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Show I CATTLEMEN'S OHCJ ANIZATIO.W I COMPLLTED, fame, f.ty of si.lt jn, ihu!i Trans Jl.n.e.r or Hie AMfUllon. Tho organlratton of the Amerlean Tattle tlrowera' asaoelallon waa com, leted at Denver Thursday. The constitution con-stitution aa adopted permits men en. gaged In raising both cattle and aheep to become member, providing cattle raising la their paramount luleretL Denver waa made headquarters of the association, and annual conventions will bo held there on the first Tuesday In March. The basis of representation Is by Individual In-dividual memberships, lu persnu or by proxy. Kaeh member paya an Inltl. atlon ee of IS. There may alto be lev-lad lev-lad a tax of 1 cent a head on all cattle owned by each member of the association. associ-ation. oniccr were elected aa follows; President F. 0. Link of California. First vice president I'. C. Goudy of Colorado, Second vlco president M. K. Psrsonj of Utah. Treasurer V. A. Keener of Colorado. Colora-do. The executive committee chow J. C Leary of Halt Lake secretary and traf-flo traf-flo manager of the association. |