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Show lL f- COALVILLE TIMES. - p . . lixl been made in sending him certifi (u ofthi tion. FO CHRISTMAS- - THE 0L0EST Bow tho Iiojf Wilt Bw OburttS is Park City miner, and CmsIsIUc. COALVILLE. FRIDAY. DKC. 2 ihyij from died of lLat on old camp, Next week will be Christa a week n debil-a- y miner consumption and, genera! Of and entertainm-u- s J Coalville, mo re ito otHVvtt mtttti lat Saturday , He leave a wife ar.d under way that will fin until time , CouglM-urechildren. A the most prompt and SfAht MM H OAJ.VIU.I Thursday night. tt effective for disease of the from 2Uf ore remedy the are On Monday shipment? Xo.li lofut(l') Following ' night the-- Vew Bert Ot Ml. and throat NwlAtoEtbo t school will hold a lungs, Mai kmtosli sampler for the the Christas tree and Iettoral. As an is Ayers Cherry tIKIVt tub fcrV rsua iJo Aai her emergency mediweek- - biKer King. M a entertainment, rheenter'amment wi'l Ns. S,Wt , for the cure of cine, West conten1. a p 0f lonceiilrates. 35'M,Ia!v J consist No 1, Wm ioog tje l(l,lTata of Croup, Sore 1 hroat. No 4, Et teatei. 137, 90, Toul pounds, 1,123 34U. -- Mother Goose and kantaTlaus." The Lung Fever and V 1 tul Uka , teacher of thia achool inform- - Ths Time The Old courthouse at Whooping Coiigh, and was j thatsli who desire Tuesday afternoon may p.a,e preeenU Mt Ages caught hretcTthe itlktriied t'reopoo4onto Edf on of for flS.iXW the tree amount tbeir damaged for Tho TlwooFor Tuesday evening two dances are tHorfe Oloou eecapeif eerwue inluw N WoIp twtll-- j hre bv a ladder truck tip- billed, one at Cluffs Hu ,idone a: the Cherry Pectoral this O V Lru at jury lie equaled. Heunv cannot I'avilion. ever. krt w Youu ping M. .lfro WIll0P E. Bra " t Prl On l, wley, v night the public schoois , Riipktvloo fhedmyrdtan't fcrget to pay their re- will Christmas John Clark I.. 111. fec. of PHu in rendering a length v and A U Bnmjo join Northcott R. F. Mrs. and ts Mr, to Kobo the American Bap-t- .t Wllliun Brewer aps excellent program of songs recitation-- , Nwrlrr Juaeptm Boil last evening, and the raket they made WawVrh Publishing Society, Petersburg, Welch Chorles Jones liurrout. Bur to with tin cans and horns could ls beard etc., at the Stake House. Extensive A U Add? V i . endorses it, as a cure for violent ItoaCoaToo. Mpa. have j the and been made, at Echo. They were present ad with all preparations colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. llrawley teachers have been and are still at work j the caudy, etc., that they desired. also add: To all ministers suffering CJvvrct tllfwctory preparing for the event. .So adrais-io- n from throat troubles, 1 recommend Elijah Ssaiuson ie suffering from the fee will lie OAiNt1. LATie-IAcharged and the entertainment j set-ta steer. d with of a effects Sunday Svhool every Sunday at 10. promises to be one of the uet treats of He had a rope around the critters neck, B. m the huke Hoot, harramsnt the season. Y. received Mr. Swaiiieon and in the icntfla meeting et 2 p. m. every Sunday. On Friday At 7 .30 p. ta., morning at 10 oclock, if M. M. I. A.- - story whnh painfully the first knock-dowthe sleighing is good, the scholar, of the in beaks House. injured bit knew. - D. H. Sunday school will be given a COhdlUOATluhAL CMC ACH. The engine for tbeGraee creek spur grand bon-dAsleighride, under therare of their y Awarded Xedal at World's Fair and teachers ; if Breaching service every ewond there is no sno-- . then other hcbool every left halt lake yesterday morning, Bundav eve-m- g. AYER S PIUS Curt Liter 2nd Slcrcich tins was morning. arrangements to begun Monday At 2 JO p. in. Y. F. 8. C. h. givs the little enes a Timbs The informs liolt school. Superintendent After fennday good time will be made bv the vtimlav Ubobob H.rsaav, I as tor, that the ties are arriving daily, and that schools, and a dance for the children in 64b. E4tn bt., Ogden. At ike Hall Slight he thought the work would lie com- the afternoon. In the evesing a dance Twenty loor milk maids, on twenty four i inula, pleted within two weeks from date. for adulta will be given, at which there Trsusai ting business a. curding to rules i) w ill also be "Are yon the judge of reprobates? Hesnng and giving repur's of their work singing, etc. said an old lady as aha walked into Let all these entertainments receive W list ra h on; had done and w hst tach ne had It amt. I am office. the Franks judge the patronage and attention