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Show J yry - "" .f y 4mmw - V Vv f ' uv'v'Vt The ODR BY AL1ERT Etfnti Eim of the Wrrk From Town 1b Ruiumit County Kiriifstl The Time.. Fuuml to rite AWoul. gladlv ml hat M Have XX OthLEl. n OtM , M Irai.-Wedhesuav r ihi' 23, 18.Hi. yen Dn agc -- rent s to the Phi k Fin foaJIjWtt!, 1 v, gen'lenim and r A'k'UWI fRVt The pritiiary teacher was absent one - F.pnrfw .sen ih nt fvt ; -- -- . I less. uienknes-- ' day H ith tiie warm ram, wit mo i n Some parties cauie over from Kamas last Suifdav to spend the evening at W. warm sunshine we have had a teiii..ie-lH. Mevens. during the past few days the noa is off fast and the street are r in r Hete-going A. (). Johnson made a trip to fiSIttl- AS Lin, it. I i a i, ,,i , I tan, Jam 2.1 INni. . y l.i Til -- last Fridav and retninedon the following Tuesday sleighing isalmoet gone here and iroin all appearance the wagon will S'Xin be in active operation again. It is reported that (ieorge l'nee lute the contract to build John Neel's liou-He will commence work in a few days, Kdward Denney and N. II. Snapp e made a trip to Park Citv on and to deliver some hogs they had ene. bu-in- gaged new teacher in the made a trip to department, primary Park Citv last Saturday ami returned on Sunday evening. Austin and James Nee' made a trip to the Park with two loads of hay last Monday, and the roads were so bad they did not get home until Tuesday evening. A little stranger made its appearance intown.ou the 10th at the residence of Georgu ftteveus, of which Mr. and Mrs. Steveneare very proud. The little girl and hek moti cr ate getting along verv nicely and pa looks as.robnst and hearty as ever. - Quite a number oTthe old folks met at V. II. Steven" on Monday evening for a surprise on Mr. and Mrs. St wens, who received their company with great please xre and did all in their power ttf entertain them r- - A nice table was set with fine provisions, which were received w ih many thanks. After all were tired ut they departed for their homes feeling the happier for their surprise. Joseph Phillips and others thought they would surprise Mis. Phillips on her birthdav Ian Friday evening, and it was a complete surpri-- e if ever there was one. The parties (hove in cautiously, near the door, and gave fhe warwhoop, which frightened her so she exclaimed, the matter My Lord! Joe. .what The children set up such a yell that it was ha rd to p.i i ify them . When al Lw a s quiet the tallies were spread and a detk of cards placed on them. Then work set iu. some playing cards and some in the adjoining room play inz other games. At about the usual time the baskets were brought in will filleJ with the necessaries of life and the tables were spread again w ith such nice cakes and pies that knybodv could relish. After a few games were indulged in, and after Mbs. Phillips thanked them for the surprise, all deS'. parted for home. Mis Graham. our IEOA . Vfov: Utah. Jan. 23,18'.tfi7 Epitok Times: , Mrs. Caroline E. Wright went to' Salt lavke to visit relatives a nd friends the first of the week. J home young ladies and came dow n to the of Oaklev gentlemen S half-doze- , dance on Friday . - q evening. Miss Maud Marchant has returned to Park City after spending some t o eeke at home with her family and friends. About three inches of snow fell last -night and this morning 4he sun ea out warm and bright and the sky is ns clear as a bell. J,A. Marchant has made his final payment to the government for his ranch near Holiday Park and feels happy, now that that load off his mind even if his pocket is somewhat lighter. C. II. Wirth's steam sawmill will start after having been up agan idle for some two weeks or mure. The "null men went up During the past three weeks a large amount of logs have been hauled to the mill and it is expected that a very good run will be made. f Jeremiah Eobejr of P. V. Junction, with bis wife and family, are visiting with Mrs. 1L B, Williams and otuers. Mrs. Williams and Mrs. are aister.' Mr. Robey called upon your it being our Crst correspondent meeting for some thirty year or more. In the very early days of Utah we were boys and playmates when Provo, Utah county, was but f very small village; to-da- to-da- ningwith oceans water uid de-The frequini showers and sunshine make it ap) ear that spring .r a' hand m dead earnest. It is with regiet that 1 learn the Kamas brass band has disbanded ami have offered their instruments fur sale. Now that the buys had become so proficient they should have kept together. The baud was a credit to Kama and I have no doubt but it will be missed. 