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Show -oo BRAZIL WATCHINfi FOR SEA RAIDER Send Out Coast Defense Ship and Scout Cruiser to Protect Pro-tect Coast. Rio Janeiro, Jan 21. -The minister of marine has received a telegram irom the captain of the Port of Per-nanihuco Per-nanihuco confirming the previously reported re-ported declaration of the commander of the Brazilian sleaiuer Maranhao that he had encountered two cargo vessels, accompanied by two auxiliary ships, believed to be (lermans, all Hying Hy-ing the American flag. The Brazilian government, in addition addi-tion to sending oui the coast defense ship Deodoro 1o guard ihe northern coast of Brazil, lias decided to dispatch dis-patch the scout cruiser Rio Grande do Sul. which will cruise belveen Port Natal and Fernando da Noronha island isl-and and keep close watch on the coast in these waters. The two vessels will leave for the north Tuesday. The Rio Janeiro paper, A Noticla, says that about 100 sailors from tho Herman gunboat Kber, interned at Bahla, are reported to have embarked on ihe Swedish steamer St Croix, which left Rj0 Janeiro four days ago and Is said to have met the German raider on the high seas for the purpose pur-pose of putting these men aboard. These Bailers had been interne'! on Cobras island, in ihe uay of Rio Janeiro, Janei-ro, for more than a year. A representative oi ibis newspaper Inspected the German steamer Hohen-Btaufen Hohen-Btaufen In Rio .l.ineiro harbor and declared de-clared that the vessel was taking on provisions and water and bad steam up. The Hohenslauten and another German steamer, the Caproca, accord-1 ing to A Noticla, have mado preparations prepara-tions to put to sea. Reports have been received here that manifestations In favor of the Germans Ger-mans look place on board the Span- ish Ptcamer Leo XII when tho work of passengers aboard protested. The minister of marine declared today to-day that the Brazilian warships which' aro watching the coasts have been given the strictest instructions to capture cap-ture any raiders operating in any manner man-ner that might injure Brazil's neutrality. neutral-ity. Without attaching any credence to the reports that German steamers were planning to escape from the ports where they are interned, the minister said captains of the ports had been ordered to prevent any secret departures. de-partures. The British auxiliary cruiser Edinburgh Edin-burgh Castle entered Rio Janeiro har-bor har-bor today. The German steamer Ah-rlch, Ah-rlch, which has been interned here, is filled with war material. |