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Show Thres Thoutsnd for a Song. Hlnipiro. Itermitelti & (,'o.. the iniislo publlslii". offored :i unii for nil rlr.lits ami Inteiint In the new story ballad written and published by AI. Trabern nnd entitled "They All Hpohe Well of oti." Mf Truhorn ileclined the offer, believing that ho will realize a greater great-er sum by controlling tho souk, aa the a.lv1' .cc orders ho has received In the ps'd. two weeks show every In-rilcutloii In-rilcutloii tot a iiheiiomeiiul soiling hit. This li' the largest sum that baa been j figured for life was dun to the fart badly cut, and that she wns not die that she woro a hat very much like a poke bonnet. As sho strecV Ihe ground head foremost tho peak 't hor bat wns bent over hor face, and thus saved It from all Injury. Curiously enoui.-h. Miss Russell, who hss been an ardent adherent of Christ Inn Science, Sci-ence, rrl-id aloud and vehemently for a siinte.m as aoon aa ahe could gut her breath. Miss llatea, who went to her memo, me-mo, had found her pinned under the heavy car In a imuinor that led her to bollevo she wna being slowly crushed to death. With the assistance of tho chauffeur and a passing isistinun Mlsa llules succeeded III raising Ilia car, ao that Mlsa Ituisell could gropn her way out. When, half an hour later, six men tried to lift Ihe car, they were unablo to movo It. |