1 hope it w ill be revived and put in better shape than ever before. of h. I a son, well." Walls . There w ill lw a b ov dame in Ro. k;it !v w il remain ). it -- cvei .tl da s. on the HIM. A few uf u r v mig ttfiit to Qiite a number here are suffering Km k port on Fri.l ty night a:il .cue fr uu colds. went to Kama to attend dances tn 'hoie Mrs. Cora Membridge has come liu pities a!i of uiinli gave moip rjuai to tai for a few weeks anil ilanee made Inline lioif the niureeuMisstirace lloitin has goue toOakhy urge lovable, as the ball is hardly slay for a few weeks. enough to act oniimslaie all. I leu y Waker Joseph Jensen of Salt Lake was the will give a dance ) l Man bants hah on Friday evening, Janu- - guest ol Mr. itn,xMrs John Holrtip !a; Mr Waiker has birjn-he- d ary music time lor dances here on masquerade ball tame off o Fr.- alwai-ha- s he the i veare and veiling. Tite jirirrs vk rrt flwai Itnj p.is; ing '! e F.tlue Malm, Miss LvJi Staker, a large at tendance , Heim - i " JC. t. e 'Maker and . (iiblior.a. r jollx fellow and .aU f .t nds w! MaC t ! shadow nivc begins M : lu.fessor . it, I tai VTv Tnrrw-- - J l ratua.ij.. Among Tjjp House triday Teurd to s , l igdt n is (ui,Vr 1 ere and -t e, JWP ' ck. Mr. Muklti Lake was here with a hum h of cow on his way to -- alt Lake. There were fifty-tun- e in the Imi.ili as fine leef cows as ever passed over the load.' Ttjj-- j were from Crawfords, Jesie Knights and Chambers & Whitney ' herds on iiav agv U-e- f and Mrs. Thou. as Bateg, tne 17lh. Btith are doing Hear river, B. HEvm.li. y e d Ui-ro- f'l-s- ad-di- et -- "''CtS in-a- J , ! -' j s , j half-dolla- rs Last-Wedne- to-da- y I ! --J l; WEEKLY - Ti REVIEW, tw HWMyyffyiPfir K - Pvt imr.Klui-e- t It '! 50 I r j in the Tlie yitua ion tomd hard'y'be mors Bepraseiitative c. al ti lues and n.iu jwrplexing for luisiiuss men. Bract ical ( meichants, maufai.turers, or bankers mg.- Tile bill prot ides fur liie appointment can nave litt e mpathy for those who tiimr nniimie di'hculf tea. None doubt of a ijiialineii State by the tioveriior t ir of Coal Mines, to li.dd offue lour but the government wiil raise money vears, at a aalarv of f2,.Vm aiinu.dlv vnd '0!"e,, olhgat)ons. but ow far tbVK muiket w ill Vie distributed cm th Uaveling exjsenses Hrs duties are set forth at length. Tin bill went lo tin treasury reserve fiist, diminished puna can sav. Thj world cannot'-knoCommittee on M.ihi Jmw far foreign questions as ye r. mar lH.iMuioN. mav up-- ct calculations, though there The cosCof clerical eervne lias not vet seem every reaon to expect peaceful oeeji definitely htd but tl e pending sen lenient. It cannot know what may bill on the subjei t piaiethe lw the d mice on anv imiortant las of sation fr clerks m each brant li fur the import a month hence, whether im . piesent at 125.00 per day. For the oilier ort are likely to exceed export anJ ' officer and employees a totwlolflO per draw Httay whether the deficit of day for each house is provided. This revenue will or what other continue, w ill make the dativ expense for ottici r taxation will be levied. Failure of die . and employees, jivi, Tlie compeii-t- c senme-tb- u fur to take any action upon tion of memberj sixty-thre- e at 4 is financial mens tires promed by the pre 252 per day, making the total pay-roident r those passed bv the hotie 335, or (30,150 for the entire period of m.favoiably ull hranche of busininety days. To ascertain the total cost ness. Unilersnch adverse circumstances of the legislative session there must he u j, cU,hv encouraging that shrinkage !,,e and resulting emmuerj i" transaction, ?xp,'aee priming, statiunarj-am- i incidentals, and 'tqaj drtwi,.ri have not been' the mileage accotint, yet to t com- - Mt fo,,r ,Brg( faliure. within agreater, day or : p ii ted. two Indicate that the tame condition - LEblKLVTl RE FOB LABOR. cannot continue without', much embarUnder the heading. Needed legisla- rassment.' tion in the interest of labor, slip conThe Morgan syndicate ha dirslved, taining this list have lieen distribueil in the proK)sed loan being pracllcuily unthe House: derwritten, but considerable gold hna First Compulsory education. already been drawn from tie treasury Second Direct legislation through the by intending purchasers, and a high aa initiative and referendum. 