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Show WILL TRY. FOR NORTH POLE. j Commander Pejry Will Make Another J Trip to the Froien North. I Corniiiiuid.'r Hubert K. Peary, II. R. j N thn well known Arotlo explorer, will niul.e niiotlicr dash fnr tha nnrth . ' imle. lavo of absence fnr thn , 1 jenra liar, been Rrantisl him. with th f permlsslnn of tho preslduut, by a- 1 Istnnt Secretary of tho Navy Dart- j I11R. and he has been assured of the ( ' hourly sympathy of both tlieae ' J flcluls 1 $ In his letter nf appllcatlnn for , leave of ahsencn. Cnnimnnder Peary i 4 brlclly outlines his plans nr action. In 1 1 a sun 1I1I0 ship built In nnn of our bent i shipyards, re enforced and streni-th- r' eiied to the maximum donroo and fit- t- tod with American ciikIiios. "so that 1 shn may Rn north ns nn expnnont of I American skill nnd mechanical aby- t Ity," Coinmunder Peary bnpes tn atart i with his expedition about tho 1st nt July next. S |