passed off very be cured, and hopeOregon, Washington and Colorado. without thie wonderful Uickt Almanac less resignation is no longer necessary ...uitly here. Ah if the people partook On Wednesday Joseph B. Hoyt, aged and ' for Colombia Prof. Hicks splendid paper. Word Write for Cfresfac Phonograph Co's. Products. Igesti of a good hearty drber. 29, of Manon, and Sarah Jane Johnston, and Works. Both are sent for only one Mrs. Loid Cragg of Dorchester, Mass., is 24(1 Wes one of saved by Dr, Washington Aye., OGDEN, UTAH. 18, of Oakley were granted a license dollar a mn7 whose life year. Word nod Works is among Dr. Alexander, the dualist, will be at aged . ReNew Disco very.. This great rem clerk. wed the Kings Coqnty to. by cuantjr American Like -the best the Msgsxines. Dr. French's office corder F. H. Wr.gbt performed the cer- Hicks Almanac, it is too well known to edy is gwkrsnteed for ell throat aod lung ternoon and Thursday afte.'n0OQ wife at need farther commendation. Few men diseases by John Boyden A Bon, drug emony that made them man and Pi ice 60c aod f 1. Trial bottles free of frienda Tbe many the court house. have labored more faithfully for th gilts. FOB SALE. Card boar picture tbe yoeng couple in the southern end of ' ie books, the county will extend best wishes for s public good or found a warmer place ia monnu, fancy stationery, T Mr Pwtrona. ' the hearts of toe people. 8eud orders to peper, envelopes, etc., at this and Coalville in northern life. wedded AT THE happy to Word and Works Publishing Co., end of tb e coanty in about tea days, Newscomee from Morgan tbatMiet 220k Locust Bt., St. Louis, Mo. The Co-o- p has jmrchastd prepared to sell you tbe famous J. B. Stewart of ibis city, formerly Mrs. Ellen delivery wagon, and the Spring Watklnef rtmediee, liniments, extracts, The Beet UsIwmI. ' Tbomu W. Walker of Ctoyden has, by ladies have taken a great liking to etc. These goods need ao recteeonsid Chamberlain Pain-Bal- m vinos of a decree of tbs district court for - Wilder ommend tit ion, si all who have need I liniment the' on beet a divorce been ered tbe market, them an always anxious to get another granted Morgan county, A game of rugby wae from Tbomu W. Walker and has been write Poet A Blise of Georgia, Yt. - No ! played attbe itpp- - Have you r order ready when I moitted to resume ber maiden name, other liniment will heal a cot or bruise1 esll on yfu in two weeks. city park yesterday afternoon by tbe Deliierd In Coalville, $2.00 school boys and it wu a isa Stewart wu formerly a resident of to promptly. No other affords inch quick J. A. Simpson, good lively gsme. ytsville, but now lives with her relief from rheumatic paint. No other Agent folr J. R. Watkins Medical Co. Vrin Coalville. She is well and is m valuable for deep seated paint like A marriage license was issued by tbe fa von! Lly tnowB hto. It it reported lams back aod paint in tbe cheet Give Youf return card printed on county clerk last Saturday to John Bob-ioso-n strong cate was made out against tiie liniment a trial aod you will never and Agnes Berryman, bo to of Park Walker'ad that Mice Stewart receive I wish to be without it. Bold by John 100 ei velopes for 75 cents at THE ' TIMES office. City. M Pr,4DBL alimony. I Boyden A Bon. a genenn V ,a ht UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER 4 Good. DEXTER , ton . pe$L Thisaml is well screened ' 'free dirt and slack. J DEXTER BROT S. -- iy' h BBS. mm J |