14 premium ha been paid, though at Third A legal eight-hou- r to working tbe-e- ju To oaiy-- Fj per cen day, with pepalties'for violation. some it seems incomprehensible Fourth Sunday inspection of all $2, 400, Odd gold ha lwen exported UurTog" places of employment. the week and f 3, 2(H), 000 gold linporteii Fifth Sanitary inspection of wot s the same week, with apparent adventure homes, w here employed by and to both parties. living In houses of employers. Domestic trade, as shown by clearing Sixth Sanitary inspection of all house payments, is 8 8 per ceut larger mine. , than Inst year, but 27,8 per cent lets Seventh An employers liability than Iu 183, and in nearly all trades . art. there is mgeh hesitation, Railroad KighthAbolishing the contract sys- - earnings for the week of January w era tera-oall public work .. 1.7 per ceitilargcr tiiAti in Jannnrv, lftr5, Ninth Municipal ownership of street but J3 5 per cent lest that in 18 hi, Deear lines, waterworks and gas and elec- cember shewing a gain of 6.7 over 1V.(5 tric light plants. nd a of 7 &tcoupa red u JiadMA liummi-mteTgfytock f'11 u.tJTi f"a3v aimed uuttl tion and arbitratioi. Friday, but the failure brouglit a mire Eleveuth IV- hibit tbs employment of cautious feeling. After rising on lh ' women la mines, average, fl.H per share, railroads closed Twelfth Biohihit the employment of 1.30 higher for the week. children under tbs age of 1 4 years. Speculation in products was not very Thirteenth-- 1 Yob t hit the contracting at live, and wheat wjh practically unof convict labor. changed, though Atlantic exports for Fourteenth lrohibit the political two weeks, flour included, have been control ol etnpl yees, 4,483,190 bnshcli fuialnst 4,273,121 last Fifleentii Prohibit the commercial year. Western receipts still make short control of employee. crop prediction ridiculous, amounting Sixteenth Prohibit the exchange of for two weeks f January to 5,421,976 bushels against 2,559,122 last year. blacklirts. No branch of manufacture has mad . S ATI RIMY. 18th. for al! are unavoidably waitHg, progress, In the legislature to'day a resolution both for settlement of financial donbtr was addopted providing that th and lor a demarcl wliidTHoei not vet court way convene on Monday ; . Cotton gmais are not quotably the McKinley memorial parsed ; a bill appear. buteonceaeions to secure business lower, relating to the qualification of physicians are reported in many instances, and Introdu ed, and one for the Inspection of the mills have been running many of mine. in anticipation of orders not yet largely A report wa adopted in the senate received." There is a little better inquiry Tuesday that prohibit women from for staples, wkb Indications that deal era serving on juries, and it will likely be- stocks are running low. The opening! come a law. of fine and fancy woolens has brought no In. the Senate yesterday Allisons change in prices, and revisions caused meniora! on Anitwrttdor Bayard was by recent opening of worsteds have adopted after an interesting debate; a been generally toward lower price. petition was received from the Juab There lias been aomewtiat more demand, county Wool grower, twin ging up t he bur not enongh to keep most of fhe miTTa old fight between the cattle Jand sheeprunning full. Sales ol wool in two week men; a hill was introduced appropriat- have been 4,994,300 pound domestic ing 6,lk0 to the support of the Deaf and H. 823,300 foreign, against 9.2(19, fill Mute Institution ; a bill introduced to j domestic and 4,410,200 foreign last year. protect fish and game; a proposiou tot tax estates. In the House, change in liiac.j the rules is advocated by the majority. Washington, Jan. 21. About Fclwu- rF 11 th Treasury department w ill re- THt bsdat. the coinage of stiver dollars and time The House bill fixed the age of concontinue