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Show Stop the Cough mill works otr Die Cold. Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets euro a col! In one day. No Cure, no )'ay, I r 25 cents. The Portraits of our Presides With Biographical Sketcbes uv General Clutlm II. Gros.nor, aVsmitr of Ctngrtit tor Hiatlj 20 f tar: Coulalai Wittr furlnr I l.lo irir rich Inst troia ths llutlnsi In turnl lir Ikr lanlllra axu tiiar rflauvM et the PmMfnu I rial.! ou haarj plale parwr. rrnUawl A vary tarn laaiki till lf .lolincj lr Tlllauy Illuf ra hlral tkf ichra rlntr.1 In larae open l) pe in twa color 1 1m (irate t work ol ll Allb ttnlarr uraa llful thai when I rrMnt kltklnlrr saw lib uUartbrd ImmaUlaM'lr On asiat tllAslioo eunlta la amall umnirr In trDtujlfaala. i million toi III keuMiul(k lurlumawlli ti niada tbla laaainralitar IllalicUxininnt woman ol food n.4al slamllns ran make a Halls furluna lo tbla larrllorr Irrrltorrlatolnf rap. 1 11 I rara runnlnt ilr and nlli lo 111 onlan. VlanM-nataUaiiMsr lo louk adtr rorn-a Jwadrnro anl as ul kddieillwlalTIIKrilNTINKNTtLrillCSa CORCURkN lltlLMNil, l IKIIIMITllV II I, Tbla ilrnature U on tvarr boi ol ths tannins Laxative Uronio-Qulnlnc Tsbuu Um ! tbal enrrai eold lw oto It BEST SERVICE, EQUIPMENT, TRACK. VIA Tlie Union Pacific rem Ai.ii Eastern Points. THREE TRMM5 DAILY THROUGH C1RS to LhltiJJ, Ktnsu Clti, St. Ptnl, Minneapolis Minne-apolis j : ; WIT II . Dlt:ct CoMKllom or the Eut ml Sontuiist. Detailed Information cheerfully furnished fur-nished on application. O.I.WIIEADON, Agent, Coalville, Utah, I BARBER'SFlavoring Extracts. A,, I manufacture ind put up under my own June extract of Lemon, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Orange, (loves Wintergreen PepperminUamica Ginger, etc. Also Blue BJK, Green, Violet and Red Inks. mm sMntmmmmxs Apt for Df. Somen's iiio.Fa.ii, The Great household Remedy. 4 oz bottlo, 1 cts. 8 oz bottle, 65 cts. JOSEPH JARBER, Coalville, Utan. Always On Hand at the WA8AWH : MINE f i Lump, - i a- - $2.25 Stove, - - 1.50 TfiisLBiiPiit No Delay. patronizeIeome industry I Weber Coal Co j T - When in need of a i Wagon, Carriage oivany kind of Farm Implement Call and see the BAIJM WAQ0JMS, Racine Light Wagons & Carriages, Oliver Steel and Chilled Plows, JolmJ Deere Plows, 50 and 60 Tolfh Steel Harrows Cultivator etc. SaltLakJ and Ogden Prices. W.J.WRIGHT, Agent lor Go-op Wgon and Machine Co., lor Coalville an Sunmit County. life TAKEN For Spring and Snmier Street Snits, Skirts and Waists, Manufactured by tUe Standard Ladies' Tailoring Co., Of Chicago. It Come and select your pttteru NOW. "w M. R. Salmon, RESORT SALOON, J. H. BALL, Prop. Choice Wines, Liquors and Cigars always in stock. Special Attention Given to Family Trade. t-i jctu Jropr 1IP1U ru vuinm o ntll rusivPA ntn Tuuiuoir. YORK f"Sifr YORK om-iM . TRI-WEEKIY A DAILY, WEEKLy it?.J2,7h TRIBUNE. aiKirtsT AvoaA TRIBUNE. '"'''" ' pr"ti the ittf IwstsUinsnteloar A ni w ami n-nisrkalily attractive pub- countrj- popnlatlon. Ilcalloo, iirnln-tly lllniiratwl with lor- j, -Tt, s Important news ol the n-tMllsaiiii n-tMllsaiiii lulNtonrs, ii'nUltis nil ths ' atrilclnir (putiirrsol Tho Dalls Trlb- tlon and worM, the most reliable rnarktt mi. Siki-IsI ir l)fialries, Doims- report,, FaKlnatlnj short stories, an tie anil iatritn Corrfrtiniiilence.nliort, Nlurlvt. Ilniimus lltu.tratlons, Indus- untxcelleJ Ajrlcultural Department, Irhil InlormallDn. Kaahtan Notes. -,,. . . , , , . ., rlcnlturat iiuttrra careliilly trealrxl, anJ Scientific an 1 mechanical Information ltellable financial ami llsrltet Ileports It Is inall.,1 al sain, hoar astheilallf Fashion Arllelss lor the Wouisn.Iln-edition, Wouisn.Iln-edition, reaches a lsrr PMPMtlonol m.ron.iMa.uatlons for old and yonnj. subscribers mi dale ol iaatie, anil each " edition Is a thoronuhlr up to-date dalljr m, "The Teopls'i Paper" for the n-famlly n-famlly newspaper for busy people tire United Rules. Kegular subscription prlco, Retnlar aubscrlptloo prior, $1.50 per year, $100 por year We furnish It with Till. TIMK3 for w w fafn,ih wh T,ME8bt $2.00 per year. $1.50 per year. Send all orders to THE TIMES, Coalville, Utah. S jffixijsffl' Radical Change In Marketing Methods- k Irn EjU as Applied to Sewing Machines. S 5 fflji J KM An erltlnat pUa under which yea can obtain sa ' W fc. WtasaaamfWI eaaler fenna and b;'ttef value In the rchase of J llfci3By!7 I the world lamoua "While ' tjewing Machine than 2 Write for our elegant H-T catalogue and detailed particulars. How 2 we can aava you money In the purchase of a high grade Hewing machine S i and the c-ajy tcrmii of payment we can offer, either direct from a a factory or through our regular authorised agents. This la an oppor- i J tunlty yon cannot afford to pass. You know the "WliUc." you know sj j Its manufacturers. Therefore, a detailed description ot the macliino and ? iu construction is unnecessary. If yon bare an old msehlne to erchangs s- '- 5 we can offer most liberal terms. Write to-day. Address In full. J 1 WHITE SEWING HACflM COMPANY. DoP't A.) Cleveland, OWo. aWrtki6ivi'vvt-ivvTxv'V l'or sale by L. E. Hall. For- PRESENTS-For EVERY DAY USE The Lamp of Steady Habits ri ThaUraplhatdoeaa t fUrauporsinoks. orcauae you a'"v gtUaajw to aa 1 Unauac lh Uren that look, corf kIu-ii f V V WJUVSK you rt It and aUrsaooJilhaUmn that you aster wlli. f A. y AfiaDjjAV Ullrprt with. our iu hare II ( that a I.isVl $M& 'Cfo New Rochester. J( VJSVK'w ..ou" ,4n,r t fd you aa "Juat as rood M rssH jmbjj titrj nay la, la soma re.icu, but tor all around sort. IssHI V mm, then s onlr ona. lTi4t.no llochtilrr. To tuaka HHsH tf aur the lamp oneriHj you la lanuloe, look fur Ihouune r assH - fcjBjk oa ' I "T lamp baa It. (WJ arlellas.) M T sjSHvrsw wecaaflU erery Lamp want No matter nhrlher you SK-l fmicSHiri TiM. Mw Uratvr a(aw, an old ona repaired or rrflo- ClLSSHraV .Tlflk7 .N aTaMmounudorothermako of lamp traoarorro srlrBBBw'lTcr &y J&Ztfrr edlnio a Now Roohoator. we can doll. ll uarNsssHIrt ,tjjaa' l4TOUllU'ralurnnlU.iiDrct -iansV JBHL Ws arsai'UlALIST In lha trcatin.nt l dlataaaa olCJA T - y- RQEJ Lamoa. CocllulUlloa I KLU. a T, THE ROCHESTER LAMP CO., 3fark Wats HBartlsy St.. K.wTsrt. , RipansTabulc5 v V Wto liS , , Doctors Find Mlli A Good Prescription wil)K IOfqrS cents Jill&Pm 1 |