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Show According to the census reported to the viceroy in I8ut the mission had within Its premiss ,n i,l(Jlan populm. tlon of Uui, and the mission wealth included " ms Of iuide, as many sheep, 8.7 horM.-.s-, am! m that year it had produced .1 dfltt bushel of wheat and .000 bushels of barley Not bad lor only thuui tont years of effort in the wihn rue . San Diego is a qu'. t, restful, GRATEFUL, HAPPY WOMEN THANK FOB THEIR AFTER YEARS OF PE-RU-- RECOVERY SUFFERING. Miss Muriel Arraitage, 36 Greenwood Ave , Detroit, Mich , District Organizer of the Ko) si Templars of Temperance, in a recent letter, says : I think that a woman naturally jhnnksfrora making her troubles public but restored heal.h has meant so much to ire that I ieel for the sake of oihei suffering women it is my duty to tell what Peruna b is done for me. I snfleredfor five years with uterine irregularities, whi h brought on hv stena and made me a ph) steal wreck. 1 trie doctors from the different schools & medicine, but without any perceptible change in my cond.tion. In my despair I cal.ed on an old nurse, who advised roe to y leruna, and prom.sed good results if I would persist and take it reg ularly. I thought this was the least 1 could do and procured a bottle. 1 knew as goon as I begin taking it that it was afierdn) me flifierentiy from anything I had used befoie, and so 1 kept on taking it. I kept this up for six months, and steadily gained strength and health, and when 1 had Used filteen bottles I considered myself entirely cured. I am a grateful, happy woman Miss Muriel Armttage. leruna cures catarrh of the pelvic organs with the same surety as it cures catarrh of the head. Peruna has become renowned as a positive cure for female ailments simply because the ailments are mostly dus to catarrh. Catarrh is the cause of the trouble. Peruna cures the catarrh. The symptoms d sappear. herself ill enough to go to bed. but she is far from be' eg able to do ber work without the greatest exhaustion. lhis is a very common sight and is almost always due lo pelvic catarrh. It is worse than foolish for so many women to suffer year after with a disease that can be permanently cured. Peruna cures catarrh permanently. It s cures old chronic as well as a slight attack, the only, difference being in the length of time that it should take to effect a cure. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna; write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a lull statement of your case, and he wtU be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Female Weakness is Pelvic Catarrh. Sick are the Women Who Have Pelvic Catarrh. Always Half ca-e- Catarrh of any organ, if allowed to progress, will affect the whole body. Catarrh witbont nervousness is very rare, but pelvic catarrh and nervousness go hand in hand. What is so distressing a sight as a poor nervous woman, suffering from the many almost unbearable symptoms of pelvic ' catarrh 1 She dues nut consider naif-sic- HP v s - ALL HALLOWS COLLEGE v UlT i ! v Zs-- -1 - ! I LAKE CITY. UTAH. Pit Eoarcers am il 11 i Jfe ,f; Hi ?lrr ,! Sctulis Dag sv VMS FATHSRS Clawtril Clommerrtftl sort Scln. ti c rour.es v'oa fur. tier par-tt- ru ar apply to COXOUCT.O MARIS I - kwrJV. fl T rrnUnL IL, KT.J.ClTin, " fJfpi ib Completely Restored to Health. Alfa, PrTir ustslwUe faf Bf rtock dealer, residence Jill Grand For fifUts., Everett, Wash., says: teen jeirs I suffered ith terrible pain In ny back. I cxperl-Eente- d -- with -' i V. ( . sea-rover- to-da- agin all laws o flshin An lernlnst th book o rules; Sciuntltlc analiis Horn It As the lustrum nt o fools! But, dum me i Jrtt Hke it llte o that there rity snob Per Lhejeji nuihtti' like a nuliber. An' I love bobf to er , see When th' eun l risln' yeller An' th' birds I wakln' up, Fillin' alt th' world with airitdn' FUlltt' full Joy s brlmmln' cup Then I sort er git excited With my hick ry pole an' cob plintk itm, (Sh. kIo Absolute Zero. Absolute xero is supposed to be only thirteen degrees below tht freezing point of hydrogen. This gas solidifies at 260 degrees below zero. In thg Old Town, of Kearneys hard pressed little band when came to them from the city. Old Town now la only a suburb of tbe city of San Diego, on the beautiful harbor of that name. A quaint sleepy, old place, a literary pilgrimage to those and there are many who have made of Helen Hunts Ramona a classic of early California days for here lived th? priest, Father Gaspara, who married Ramona and Alessandro. As the story goes; Father Gasparae house wa at the end of a long row, low adobe build Ing, now fallen Into decay, and all Ita MANY CHILDREN ARE 8ICKLY. TUB BOBBER !