until about 618.000,000 have sent at 18 ; Governor Wells been coined. When the present adminvetoed fhe tee and salarv bill.. istration came into power there were itF 2J,0vX),OiX) in silver Hrary HwH George Henry Snell, the weli known dollars coined from bullion under th 1690, and available for Hie redemp- citizen, traveler and writer, is dead . th Treasury notes have I wen The suddenness of the occurrence fell i l'on j dmeJ in payment of th bullion pnr- a great shock upon hla many old .chased fiw r,: few his were aware of iiincss friends, Since August, 1893, about $18,000,0(HJ a serious sUtmfch trouble. ave been redeemed in Mr. Snell was inarried last September j of thos to Mrs. May Alien Ciwon, and bad only silver dollars and cancelled, of the Treasury ha now been home from his wedding trip aj The Secr-tar- y month. He was taken ill hile in New , dei iled to coin from the bullion now on York, where the services of a t,inent; band and pnrchaed unde the act of will re-physician were inconstant requisition, l&d) alsu 118.000,000, which f dollars in tl e Treas- h lore Lake Salt last month to returning he was still sick, aud fur the past week j ory what it was on March 4, 1893. cost of the silver bullion j.has been serionsly ill. , He died at 5:46; The average s. m., yesterdsy in tlie presence of ,hi purchased under the Sherman act wa Us nta on the dollar, which leaves a wife and old friends. The funeral will lie held the at 1 6'n w seigniorage of 28,'' cents on the ui., in At this rate the seigniorage on j dollar. . teenth ward chapel. would be 18,0(90,000 to George Henry Snell was burn in Pt. Louis fifty year ago. Hi whole life has 5 130,000, which, will be accounted for been passml in Utah, but he has from in tbs available cash .pn hand. Increastime to time made trips to various coun- ing it bv that amount. of the The order for the tries, and once went around. At such coinage at the mints resumption at Philadelphia, times he acted as correspondent for var- New Orleans aud San Francisco is exious poperic Tri tin a e, 18. pected in a day or two. wa-.- ' f by -- ss t 1 -- af-fe- its VI. corn-hide- COINAGE OF SILVER, IB TO 1 ln-sj- The weather for tbs past fen wteka r.p to the storm of the 2!- ha I et n all that luald be desired-fini pen weather. A new set of ami stove sirtved at Wabsatih during the past week for the section foieman. Joe s ft tends, are is Aopderuig if ?",n .. J, NO. - 11. 4 f?f in.iitun e Heneeek, Utah, Jan. 23, lstsi. I . Ee is not lee! Km run Times: Jate. ile i.au a fall a lew lias ab.ui Used turn up. . Mrs. A. Calderwoud is reported ill at this writing. W . 11. V. ulker was to have givtn a T'Kinfas Beard of CoaK-illdance here Wednesday evening, but! lectured not to have it. He says ha' here on cuimay afternoon and at the Y. will adjourn it until we get free coinage M. M. I. A. in the evenrut. ofsnyer. "j There wjis a dance here on the 21t On account of the rainstorm Saturday (Bd a leap year party given un.lei the mgut last the iioytsville Drainatie 'ausnice of the Y, L M. I. A. is adjourned the play for one Bounced for Monday evening, the 27th. week, to January 26ih. it is hoped that Born, on Monday, January 20th, to the The Twenty second Quorum of Seven- they will then have a good turnout C w ife 6f Ueorge R. Harris, a daughter. Mother And child doing we! and father Y. ties w ill hold their quarterly conference lairouize home industry. W. B. justly in Wanship on Sunday, Januarv ktith, at proud of the affair. I lTO. 2 p. ni. A general attendance is reUtah, Jan. 23, IbJfi. rRofns.v quested. There will also Uw cmmeil Eiutok Times: of of the Utah, Jan the Crovukm, presidents meeting quorum Filler Charles Caliis of Coalville will EniTOR Times : held the same dav at nion. on feui, day next, January Miss Baker w as the guest 'of the Ill very likplythat sotifeofthe t visit l'p:on by special invitation, and wjll 2liih, eouiiii! of the Seventies ,w ill le out from Bat onlay and 8 u inlay last. ThsckerayV the meeting in the afternoon and .wait Luke to attend the conference. Y. M. M. I. A. In the ; Borne. of the yonng folks went to Echo evening, The parts have been given out for ttie Saturday for asleighride. They FJideis John of Booth Coalville and another drama entitled "kmoiig the report having a good time going, but had who h, with the farce en- Henry Hirst of ftpring Hollow were wel- stnud ride before Breakers, they got back ami had titled Two Heunevcastles, will lie come visitors at Upton on Bunday as a time finding, the color of their qte stake missionaries. Both addressed lb cftaiks and faces." presented before tne foot'ights before long. ItlsAlso probable that The plays meeting during the afternoon cervices L young laities got up dance on will go to Kamas, Wanbip and perhaps iu a veiy interesting and timely man- f pday Iasi. which ta well attended by uer. J.C. other towns. Parts are also out for the from Morgan, !oho and Hew efcrv drama entitled OKAfiS CREEK. Nevada, or The Lgst Th proceed go fo the benefit of tlie Mum, whhh will be put on tTTe ooaids Grass Creek, Utah, Jau. 23, 18i6. Msrgan Stake House. Some of the after the former play, FoIiok Time : Vutng men from one of the dace, Fromappearar.ces now we will have Nearer and nearer approaches the loco- thought the young Tadies were charging very little snow left in the nimurains, mind tlie recent .too 'punch for tickets ami started for motive. a change in the weather thaw we Having in come quickly. bondf. They" had not gone far when say, oon and heavy falls of the "beutm(il ' thought better of it, came back, they snow Run and in the valley, melting and should this fail us There will lie a but within the embrace of the cold, paid for their ticket., and had a good scarcity of water for irrigation put poses time.l Girls, get up another.- the coining season whirh would be a bBak mountains, the falling rnow nest le The presidency of Morgan Stake was securely. detriment to all (aimers who use Our little colony has received an ad up here Saturday and Sunday last to of the Weber. I do not rememmeetings with the people and ber of seeing snow going so fast as it has dition of two families, The recent ar- Latter- fivals are Win. Reece during the past wtek. family and ,tfucting them in their dutie as new a to A Mr. bishop Mrs. and m. apjioint Saintijaleo is ;Iay of scarthe Sargent. Evervlxsly complaining of the ward I're.ident Neel James of charge work is it for and difficult money earlierye.terday.,oUke quit very city many to meet their obligations. With Tlie reason for this wa not apparent l' T named George R. Ttiackerav a our bishop, Tt wa. a great surprise grain St the loivprioe7t is now selling, until he was overheard repeating, For hlm- - bot i farnieis are unable to provide their unto u V a child is born : unto a. a parties are quite "hionable. reluctance much With home with the comforts of life and keep given. Mother prourt ; father happy. wPted l' Position and we sufficient grain in the bin for home use O. F. Ursenbach, the manager of the,ticorK and seed in the spring. We are all hop- Morgan House. Morgan City, spent a hoP to ri1"- on with our god work, w ing, .almost against hope, that soinethirg short time with us during the week.' "r be is pmer. We ish him success Ai.. 'a'on, will Siam lie done favoring silver; with Mr. Ursentach and the writer were 'n ' . that needed legislation our mines wpuld fellow voyagers on the Atlantic to and . am-mo no be started up with vigor, the farmer from' Furope, w here they went as m.s- - j MuROA.x.Utah, Jan. 22, ISM. would get a better price for their produce, Bionane. Fditok Times: . A lew the mill and timber men would' find days ago the nrfhe, both inside .. Mrt Jan more employment for the idle that are and outside, was graced by the presence , Born n,d Jm'ker1 a WUt, daughter. among us and an era of prosperity would of the following ladies: Mr. Henrv V wel1 Ut' dawn upon our state that would gladden Wilde, Mr. Joseph Barber. Mrs. Wm. the hearts of all who aie now depressed, Wilde and Mi.s Eliza Barber. ProvidedTTudgeTtoiiiapp is inThe city arrang The leap vear ball given by the ludiei with lamps and under the escort of Mr. fin t, casp to las tried More him when of leoa on Fridav evening was one of the Shaw they boarded the car and were l,"urt convenes on January fiOth. (boat enjoyable entertainments of tbs soon lost to view in the darkness of the j Our weather prophet here predict an season. The beau ty and grace of the mine. Upon reaching the bottom they