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Show I Captain Hemphill' Great Race. Tho naval rnptaln of whom the kalaer .aid "He knows hla bnslnesa" ha Just proved hi fltnea for the compliment by .ailing tho bnttlonhlp Knarsnrge acrosa tho ocean at a rale of rpced credible to an ocean liner. It wa a feat surpassing all long-ule-tance record of warship, Including the Oregon' fnmous fait run around Capo Horn. Cnpt. Ilomphlll modestly passe on the prnlso to the men behind be-hind tho .hovel In the flreroom, the awoaty and grimy Htokera. It la the gallant trlbuto of a commander who remained nn duly continuously fof forty-eight hour rather than delegate any of the gravo respoalblllly to a .no-ordinate .no-ordinate New York Kienlnif, World. |