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Show ! f AGGIE I AtstA i I PAR.LIN hT! , I K ny CJIlh S.a.lon, Tupp.r $ ' 0wEm ,n lutk' ' mIJ Ijirry Unn, lfhht two ot lho prct-lt prct-lt i$$ ,he "i wll br tlio m-filne m-filne houWI'"' Me Tom llrrnniin, the ian Jofis nrman ot hook anj lil-ilf lil-ilf r corapaj No a ixrfwt fuatlaile of rro ado,lon "To thj2.v" 1(1 To"i." MIA Iloolnr Dryan, ihrtKlnK hU hrawny honldf r, In downJB11 JIMt "Ur ,ion't b human. JP1 "" him 01 dunno All lh K!Jf in "" pnrtah traiy orer hit dom?l Wfk ff an" ho not no-tlrln' no-tlrln' iW IMJ Urrr. Ol cud knockWnMil ott for a Mhiipld on-fM-lln'lTjq'oi IniJK.' Vnjin,wJr " Inqulml Irrj "HoRj" Wlutnnl Dooloy 'ler llnce Hall HnrrlKan Ink the vrll " "OUtjJfU Irry Thr" fmcagul," aald Doolpy, inrnpiuw lth hlnwolf n a Roulp, nhlnrile sot the Vutttlon. It aa na;KUln' Tom Hut ar courto So couJi'iJo nolhln' " "Hajeul'nl'" tatd lrry "Why dldn'tlb wry her off "Mirier' fol do ye be aayln't 'Tl mlif 1 ffimi CHILD KIH8T TOM " the(lde el hfarcn the la lt'a aihurd ot jw 01 am, ya baate No, pooHTom hid to aubmlt, but he', nlvffi been tie aame 01 auppoac no conthJed Mr Dryan, mnllta-HvcC mnllta-HvcC "If on, of thlm mlmbera u the four lluaderrod were to enme b and He Tom the glad eye ho'd nlvver Incoirago htr, "Tl, ahranco thol tho nuu'lllua fall tA the toothlcaa dlvils." Wjth whlck ige ubiervatlon Mr Ilryt'a botoo himself to the burnlih-Ingjf burnlih-Ingjf a how fart aa a relief to tits orcribarged emotions. AE wa, true. Blnce the day "Tom" llritM-gre Hi mnnly heart out In jfcld JHW 'iler'nal farewell to the Jicr tocatUn tho biff fellow had never been lho .i. All vomtJ ere like shadow, i him He hM lorcil ono truly, devnt-l edly.ind heliad been forced to giro' her tp to huvrn He could never love mother In vain were appealing and luguliblng glances sent In the direction of, this auperb young specimen speci-men cf lrlsV-Amerlcan manhood. "Ton" nejer noticed women. Ho almply went shout his bualneaa of say. Ing lire, and property aa If there wero nothlw tlaefln the unlvcraa for a big, bandstme, athletic follow. Oftei. as he lay In his bunk at tho rnglnelouio.ns herodo tempestuously througl the crowded slrceU. as ho fought the flames, bo repeated to himself him-self tbi list words he had said to his beloved "I Ioe you, Maggie, darlln. I wouidllve for you or I would die for you, anJilnco you bid mo tear out my heart, lnust do It." ' 8t. PaHfk's annlycrsary morning dawned-he very ono on which "Tom" had hopdlto lead hla sweetheart to the aluHHs thought of her as ho roused frei his dreams of her sweet face. LlfiVrss oer for him. ho said Us saw anln the crowded church, tha nhlto-robrd novices, lie smelled, the Incense, ho heard the roll of lho organ tho solemn voire of tho print. He hhered and, turning, burled hla face lu his pillow. Suddenly the alarm rouaed him. He listened He sprang from hla bunk snd n moment later waa down the polo nnd In his place on the truck Ills face was llko the face of tho dead Aa In a drrain he heard the cry "Wlier. Is It?" nnd tbe answer from a dozen lusly throats "Tho convent'" Tho convent nnd the Orphans' Home adjoining Hero nblase It was evident at a glance that tho bulldlnga were doomed The miln buslnees waa to Mio the slttcra und the children lho brntery nt the nuns and their protege was only second to that of the magnificent ttllawa who fought for the llvia of there helpless people Hv-eryone Hv-eryone recalls tho amstlng fortitude and courage displayed at this frightful hour. The children had been drilled for Just such n moment of peril, and unhly did thoy now obey their Instructors In-structors Such deeds of heroism as I wero done that bitter morning are i never lost Their memory remains ns an cternnl Inspiration, "Tom" Ilrcnnan thrust n ladder up ' to n window ot tha dormitory Just be itcfilli the huge glided cross that sur mounted tho roof of the convent. In this window, serene, cnlni, her lips moving In prayer, stood a sweet faced ulilor, holding In her arms n tiny crippled boy. Ho symbolic wus tho attitude of this holy woman that not one heart In tho vast croftd below failed to respond. "It Is Bister Mary lleatrlce!" moaned the mother superior. Bho knolt upon ho bare ground and cro.sed herself. When Tom Ilrcnnan, his faco black rned with smoke and hla eyes hinting with heroic eicltcment, reached the window. Bister Msry lleatrlce looked steadfastly at him with her old aweel Ho held out his arms. "Tha child first, Tom," sho said, ai she laid the little boy on the broad broait of Ihe flroman. A mighty about went up from the crowd below All had seen that sublime sub-lime act All realised what It meant A doicn handa received tho child and Tom Ilrcnnan turned back up the ladder lad-der He lifted Bister Mary lleatrlce from the window. For one Instant ho held her on his heart. Then as tho frentlcd spectators groaned nnd cursed and prayed the convent walls swayed In, - And at tho foot of the cross Tom Ilrcnnan died for his "Maggie darlln' " |