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Show RANDOM n REFERENCES MITCHELL BROS. FOR MONU-VIKNTS MONU-VIKNTS OPP CITY f'F.MKTBRY . fy WedeH Fined. Fed.- -1 Judge Till-s. Till-s. man D. Johnson has impo : e, of S'j'iu on W ii. 'eieii loi shipping ie wnrmy ripple from Hot sprint;.':, Ulah.i )r ' ii) r'-nv.-r. iii several 8 weeks ago. Oi?rnonaa TCSS then ethers pay Uncle Sam. - j Chinese New Year. Today is Chi-I Chi-I ' nepe New Year. 'Twas welcomed at t I ith ami t " . ' i tt i- ol tomtoms in many 11 practical and Kindly ways the Chinese 1 rati erence for ) thp world ideal "pi aci on earth, good will to men." practicabl 1 , i hc adjust nil . ! - lid : U eflhlties For at leapt one (lay In the i i-f'i ii'i-j -.i homsi o ( H,fS ihni "I;iik1iu-pj 1 1- sn atesl good." The Standard will not be respofisl I ' rl for mistakes occuring in copy II brought in on day or t i, " Ail j ! copy rhould be sent in at least 21 ) i hours aheaa of time so that time may bp had to give proper Bet up and to ? nd out proofs. -Beets In 1917. The Amalgamated Sugar company has derided to sign contracts for beets this year aggregate ing six. hundred thousand tons, an outlay of $4,200,000 at $7 the ton, not including cost of weighing, handling and freight. This is the r-eord acre I an1 price in the iniermouniain i I f pet ion ? Happiness is the one great thing in ' this world, and 3 & G. Butter adds to' J Real Estate Transfers. Richard I Jones, Jr., and wit, to Newell lonos i part SW 1-1, Bee. 20, T '. . !. 1 K., I and part XW. i-J S c 29, T 71 E.. I S.'.Oi'iij Arthur W .Marriott and wile i to o - b ball k, pi I I v- W i J Sec. 7, T. C X., R Z W.. also T.2 acres I i t Sec. 12 1 6 N R 3 W . ,4v Ji.i'iii, ,i,-.s Williams to Ogden-Utab Knitting '(. pari blk plat a . t I . . n, ? " i ,i i 1 1 i v.. v I-:.:. -it.- t Del A la C rt' right, par- 1 Ml . p I I A, ll.oori; Thos Samuel Browning I to J. E. Browning, part lots 7 and s. i blk. plat ! . $1,200 Rii hard D I Pincock and wife to Leng Hansen, all HI lot 23 and p. 'eniral i Park Addition 760 . . T Hest- I mark to Alfred T He ark, pari I NE 1-4, Sec. 5, T H N" iV., $8,000. I All pe rsoi the revl- i slon of tlx 1 ol the I h t a ot Utah at. requi pd to meet f in the county courthousi donday eve- A ning. January 22, 1917. j Ogden Policemen. The annual I meeting of the Ogden Policemen's I Benefit association held yt terday, In k the city court -room at the police sla- 7 tion, and the following officers were f re-elected: President, T. H Black-, burn: vice president, r Kelliher; I secretary-treasurer, J. E Wiggins. I jt was decider! io hold the annual I policemen's ball sometime in March I and the date will be announced later, I Born. A baby girl was born to the k I wife ot E. E. Wilson of 1917 Park X ' avenue on January. 3. I Held Up. Answering a telephone f message thai a man was being held i up, B( rgeaol C P, Pita . raid and T I 1-i. Blackburn went to the Wall and f Poplaj avenues intersection, Saturday A night, and there found the report I partly true, t wee not a "hold-up" I In thp ordinary' understood sense, but A in a literal Bense, for palmetto Men' I chetti was being assisted in keeping I his balance by a man whose name was A not learned. The Italian had been partly stunned by a fall to the sidewalk side-walk while endeavoring to make his way home alone and the othei pari and a companion found him there. No arrests were made. Sportsmen to Meet. A mass meet ing of sportsmen of Ogden and Weber We-ber county has been called tor tonight, in Judge A. B Pratt's court room at the county court house. Ii is expected that resolutions to present to the g. i6lative committee having in charge I the new fish and game lawa. will I be drafted and that a committee will I be appointed to take them to Salt I Lake The local sportsmen are said to bo against the abolishment of file office of Btate fish and gamp commls. sioner and. it in thought thai the as- ft sembly tonight will endorse "Buck" Anderson of Ogden for that position From Goldfield, Nev. Mrs. Rachel Hinger of Goldfield, Nov., is visiting in Ogden for a few days with her son. J. Frank Ringer, city freight and passenger pas-senger of the Southern Pacific railroad. rail-road. She has been visiting relativea in nuthrie, Okla , and Kansas City, Mo., several weeks and expects to come to Ogden again next spring to make her home here with her son. Off for Honolulu. Mr and Mrs. J W, Abbott and Mr and Mrs. E J. Harness departed Saturday afternoon, over (he Southern Pacific railroad, for San Francisco They planned to board a steamer at San Francisco t-arly this week for a trip to Honolulu, Hawaii. Wanted at Home. rhtef of Police T E. Browning received a request hin morning to assist in Locating Fred Bosworth, a resident of Preston, Idaho, who is thought to be in this locality The man is wanted at home, on account of illness lu bis family. He . Ik described as being 33 years of age, J & feer 7 Inches in heigh I. medium complextoned, and having bluo eyes L s and brown hair. When he loft home, his outer clothing included a Mack inaw coat and corduroy trousers Arrested. Ben Cassidy was arrest id Saturday night by Detective Rob-en Rob-en Chambers, on a charge of petit larceny. The arrest was made at the I Falstaff mfe and Cassidy is alleged to have stolen an oVercoat i Bausfield departed for Reno, Ne-ada. Ne-ada. Saturday on a business trip Departure. Mrs. Bessie Messenger departed yesterday for Goldfield, .v. over the Southern Pacific railroad. rail-road. Masked Marvel Accepts -The plan?, for the proposed finish wrestling match between Pete Visser and Mort Henderson ithe Masked Marvel) were Virtually brought to a close Saturday night, when Manager Joseph Goss of the Orpheum theater, received a tele gram from the latter announcing his willingness to meet the Ogden wres tier at the Orpheum on the night of Januaiy .1 also paid he would come to Ogden on Wednesday of this nreek to complete this training for the' bout. Marriape -L, X. Baechel, 27. of Boise, and Mrs. Mamie Hoff. 21. of Ada. Ida., were united In marriage to-! day by District Judge Alfred W. Agee. License to Wed. Michnel Koseris, 29, oi Pocatello, and Miss .Mary Cuni-mihgS, Cuni-mihgS, 90, of I lHmondville V o. Suit on Note. Mrs. Annie Savage today filed in the district court a suit against John L Fernmermakpr to col-leCt col-leCt a note for $700. Ward Estate. - District Judge Alfred W Agee today issued a decree for final fin-al distribution of the estate of the late W'll ;uu Ward, consisting of cash and collateral, $4,018.38. irrigation stock? valued at $2,700, and some valuable, land m Weber county. New Constable. II P Paulson today to-day filed his obligation as constable for Plain City, Treasurers Bond. ( ouniy Treasur I er Alma V Huish today recorded his official bond for $407. 7yo, and a separate separ-ate bond for $100,000. on t |