early spring and it begins to look as iladies and their charming manner in the wended 'their way to where the sturdy j though the prophecy is al! right. It has dance caused many complimentary re- miners were diggingdusky diamonds. (been raining for the pat three davs, the. marks to be made by the gentlemen. The fair visitors were much interested, tnow has about disappeared and angle The ladies walked up to the manager, and procured several lump of coal as i worm are plentiful for fishing, like souvenir of their visit. Before leaving for ticket paid their hardscrabble is bound to I little men, choee theTr partners and they gave the miners much valuable in- - .The rompanv is now receiving bids for formed on for the dance as though tfiey struct ioa In the art of coal mining. the hanling'of 10,000 feet ef lumber up had been there fci o e. There were just V hen Uie htdies emerged from the mine to the mint--. th. ough couples present to tnuke it very their races were soiled will, coal duet, nt up fifteen additional men to aid in pleasant for all and the room wag not presenting a picture of beauty under a I the work and four more went up too crowded, as is often the case, espec- cloud. C. U. from Morgan. You look for a maynow ially when the gentlemen do not have fo Mercor or a Cripple Creek in Morgan ECHO. foot the bill. There was no cause for Fie no, Utah, Jan. 23, ,1 Hist, 7r0."nl",'!,n- complaint; noone js m slighted. and the EduorTimes : Some parties from Salt Lake have ladies took rare tbatalllhe -- gentlemen is making preparations fort Mn arounu this week with rolls of Every boy W:hat had dancing they desired. Age the greenbacks as bigas a barrel, buying all masquerade tall Friday night. or other cause did'not count, dance they Mrs. A. R. Jones has been quite sick , the loose stock they could find ami w ere nuvst and dance they did to their heart's but is a littlebetter at this writing. j paying from f5 to SO cents per share lor content. For a real jolly, good time you The paycar visited Echo yesterday and it. This looks as though some one had . will find it at a leap' Year ball. Penas made the railroad boys quite happy. confidence In the Hardscrabble mines, handsomest ladies were prevent and the Quitb a number of Echoites attended jnd tboee who have lots in the tow unite gentlemen, if not so handsome, didAll the ball at Crovden last do not Friday night. apjiear to be in a hurry to sell. they could ! make the enteitainmfut Rev. Ritchie of SaltLakebeld services Annv Kaoabba. ' one long to be remembered. at the Brick tchoolbouse on Satunjay B. R. E. V ier. Arbitration fmhftbit evening. , Borne time ago Mr. Simon Goldbaum ixmdon, Jan. 29. The Chronicle be(teorge Asper ami A. G. Brim have reof San Luis Key, Cal., was troubled with turned from the ranch and report their lieves both England and Venezuela will a lame back and rheumatism. lie owl cattle doing well. institute inquiries into the settlements Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Bromley have re- and cessions of lard in the disputed Chamberlains Pain Balm and a prompt cure was effected. He says he has since turned from Salt Lake, where they have territory. advised many of his friends to try it and been visiting the past two week. - Thi will present a baais, the Chroniall w ho have done so have spoken highly Bryant Copley attended services here cle thinks, for the renewal of negotiaof it. It is for sale by John Borden A on Sunday and gave aoma very good ad- tions. It is now most probablejhat arbivice to the people. Son. tration will be resorted to. A. B. - "$ 241896. H LNt, reached lit-rw(( Mrs. K. Livingstone of keeping house for tin, sou. o Mr. o MOEOAK CGJNTI ES. .AlCID WtHHTI Utah, Jan. 23, iK Kovriurt, in.itiv tile (n-r.- lnh v. STJlIXT K4URVOKT ur ftcd at art ' Wednesday was terv warm and the roads are unite Kuliev OF i Utah, Jan F.ntroK Timii. Bi-h- ' Mr. 111: br ngs up Vnuny jearelt GATHERED av e t--' In nu ft S SUMMIT COUKTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, JANUARY COALVILLE, THE COUNTY NEWS Th THE INTEEES-- TO II. VOL C of TJtaH riLLE Times, 1'EVCTEE PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY. 1 J king-men- n t (ib,. taborrrtHf4 - W - , nr sed was-pas- ro-wi- - to-d- , M :! |