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Show School Enlertalnmsnt. On Irlday evening, March 22nd, a dramatic entertainment will be given Ifor the benefit ol the Public School Library. Li-brary. Much time and labor havo been expended to prepare thlt enlortaUmtnt and it cannot fall to pleats all who attend. at-tend. Itwllleonilit oftwaparttf flrtt,' "Tltanla"' or "The Hutlerlllet' Carnival," Carn-ival," an extravaganza In two acts by about forty five punlli of the public school 1, Second, a drataa In two acts, entitled, "Out of the Sea," for which tho following Is tho cail: David Murray W M. Hoyden Lairy Dcvlte W. O. Fliher Hon. Bruce Hunter J T. Carruth Clirenco Hunter John Walker Telcr Taraktiph W. A.Viilck Scud I 11, 11. Copley I Miss Mlnntt Daze Mary Steele HessStatbtliEht Ethel Hodion "Mother Carey" tirali Hodion Ulddy Ucan Kill lthcad |