that is due Judge was the reply. of probate, Well, the tea hers and workers for their efforts eoiur new fang Is, or some new invent'd). To help th cows (cause) thev tell iu contention thats it, I expect, quoth the old lady. in behalf of the general public. brnske the LEADER A milking machine a new patent pail. i died husband see "You deteated, be a next Christmas my merry one in every For progressive nimd- - wll have nothing stae None better CIGAR. and left me several little infidels, and I sente of the word. And how they contrive to HI srano their strength ManuThe for money. Ex. want to be he:r executioner. lip masculine muscle is tend at length hungers, epefckers actors public factured by the Lender Echo te made a trip if more you d know of Harry Wycherly tinners, tea here, preachentnd all who Now, Cigar Factory, 60 ( Bunday, anJ after arriving there got out are liable to over tax and irritate the More than here we have spate to mi ntion, Oomr to headquarter and gel your knowledge fur a moment to warm kimeelf a little. vocal etreet, 8lt organs, find, in AyeriCherry Pec- Straight from those wno have been through the lie horse Ureve the While thus engaged, Cowledee Lake City. toral, a safe, certain, and ijieedv relief, down, belonging to A. W. Steele, made A timely dose of this lias Geo. W. Jenkins, editor of the Nants preparation a quick start for home, and made things prevented many a throat trouble. Mans Times, Cal., in speaking of the He distance. for vonie lively finally various ailments of children, said. Northeott-Bttlt- b ran afoul of a fence, which in hie LOCH BREVITIES. When my children have croup there is On Wednesday sveuingat8 oclock, condition, caused him to etop. I ever at the residence of Thomas Ball, the uly one patent medicine that Most of the buggy has been recovered. and Chamberlain's that is nse, Cough declared. War ha not yet been brides father, Mr. R. F. .Northcott and Among the aspirants for territorial Remedv. It possesses so rue medical Milkmaids' cowvention mine inspector are Gomer Thomas and, Miss Lizzie Bali were united in holy properties that relieve the little sufferers wedlAck 8. W. U. Commissioner II. by William night. Tarmley of Coalville. Both It is, in my opinion, the immediately. Alma EldreJgei delivery team took a these gentlemen are eminently fitted for Smith. liest cough medicine in the market." If The ar deservedly contracting parties pvrt op the itreet Monday. Fortunately the office. They are twth practical coal this remedy is freely given as coon as ' young people' sell knoan miners of years experience, and either popular no damage resulted. will prevent Summit county, and few the croupv cough appears it Gotner Thomas A, Rons bsve resumed oue of them would make a good officer. throughout is also an ideal remedy attack. It ths can boast more friends that they. The work on their coalmine and are now Their petilioae tear the names of the for whooping cough. There is nodanger men of the territory, and we goom, onr county clerk, hu resided in in coal for market. leading the out giving it to children, as it contains getting look and hope to see one of them receive and been identified with Coalville and On Monday, December 16tb, Judge nothing injurious. For sale by John Summit county fjr the past twelve & bon. fehieldi leaned s license to wed to R. F. the appointment. Boyden or more, and the bride has resided An exchange says there is an old years Northcott and Mins Llwri Rail. in Coalville since her Infaety, PERSONAL. 'Xftrad the nd ef INivid Moor in this chestnut 10 the effect that the devil The happy couple are csmfortably he a man all offered ence the money D?. Visek ha returned from halt issue. He has something to say to you located in their new home on Second could spend In exchange for his soul. Lake. shout the purchase et meats, etc. North street. The bargain was made and the man Thk Time most heartily congratulates, A couple otrepreaenUtiveeof the New Mr. Geoige England is ill with pneustarted in to spend the money. Every- and with a large (ircls of friends, wish monia. York Mutual Life-- Insurance Company went lovely and the devil bad the the bride and groom along and happy were writing polities in Coalville this thing Mr. John 8. halmon i recovering best of it for awhile. Then the man conmarried life. wsek. rapidly. ceived the brilliant scheme of running a Dr. Chamber made a trip to Upton weekly Mark Hopkins made a'fiying visit to newspaper, and in