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Show ARMISTICB IN SOUTH ATfllCA. Ultrbener (Iranls llntlia haven lis?, Teaee y toOonault Ultli III, (leneraU. '.jJThe negotiations between the Urlt. fill and lloer i-ouiiiiamluie have pro-greased pro-greased ao far that hostllltlea may aoou termlnato. General Kitchener haa granted General Gen-eral Ilotha a teveu daya' armistice to enable him to confer with the other generals. Saturday morning General Kitchener nnd General Ilotha had a lengthy conference on Gun hill. General Gen-eral Ilotha waa alone, nnd General Kitchener waa accompanied by hit secretary. sec-retary. Ofllclul circles In London regard the announcement of the armistice lu Bouth Africa with tho greatest satisfaction. satis-faction. They point out that It must have been granted un the solicitation of the Iloers, and take the view that General Kitchener would never have conatntad to it unless he fell practically practi-cally sure It would result In an Important Import-ant advanco toward the termination of all hostllltlea. |