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Show USE DYNAMITE AND POISON. . Macedonians Desire to Wipe Turk U From Face of the Earth. Thn Cnlorne Ca.-.ette publishes th report nf nn Inteivli w with nne of the Maccdnnian leaders, who Is quoted as saylns thnt the Macedonian committee commit-tee controls nn enormous quantity nf dynamltn. many tuns and tnnrh am-munltlnn. am-munltlnn. and a lri;n sum of ninni y and Is frruil ly refilled that. iinhVs Hn effnrts risiilt In a war between Ilulnarla nnil Turkey nr In Kurupean Intervention. In- destroy the Mnce-dnnian Mnce-dnnian cities with dynamite, burn the vllbRos and rnntnnilnntv Ibe fimn-t-nns and water syslorns t! riuichunt Ihc country. The committee, this leiiler r-nvs. full)' expects wnr. ns ntherwhe niiarcliy ml'.'ht be rnrrli-l Int. 1 Itilli-'irin. I'lnred flico tn face with such nn nlternallvo. Ilnli'.uria v.nulil prefer war. and upon this r suit March. niiin hopes are also basi-sl. |