( e,of IMGolir Trouk Tap In atom nt and Iiuuoifttim. oul, 1 i- the And tho string-- of weaknoiree or Phutcd by iKdoranro. dlt!pn OJ or oooteff-t- b VLUY Wl WA.Sf iliti Tk. W hv6 proweo onrAkll! to eaii&f CHRC HC 4Hwews by pubilebiBf lie many roluetary ifivluf Pi me, picture frtm be me Bad ddrere. WK CAN'T PTRLIII I IRIUHi bilMSBl Beeee we eneideuco. Berprte H oud Pejtrmy are 4 prort o it ikill kti UiU titu of troebe la BnoiUef wir Ibii isor pUMi l'KJt talk ofr h uss Uraole I Ton can sava from k-- lo 55 vsanag V. L Douglas $3A0 Thoy equal tlioso that bavo boon cwu Ing you Iro n 54 0Q The im4 i to 33.00 tnenss tala of W. L. Douglas alooa proves their aaportonty ore nil other makes. Sol i by r jUiI slioo dealers ovorywUcrs. Look for naao ami price os bo'tTn. Thst Doselu mt ts yrs.es Vsl Is DostIss slmss. LMrtin. OFF1C HOURS; 9 o. m. to 4 p. m. to 4. ftjttdaya, two. m, io U. ruwi,Kf,ioni, At Qilt Ear Itntrr-mni- It. The Goaine TOWER 3 POMMEL SLICKER HAS SEEN ADVERTISED AND SOLD FOR A QU;. ."TEK OF ACENRISI , LIKE ALL . - aOIECL It it riwie of the best ,i Ut enuauna e anu pr ce. extra. I Hast rated Shoes kr nail, SS eeta Caul of frae. U. L, DObhLlh. SrsckUa. Riettnals. in block oryctlnw. fully (aranteci nd told by rckblc dulert tKTwherA FREETOWOiVlErJ! prove the beaiine and iPW . 1o i eleansmf power of l axtlne 'loilrl Antlaepllo sre will mall a large trial package I with book of ltitructiotn This Is not absolutely free. but a tiny sample, large enough te conparting1, vince anyone of ita value. Women all over the country ! are praising Paxtine forVhat I it has done In liwal treat-meof female Ills, earing all Inflammation and dischargee, wonderful as a Cleansing vaginal douche, for Bore throat. Basal Catarrh, us a mouth wash and to remove tartar and whiten the teeth, bead lodays postal card .1,1 jjJ TICR TO THE Ui FISH. 5!GN CF towerTOBOMTO. ckmAca, lAM. V affited with sors eyee tue fTbornpssa's Eja Water g When Answering Advert! semenU Headaches to CENTS-EVO.YWH- uouirb 1b ftrup. itm rtiLA GMi, Ui NSUMPTIO t The REELET TREATJIEKT, Instituted IRM. eadorurd tiUiUL kquaily Is the IxTia.ie It Ukl C.Tt. I RELIABLE ASSAYS. ' M Ortf.. .v.. ...... A .Tt I OoM oihI sliver 7tlbOf4 Mirr Cog'r.. LA Mail rauraa ea suuiuiea Prompt iv Co. tyre Ogden Mans, potA , .. Arin n s, Urshop "Wil!tttfflrcrorwcnTafiff'Tjf Albany recently entertained J. Pier-poMorgan at Northeast Harbor. Bishop Doane was at one time the rx . 'jrx. ERX Drunkenness Cured Assay bln ld Road . bob-- F, - hV h CURES Alele 334 BftM ! Vf' R only hlrhly efleetaal ta Teuta aad Old Age, Kindly Mention This Paper. W. N. U, Salt Lako-N- o. 37, 1003. THE KEELEYRALTIN8TITUTE. UTAH. sssEsniEnai use tin.il aitti tu Turn e COw ftMtOfLIUALUL LA. BROMO-SELTZE- I I nice? MERE IS YOUR CHIVCE toobtal. a LnUiLOl genuine Aluminum omb. Itvbt as Cork, si roof s Iron, brick t as silver, and will bottaratah. Former pH o Il bt Telntrodnee oor goods wa will asntl namnle for ro. The Mayen Co., Boa Itn, Salt Lake City, Dept. A. . Indians so peaceable and tractable as they seem to have become later. At first the mission was 'founded within the Presidio, or fortification, and the first weeks were enough to discourage any one but a most devout and ardent Franciscan padre. The Mexicans were stricken with tjie pestilence and Father Junipero went up and down the beach, caring for the sick and dying and burying tbe dead. In less than a month after landing there was an uprising among the Indians, and the Spaniards had to fight hard for the privilege of making converts in the wilderness. After five years The mission was removed inland, about six miles up the river, to beautiful spot commanding a view of the whole mission valley and the ocean beyond. Even yet the Indians did not take kindly to the newcomers, and planned a surprise attack upon-thnew location. At least 1,000 Indians Joined In the attack and every inhabitant of A 4 TOWFa nt bold bvdragrtats r