less than six Neglect of the hair often destroy its tbia morning to attend Mr. Conrad months the devil went broke and gave vitality and natural hue, and causes it halt Lake the latter part of last weeY. Btaley, who is quiet ill. 8ho it irnproy the man back hie soul. toYallout. Before it is too late, apply Robert Young and family of Wanship ing, however. x Principal Olson informs The Times Halls Hair Keneaer, t sura remedy. made Coalville a ahsrt visit Tuesday Quite a number of the gradnt who that tho attendance in the grammar delast. Crvp. this have been engaged on the - Grass creek partments pf the Coalville school e W. H. Walker, hr., the vioBorn, Friday, December 13th, to the spur passed through town this morning winter is the largest in the history of Coalville Wednesin visitor was linist, wife of David Fluff, a boy, ' on their way home. the schools. Ali the school are in day. ' Rills are out announcing n grand ball excellent condition, and the progress Born, Friday, December 13th, to the J. L. Mitchell has been confined to of wife R. a both to the J. Robinson, boy. at the Pavilion on Christmae eve. The made ie highly satisfactory bed lot several days, but is now on his A cordial InvitatKlaus lady orcbestra will furnish the teacher and parents.-Born7 last evening, to the wife of the improve. ion is extended to parente to visit the George Brouily, at Echo, a boy. music and a good time Is anticipated. John Boyden returned Tuesday from tho after time schools at any holidays. The engine for the Grass creek spur Fait Lake, where he had been for teveial JCsws Proa Skill Valley. a Christnow are schools The preparing steamed into Coalville yesterday and atis Herald: Mr. Snow, a well known days on business. tracted eome attention. It bears the mas entertainment, and after this Assessor Jenkins came down and disboth should and over the parents encourage experienced miner, has just returned letters 8. L. A L, A and is engine No. 1, teachers and pupils bv an occasional from the Mercur Mining district, Sknll posed of the projyerty on which taxes Thomas Kee had a trainable mare visit." Valley, where he has been hard at work were delinquent Monday. killed this week hy stepping ou a hoe, One of the handsomest scales, and one examining the mineral i haracter of the J. D. Farnsworth, who for several the handle of which penetrated the ab of the nicest piece of machinery as w ell, district, and as t result of that examina- months has been at Opal, Wyo., returned domen ami necessitated the killing ef is Ihe Computing scales just put in by tion has located sixteen claims for Gen- this week to spend the holidays at the anituaL Alma F.kiredge at hi place of business. eral W, H, Isnrow, Robert Walker, Jr., home.' The entertainment to lie given in The Scales not only register the number and other gentlemen of this city, by Judge Henry hhields was dewn from Cluff's llall 7 night, Saturday, of pounds, but also the value of tho whom he was employe!. He is vary the Dark on Monday. The judge will ntv-fr.own hew e will 1 a y by t For instam e, if vou want a dol- f nthushintc Concerning the future of have a law eflue here on the first of tne treat and Bhould receive liberal patron lars worth of sugar, raisins, or anything this new and promising camp, and has year. age, Ikint fail to see it. sins, and the price of such articles is 8 brought in ninny samples of ore from m. Iarmlev returned yesterday from The property on which taxes were cents per pound, the clerk puts an in- each location, that he claims, as an exGate and other places., where he Castle a sold cent another at notch, Monday. Judge dicator at the 8l4 delinquent pert, are very much richer than any been iu the in rest of his candidai y has Rhieids, for the county, bid in all the fhkt notch, and when enough goods thing Camp F kivd cito produce. These for mine inspector. territorial county list and Mayor Wright, Tor the are put in to tip the leisure, you have samples will bo Monday or enfor a offered as of eale Colall are number that by pounds yon Tuesday next, ami (he results will be just the city, The boys are giving another dance at lector Thomas Rail. titled to, and the whole thing is reg- made known through the mining col- the Faviiion Christmas eve, Iecember istered before you. They will give exact umn of the Herald. A number ofths 24th. Dont fail to come and dance to Rills were printed by this office gentlemen interested wttiiMr.8now good music. The lady