Show moil Iseer tlellrned Iii u > wial to the San Kraiiilum Call fiom loll IllctvIIIII l are tllell of Ihu lncorKiralor of tur 01ll11A1I1 to build ronl from Utah IB the toast The Inrnrpnraloii are ale immul no director fur the firl yrar are JK Clirkvf Ibitto 101111 J M 1 Mrtralf of Uinuha A II llotvhkliiof 101 Atmclit and 1 William 1 11 OuiUnn II 1 C lttrd 1 of Still Illcgo Tlio nrtliUt tale lliut tin purpose nf Ito euupnny he to build itiiRilardgaui riillroad nnd ttlvtfrnpli line frum a jMilnt nrur NfttltPi Cnl 10 MllfiirdltiihniliitnncvoflUimUetand f topnrihiife any vsitlnc mllnnvl circu pylnz a part of this route Tin capital lock of the company It fixed at 17F4C 000 of which 1OUOC < OO liar bee sub scribal by the lii mrM Jlur k In IK HcMtl that Mayor tarlwn It I irwtre for company In the sleet I voncylti bloc Nt tads Soutnern nillnwl in lilui |