Show A CAPER OK TACKS When In doubt toll tho truth Clerk and ihlrk may rhyme but they dont found well together The oung man who know only apart a-part of It lean moro than he who I know It all 1 Try and think sa much about bull neo when you aro out of the itoro as you do of jour pleasure when In the tore Thero was a cigarette imoliUe clerk who once became proprietor but It wan by nocldnt If you spend every cent you earn you 5 wont wear out shoo leather In going to tho tavlng bank If you mutt smoXo while at Imttnou do It under the now of the boa and not In the basement You will Ibo sooner learn what ho thlnns of you Constant abuse of those under you will strengthen your lunci at the ex pence of your manners The boy who lies to get out of a amId lag mUll be a good dodger |