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Show BOY KILLED AT ECHO. Ban (Her With Trulu While ..-; Stealing a Rldr. Ayrmtioian named Jobo Sullivan, a boat Kreart ol age, wai run ever by a freight tninand intiantly killed In lb yard! at Echo lemetiiiie during Monday night. It teem! that he and another ynnng run bid left their hornet in Butte, Muni.,' Uid were "beating" tbeir way to Iieover. Wkilt In Echo be moil have 111 Irom Ibi brake rodi betweeo the movlag Urtind lb entire tralo patted over ir tody, It being completely rev l" 1 1 ,J,Vr tbe ibooldere. Tbe h!l'c!! Uj,ob ,h u,i,,o, ,kiiiV f oln" P'rt ' hod; bv.:.uiir.llil tb middle of the track. lo k ntDerindum book on tb re nal . brand tbaiddreea: "Jamet Morrlt, lirtrdtle, Utah." Peopl it that plat) war communicated with, bnl DMvh knew th unlorVuntl man. It wtl leaned that be had a eou)o- loa who htd gone on lo Evanatoa. Thit boy wit (If ptd at Evanttoa aad brought back. i bko lo teetlly at tb Inqoett, which wh held Wedneeday, He aald that tlit dead boy't aim wat John 60'-livan, 60'-livan, and that lliey had left their hornet in Butt, and were making tbeir way to Denver; tLai tb deed boy father wat a pnliremu In Butt. Th lather wat commnr.iicat.-4 witb and ttked what diipotl'.bo Aoold be mad of tb body. A jury wit empaneled and an ioqneet hM liltJIdLina M,H.uJ Ik. Ilk. boy nut bir d-alh bv being ran over c-eldeiuilly c-eldeiuilly :lu the car. |