Show 1 TCnln Nllrr liullaM UihiiigloiiJan 711haut Vebrif try lit the Trraoury department will reo i mine the oolmigtt of fiherdollart mid contlnii until about tIS000001 huo been mined 1viiau the prexnt ndmln Ittratlun emu Into tauter there were In IheTienMiry nbout MKXUUIn III vcr dollar rnliiMl from Million under the lid of 1BOO amid avallable for Iho redemption redemp-tion of trmtury note hate lien l 10 ilteniBl In Mtymiit of time bullion pur I cnaietl Hlnce Augnit Ill nluut 18000H > 0 of those llute have hewn I redi > lud 1 III liver dollar and taneelletl The Hnritorv tif llieTreaaurv ha now dei idid li t coin fniii the bullion now on h ind and purchatml milder the art of hotel 1 ulut IIRUIIUUUII wider III rat ra-t ruei n i i imiiiinl of d lola11I tl it Toms un n chat it tuur onMarth 4 103 lln 1 mrage toil uf III silver Million I porn hand under the Hherman act wit 71 i nti an the dollar which leave n gain or ielnlorage of IM1 t luntaon tlio dollar 1t Ihl rate tin wigniorau on Ica 180IOOlKI totxi milled h would bo i 5llomK whit li will bHiiiioiintd l for ae mtheavallableiaili unhand I luvrunt I f Holt it bt tlut itmmnl t The order 11 the retnniiiti MI 0 tho coinage nt the mint at Ilnla lelphla I I New Orleant nun Hall 1 runcitco It ux Hcled In n day or two i I t |