Show j ELECTRIC SPARKS DAIUVUIST Of HAPPENINGS ANt OTHCII NEWS 4111 110 nlh 1 lirnO ntr lit Mr I < Cnrlnd Yu Ill Ittl lrlfl > lile tlliilrl Ian Ilr ht 1l Yrrrywh0rr V a 1adul Jn it Dr JaiMiwililo be rtllwtnit 1 lineon lltlonallv JeOrtw Hague A nilntr WM klllnl In a liiCwpiU Hear llolhlitV The tniflltli rlylnu nqiMilron ald to he dettlncd flit llcnnuda HxlrwMeiil lUrrhon nmtourrteitliat belt In wed Mrs I II in illicit lUmmoiiil the Uiertaiii In lull at Irctorlii Mtit lo loe In great danger The Iu > e hoar not olfired arbitrate liolttcim Hnglinil null Venezuela Wreck mi for Midland Terminal unr Victor Fifteen perron Injured two fatally l enlral l Campo lift bwn mpit ded at unmmlMtoner In Cub tir Utnvml 1ollvnja Mants is III lrthiufce reiarlvd lu Colorado Klntf Jnmpeh mrremlf rt to the lint fellTin Tin fljlii tqnitdron will not 111 l Ameriran wulm Onirne Slier wlttlnl I to relent the PlttilmmonMahvr llrlit Unicril Wayhr state l for CamMt itinttMor an comnninder In Cults hand Jury nt franti IV N M 1 ImUcu hMMnon fortytwo diHeieiit rounti Dr llnyitwxl I blilmp fIr l tin M 1 K church ulli n prominent churchman educator and author 10 l dying In blunt lie lie will not tnh hut ntFht Th Diiilteli lunfc 1 hat obtained the contrail IMIIB tin Chlnete loan of one hundred mllll n loci l with Inlvrmt at I per I twill lu Mt JMifand be 1 inetl l jitW Unduii Jan ISTlu dmlrallly 11e I prutliMnt liiJuiiu the Morlultil 1 Ill lint tin dtMliualloii of thou flying muml ran of Jin Mi warthlpt lion ulf spltii head hat nut el been determined U m eve lij thu Ailnilrally and mtalnlr tin wurnhlpt urn 1101 going to llirmuda ar lllyw hen In American water ntptvt cnlA A dUpatcli In the Not York Herald Low Imumn toys Advlrct liau been received hilt from Itarralxpillla Muting Mut-ing that ieneralt Maniuet nut MUM uclCaiallltiiioohijte hcenlinrrMeljr i lu tin acid from Bogota wllli Mid > ni It Is 1 citrcntty rnmotvl that two tenor s with rminiiilniiimiitiltlon for blue rum lutloiiUli have led N ew York fur toinu Atlantic Mort of Columbia 7s LyIYU 41 Choynikl knock nut Hull ClaimJumping reported from Uwna Ida CoiigtiHinimJIcMlllaii iiji the 1ni dent will twos rwojtnlKluliaii bellltfcr oncj oncjHie Selwle Cummltlcvuii Ilirrlun lie lntlunireK > m a bill eitniJIni thetrnw of the Mourn iliKlilne Vorclfurliiifiit dense Hint nny ordoti lime Uen li mtl to Stilt nillllla In nntldiwtlon of IIouhd liter CUlnl Soiilli tiirullnii Huii I III f ltrffiili the l > uml 11 bill nmklni miy txiiiimu Itv II lier A 1 Milling Our rvi > oiiil 1 LlofnriLOUOiUliiiisvi 11rJueJay I Jsn 9 IliUo4oaofltlutuaelltstioa JfvUtf day iaol the urKiiHiy ilfflclency Mil lloki inllb declares lilniMilf nualnil tin f roe hOHiMl > iul Mil four flrfiuiM worn burned shills it a IIro III III foul llilwm I wit visited with II hire Hint dmtrujttl i > rup M > lu the 1111I011111 if t1l1O11IO I 111111I111101 > Jnn lTli 1Ilvlu l ilfl Oemninv ks reeelved I au order runt blie invernnifnt for VQWO worth of HrHcliM shells It 10 odd mi artier for n largo niliiik of timer clan shell 0at glom to ill llruokljii 1rojMlll Cumpnny ax City III JII IThu Iaelfn fIIlor I 11 lie > 1 ridge over thin Mlseourl river ono oftluelargstalrltctttreshitthis term tryout I oWi J today M lib npiirontlnto h fl ixlJ cnt eluu In ceremwun it UUU n I 11300 00 The lonutli Incliulliig tutu 111111 I punt will drew nt illliiT curt it 1UIO lent nril with ttuiitli allrI I > ailic It li 4MO feet f feetTh Tliur > 1 41 pt 1 Hat 1grtry of Ihitleiilfrc Is I rat IIflulllllll1l1 rtoolve 10 Toars IIrllrll 1I111Oft ri 1I1tn 111111rlfo d Kllllf Irenipvh for 110000 Uidelllllll I wutloes of AIokI Kelt of HcCiov ChirlM Durfcw of Ut hIVO A olhn asalilil Hi Iu0ne melll for WOnOOKX ViiMiH IWrry rlrumanof a truiiflit on the dl I K V T unikillwl 11111 l cnlllilon near llxiivHli 1 Mo I Tim Uiiuliii I > ily TI lirgr iihi llnan ctl I urticli ijy iii bellevwl thai lng land iipluatioii Ir l the Anieriuin loan will ivolw tint xi > ort of t SWW HW of guhd ltliinaw k Much however I will ileptud unfit new from Wltblllf tonUuMla UuMla vole 404000000 rouble for tin nat and will build A wrhli for tfdt one put out by Knfrland Engineer Tremble and Fireman Waltit sere burst ly I eipunlvn < > f ao eifIIH > mi the 11111 Mlnml rulhuad The Drltltl bark Isse of K erankte hat arrled ui i sn ttn go oh ltli I Yeo of thou lee 01 an unknown tewl 1 probiltly the Lime slip > KII hi the Onmlwra off Cape Horn The Kllll crnnNI alto report the arrival at CHllao of the llrltlih bark Kmplre altixnt a total wreck It 1s I reorteil thai ilif War depart HHiil b at ltttldugton bus minified dipt T W Simmon Culled Ntuto eiiflntvr U examine unit report on the fenive t < n tv of Uullahi and vl cinlt In esne ut attempted InvaloH by nny hottllc puuer Cupi Slramoiii l nle < that he bit lwvdtot l any ills order He admitted l hnwtrar that If the War de irliiicnt had to Ittractnl him he oorill probably lie enjoined In itcrwy |