mb. eoetpsld by ns, 60 iita. Isrt. box. HBtUlssilot guarmuzeotti TUJt li. I'AXTOl. CO, ItoBtoo, Unix 114 Columbus Ave, Rates Via Sant Route" To Boston, Baltimore, Minneapolis, Detroit, Atlanta and other points. For address C. F. Warren, particulars, General Agent. A. T. A 8. F. Ry., 411 , Dooly Block. Balt Lake City, Utah. Cheap Passenger - Ut, Will do. When a man Is Just aching to. do something mighty mean, and is afraid to do IL aI6 Uncle Allen Sparks, "he " always says hed do It for 2 cents. , she trembles on th water An' th' circle brosdvn wide. billers Inter Ripplin' baby Sputtrln' onward with tV tide; Then she Jumps like all creation. ' Poes that JlKS'rin, teet'rln' cob. Gittin me (UI flushed an flutfrtn bobl Count o tflat there ' suspicious, and finally decided not to buy. The man then told im why he i 's-was so anxious to sell. , A Bate &landeit l,' - ' You see, he said, I bought the In this here country What wet need and thralned him meself. I got dog o owrn is s law thatll make newshim so hed bark til the toime if a back their editors up printin'. paper Inside the gite. and Th editor o Newspaperdom, a Jour- person stepped was I safe from burglars. thought nal published In Ne York, says, right Then me woife wanted me to thraln d card, top np under him to carry bundles and I did. If 1; pure readin matter, an leadin th en- you put anything Into his month the tire eijttorial procession: keep it there till some one The- editor of the Western Pub- spaipeend it took away. lisher has purchased a new auit of "Well, one night I woke up and rooms, except those occupied by the clothes." some one In the next room. 1 beard Fellers, it aint, sol Dont believe got np an grabbed me gun. They father, bad been long uninhabited. Beware o base calumny, slan were there, three of the blaygarda and On the opposite side of the way, in it! a neglected, weedy open, stood his er an th Javelin o poison thrown t th dog. chapel, a poverty-strickelittle place, stir up class hatred and sot capital . Didn't he bark?" Interrupted the ita walls Imperfectly' whitewashed flghtin agin labor. man. We ain't had no new suit In years. decorated with a few coarse pictures Sorra a bark, he was too busy and by broken soonces of looking-glas- Th dummed subscribers wont pay What doing?" Busy! rescued In their dilapidated up fast enough so'st we kin git morn the lan thorn for the Carrying condition from the mission buildings a pair o overalls at onct an th same burglars!" w now gone utterly to ruin. time. - An Original Green The old chapel Is boarded up now, No, slrce! No newsult for us, but At one cf our theological seminaries as the adobe was crumbling away, if every tarnal editor had to back up and visitors are admitted only twice bis assertions, we'd have one and It is the custom for the students to a month, when service Is beld. Out- maybe a new mainspring la our take their turn In asking a blessing before meals. - At one time last term side hang two bells from the oM watch. mission with the date 1802 on one of But we ain't none malicious about ft the meats bad cot been as tender as them. Old Town Is olii with desertion If we was wed dress up In that Imag- the students thought they ought to were and decay. A Spanish cannon lies inary suit o owrn, go out on State be. and the eyes of the faculty when one day neglected on the common. The first street in underclothes cut so durned opened io the fact frame bonee In California fs proudly low at the neck that tV newsboys young student .offered the. Hollowing O Lord, give us stteugih pointed out, the lumber having been cou if look over em, git arreted, run blessing: bloom- to eat this meat! whole, th and fined charge Bosaround In, the from Horn brought ton. An old cactus hedge, blossoming in bill up t' that smart No York .edi1 DOCTOR SAID Just now, brings up the days when tor who is trytn t drag u down by this and ethers like it were planted makin a dade outen us! Quit Wrong Food and Eat Grape- ss protection against the stealthy Fellers, once more, we aint got Nuts." , to no new suit, honest Injun, hope prowling Indian. who has been through Illinoisan An We're yer friend ytt, and dont All is of the past, telling of disuse die! Last Spring I was so th mill says: and neglects- Just out there In tbe ye forglt th latch string bangin' where 1 could