orchestra of value to t," of a cent. announcing a series- of social will be there again. Lame all Althonirb propose leaving fur the new cawip not Ogden The Park Record .. fays Liter than nextTue-daparties to be given during the '.holidays might. at Cluff's llall. The music will be furn- this has not been a particularly lively took Hw! ished by n selected band. The first party year among the mines ef Park City, and HICK LEVS VUMCA SALVE and see the Mrs. Call at while the railroads have complained ef w ill he held on Christmas eve. , The best salve in the world for Cut. fresh new candiesHartleys jnst received. Prices amd of merchant dull the slack freight, 2t occured at the upper workA cave-i- n Bruises, Sires, fleers. Salt Rheum, way down. times, there has been mined and shipped Fever Nire. Tetter. ChanDed Hands. ings of the Crescent mine at 1ark City to date ores, including Corns, and all Skm Eruptions, Chil StWalut.l at n oV.ck Wednesday morning. John from the ramp end positively cures Files, or Crescent shipment, to the amount of blame, Honors World's Fair. no pay required. It is Highest Oilagan was crushed to death by fail- to guaranteed give -,92,507,lt pounds; reduced to tons, gives f?r refo jug ere and Charles I'rovwe wras pinned ever short tons. The rate on ore p$r 42,252 25 cents per box. For sale br Friee timbers and down by fatally injured. from Park City to Denver is 7 per ton, John Boydeu A Son. , John Clark of Upton informs Thk snl to lt Lake 2; hence, considering Ltftt f Tiers that if no action it taken to es- the manner in which oie is divided, an tablish a dairy and wool scouring plant Remaining uncalled for attheFoet-offic- e average figure would lie 46 per ton on all in Coalville OB Dec. 19, 1895. la Coalville soon, he will start one at rock handled. That would give the U pton, himself, and if he undertakes it railroads a business When for any cf these letters, 4277,-61- 2 calling to amounting he will see that it i pushed to a successone class f freight alone, to say please say advertised:. en R WitAPO ful finish. nothing of the coal, timbers, machinery Jl kiehaiS J. R. Kbead received a letter from the and merchandise of alUcinds that go to mYlT! .MrY, w Anderson him that make up the necessary supplies for s Territorial Secretary informing Disorders in the liver end kidneys are his certificate'! election wae leaned mining camp. For dull times w conresponsible for many ailments of huthrough an error, and thet A. Buchanan sider the showings very good od. manity, which, when neglected, develop was elected. Mr.) Buchanan bae into serious and often fatal maladies. of election and we Old sores and wounds, ulcers and Fruilence would suggest ths prompt nse are never incurabV where Dr. J. of Ir. J, II. McLesns Liver snd believe all the new city officers Lave now Kidney MOST PERFECT MADE. If. McLeans YolianieOil Liniment is t.! rmov Ihe disorder ft soon as qualified. Mr. Rhead, we understand, need. Us removes foul matter, purifies possible, A Grare Cream of Tariar bonder. Free pure sad restore th di,esed organs had written a letter to the secretary in- the sore sad estabhshesa healthy, heal- to healthv snd hum Ammonia, Alum of sov other aUokeranL lnce vigorous setion. 41 per bottle. forming him that he thought an error ing action. - 25c, 60c and 41 per bottle. 49 YaAko Ths b A,, u Aio). John Olund, nt AfJD THE BEST lo 1 AYERS - I. o I- track-layin- g 1 In the interest of our numerous patrons and the public generally, that alLmay be provided in this line for the HOLIDAYS, WE WILL SELL Until Jan. 1, 96, 1 Tro-fc- LEADER. It VA km-merri- n!fssirsf?atyia' 0 1 SI O I 20 lbs English Currants for $1 1 AYERS 20 lbs California Raisins for Cherry Pectoral ;10 lbs Home Made Candy for 1 5 lbs Lemon Peel for 5 lbs Citron Peel for T one-roun- OpCCial O 1 IHE LINE OF DISHES, Our new stock of White Granite, and the latest styles of Decorated Queensware will IN prove of special interest- - The Sale oa Clothing as previously continue, in these columns announced. The public generally invited to call and see our line of general merchandise before purchasing elsewhere. Respectfully, Will it Mer. Co., Peoples ALMA ELDREDGE, Manager. The Coalville old-tim- TI Ml B $2 -- pur-cliiie- -- per Year. Larger Circulation in Summit g-- 4t County than all other papers -- combined. yee-terd- y. i. S' e -- i i t i I, f i; j" 1 I., TIKE TXIMIIEL DR;- - iti W4 it IN SUMMIT COUNTY. Job Printing Department Td prwiIj rriXT! .'TTi |