with pot digest ' bad Indigestion sunshine Is Coronado, known to all Eh'll do Uicr most good. said . and cooked even soft doctor eggs pipes p. s. Fragrant" an corn-cothe world as the most beautiful seafood and preeat 1 must predigested Ask side resort Imaginable and that long always on tap. Check yer guns! l changed for tho scribed Grape-Nutarm out there stretches down to Old the den 11 which way! used on package, before better Mexico. eating tt throe times a day. 5 5 9 on Grape-Nut- s My Improvement Twains Llttts Joke. Journalism. ' Krenioffte Or rf oT-j- x ia W. fteOOMD ftOUTN ALT LAnft ClTT, UTAH. Cor-ssl- V 'ft rirmaorrboea, tauftinral H eu. lMkNrd toe t'mVateu ftd nre tk-r- Ceroos Is I lit klxhwit rad P,l.l,rllirmB-l.-i.1----e-- , - e. TH 3 SHOES. & Unde Alien. be-t- s. 9 5 5 eed f4fsaoa, ood ftll WBftckKLiiSCd of mi a. T W eti k um. Chair of Sclid Silver. most expersivg Calr in the world is in tHe Vatican. It la of solid 18,000. silver and cost L. DOUGLAS 3. wppmt- BMORlfts be DRS. SHORES & SHORES, Specialists. M VV. W. V Wa Ob flrvt end Wvca efc ft KK 0J.N A HLR FR& fajR yon enrrd. Yn tta npoa ludorrrd oe. eiw ord tin UMUdsot pMftrtti IkWW, Wl WaM' IV I LKK YuU wl h ibe din will not demand a uct aeoertiebdiRp tbat f.-uleodi we rnn vne, Tb'pple to Let Matt Lhin, iBentr.e 1 ,n When Cure- dFoy r ftuod er First - Write for Yroo Home TrHtiment fnrwi, lUt If rtNQo(ulL iBipiem UfikttiUUoa frw. YuU AKtt Home, New York, curs Summer Complaint, fever ishness,lleadathe, Stoma h 1 rubbles. Teething Disorders and Deal r v Worm. At all Druggists, 25c, ham; le n j J REE. Address Allen & Olmsted, M Kuy, N. Y. sml In frTtluift 4 d If foeBuftor bob . An when clkht comes 1 turn homeward WAS TCO WELL TRAIN CD, Loaded down with etrinte o fUU, , Bpristn all them city feller. Causin them twlsh and wish Irishman Had Good Reason for Cct away they Virginho, . They had tbrun an Jlst played Lost ther all, ting Rid of Dog- Flnh!n like a "native' Babes Tbe . wanted to acll the Irishman bobl With er stick or , 'pole dog, but the prospective buyer was 1 for b4 ttoek), Fever, Hjrsmrt. eU &4nrNie mud Ouvhijo Men Weak frn tmt the BODE Alnst no use fer fancy tackle, Bristol rod. Vr whirrin reel Qitttn tnnglid like ol whiskey feeV Makes a feller's brnln cells But, see whtllikens. I'm happy With th ruin' o' th sun When th' bobber gits to bobbls , ' 1. A. J. ftBOHM. Mo! her Gray's Sweet Towder for Children, used by Mother Cray, smlrse in Children's An I tickle in toy denims buhl When I see Ctior, krvMMi Ik Hoittlictt , Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For rale by all druggists, price to cents per box. biadoer irvn.be lMfte&iie t Womttat!Cbi Chrou Hri Lis, - Foster-Milbur- n , CATARRffPftfWft Now and Tfernat Trcm L itft Kteemi Ear LtwenMes bronchial felt. 1 ruHh e, 4tbro feuim-tch- , Llvr wud Ktanof LUmu-- . My suileri ig sometimes was simply indefr cribabio. Finally, 1 taw Doans Kidand got a box. ney Pills advertised Her a few doses 1 told my huabaud that 1 was feeling much better and Ttimt tiw pUbr"" wflre doing me good, When 1 finished that box 1 felt like a different woman. I didnt stop at that, though. I continued the treatment until I had taken five boxes. There waa no recurrence until a week ago, when I began to feel miserable again. 1 bought another box and three days treatment restored me to health. Doan's Kidney Fills act very effectively, very promptly, relieve the aching paina and a.l other annoying difficulties. I have recommended them to many people and will do so when opportunities present themselves. A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney medicine, which cured Mrs. Bran-cewill bs mailed to any part of the United States on application. Address, L DP PIE WE TBEBI unrefres bed. an Flshin. Catchln It a a , -- V the harbor ho entered it wi-the f and dapt f called Fori , t .When C j k .t t k little army after their mr, h of 2000 miles across the d- u trmn Fort Leavenworth, reache! this part of the country ju-, fotn- n.ouths they had been on th. vay they, bad two engagements with t h, Mexicausono at San Pasnual and one at the San Bernardo ramb ntoiluus in both, although with i aw loss, the little band of Amouc ms were footsore and hungry and m an enemys country. Kit Carson, the noted, volunteered, with Lieutenant Beale of the navy, to to go to San Diego, twenty-nin- e miles away, ami secure relief 'from Stockton. We can imagine the Joy s-- (Special Correspondence) Had It not been for the Portuguese and for the sailors, daring protecting flag of the Spanish mon archs, I wonder where America would be on the map Fifty years after Columbus voyage westward another Portuguese, Cabrlllo by name, also sailine under the gpanlsh flag, came coasting up these Canlfor-nlshores and sailed into .thU sheltered harbor looking for water. He found It, and also aome rather pugnaclojs Indians, who, in modern After a parlance, "put up a fight. skirmish Cabrlllo, so the old books say, declared peace, named the harbor San Miguel, and sailed away north-- I ward. I We next hear tbat his sailors so admired the flaming poppy beds at the foot of Point Loma they must hare been very numerous that year to be visible from the sea tbat they exclaimed In delight "Capa de Flores To prove it. we find Los Flores. Canon to this day tradition having clung closer to this name than to that given to the bay farther south for the next j explorer who happened along liked Bt James better than doughty Michael, and rechristened the bay for His patron, St, James, or San Diego. That must have been about 1596, bat this name seems to have survived the blank of over 150 years, for when dear old Father Junipero Berra brought his little force to start on bla beloved mission work In 1709 the name San Diego was retained. It wasnt all easy work, founding missions in those days, nor were the doo-tor- s and medicines but got little If any relief. I actually believe thiL aching ln in my back and the groin became worse. 1 did not Kcow what It was. to enjoy reii and nigU.8 a t use in the morning leeling tired and old titTvn l rtf.nc tuirnally Uttle trace of Us htvoiii al interest, It Pitied is h if part on the for age of Ihe Met'ca.i uui 1 he pueolo of 011 Town t, t oldest municiin pality of ( jt-o- r organized in 1835. Io ISt'i s were thrown i up, and these j FOH r u fcc.U Vr SUFFERED FCR FIFTEEN YEARS. 7 to the cd ? ChapX. the mission was wounsed. The ruing which the mission pilgrim now gazes upon are on the site of the mission destroyed In that uprising. From 1734 the ' mission prosperedlnpeace And plenty. Father Junipero or his assistants .had planted an olive orchard, still standing, from which all other olives In the state have been propa gated. Men mny.como and men may ro," bet this old ollyeorchard .ill probably endure for generations to com ' . i rector of an Episcopal church in Hart ford, and the services at thla church Mark Twain would occasionally attend. Twain, one Sunday, played a Joke upoa the rector. Dr. Doane, he said, at the end of the service, I enjoyed your sermon this morning. I welcomed It like an old friend, - 4 have, you know, a book containing every word of It it homehave "You tiot," said Dr. Doanai "I have so," said the humorist TVclh ed that, book to mk- Id like to see it " Ill send It Twain replied. And he sent th next morning, an unabridged dictionary to tberector, Boston Post con-elude- d to use your food drink Pdstum Newspaporlng in a yacht In which many are called, but few la place of tea and to make a long are chosen. story short 1 have not been without v and Postum since and nry Grape-NutNot the newspaper Idea, butX superfluous word In the dictionaries. present health proves my doctor's 1 Rare samples of the reailhing may wisdom In prescribing Grape-Nuts- . the great nave got strong as a horse and well occasionally bo seen and 1 owe It. all to your delicious food cities. An exedse forubllahlDg a yellow and Postum." Name given by Po turn Co., Battle Creek, Mich. newspaper. food In the making of Grape-Nut- s Something for the - preachers to all the Indigestible starches of the criticise A subject on which newspaper men grain are transformed Into Post Sugar. s Is digest-ibi- s are little posted. Every particle of Grape-NutIn the weakest stomach. PhysL-cian- s A bluff tbat sometimes get free have never found a stomach theater tickets. to digest and assimilate a which weak from too state magazine Tbat .writer has graduated without receiv- ft ' I Look in each package tor a copy of ing a'diplomd. lemons lltUa book. The Road to we to bs Ita the a hoped When boy I Wellvllle. Now. we know .bettor. s -- pt - ':i s |