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Show TBCE3 TIMES ' Diseases of Fowl DAIRY AND fOUITRY. rood remedy la hyposul, Cholera. phlte of soda. Dissolve aa much of it la INFLUENCE OF A A, Artist J. U. Draw a t Emigrate It FOR a pint of water as possible; then mix INTEBESTINO CHAPTERS AmerlrS Brought GoodLotlu IS up soma corn meal or kt heat bran wtth OUR RURAL READERS. in Edinburgh months thirteen After UTAH. the water 'and teed to the pick fowls. COALVILLE, Dissolve some In their 'drinking water he went to London. Every young man with a particHow CnrveMfsl yirwn lipcrmte Tha also. Feed this till every trace of the ialb United Kingdom 'One advantage of foot bait is that the and a fine plucky heau, A brainy Saw arm disease disappears. If they are too sick ularly Department of the I fight alwp) e comet off. rwnftdenre in his ability to hew out hie l.'tnts aa to the ( are of IJvo Stock to eat, force it dowp their throats. drifts to Imndon, Just as in mad Pealtry Roup. Take sulphate of line; wet fortunes, Tie socials are tho thing with the upAmerica cleveroung fellows from all slBe and the It the then in finger, dip per crust in Kansas society. New of the country come to DAIRY farmer of rub into the fowl's mouth ; repeat twice, part Yorkr Or inject Ths "I Told You So" man Is getting our acquaintance Is applying three times a day. vast metropolis the There ia th n bis deadly work from Matos to Call-- ,, wise old man, and a solution of copperas water Into the made designs for a student art youag fowls The the and nostrils throat. down lorn la. good many say should bo kept In a warm, dry place. - maatifacturer of stained glass windows wees a HP thing. painted portraits. He was Scaly LrgB, This disease can be and a makes and Watch ths sultan of Turkey; he Is al!o from the glass factory a' away of coal oil getting a mixture cured by applying likely to work the straw bail trick on money in Ja!l his aud was taking a stronger hold little, cara of few and wtth drops sulphur, He lbs powers. fai ut opi rations on art. He was perfeet'y willing to bolic acid added; apply twice A week. has a neighbor who or $10. He of Head.loss and Sore paint a portrait for Droopiness The different countries of the "worll barely makes both could finish two of them a week. of lice. are sure indications appetite i of postbow use 12.400 different kinds ends meet, who On night he heard llArry Rutn Examine the head and neck; If they age stamps. bitterly opposed to are found some of his em'gTant songs. RusB'r.g apply Insect powder. the silo, because,' ha says. It Is too ex- was a concert singer of those ddys. sell add meal of Ga4w.fc.T0 overy pint Th bntterflyToIIecllon belonging ta pensive Speaking of this neighbor to one teaspoon ful of turpentine; ,see that he bad a s mpafhetievoire and sang Prof. Neumoegen of Brooklyn, N. , is our old friendoned.y we exposed our- eV( , hlck popular songs. That settled it for u Mm. worth ii0,000. im... , surprise that he could mg Brown, ife would emigrate. He jo fereme In profit between his poor meth 'cross the wide blue sea." And must of dose S0J It rest Texas $20,000 to keep Corbett oils and Uncle Johns good methods t!ry PIak iin K'e 'I he did. He arrived at New York on a oil or times three twice cai,tor day. cost half and Fitzsimmons apart. It also He ought to see. we said, with Canker. Scrape off the scabs aud ap-- i his twentj second birthday, and he Mrs Corbott No. 1 $100 a week. an eye that he is wrong and you are ply blue tlttioi: wath the head and has been here eer since. As usual, right. Whut is the matter with him? when he made a Change from one plate It Is said that the water In the Ohio Uncle John took an extra hitch in the mouth with a solution of alum and to another, he at once sought for the art Vinegar. riser Is so low that the catfish hare left slack of his breeches, and replied: Oh. in the new field. His three-pojnll To prevent the Jsylng of the stream and hare gone to Cincinnati nothing much, except he is so dead pnze and hiB portrait painting rggs, feed wheat and oats and supply for beer. stuck, on hiniAidf. and the little be the hens with $10 a portrait had not yet enabled at and shell ground oyaler knows, that he cant see ovyr his own his to sink the artisan and be only Ite mem her that the best burglar In 'title am hin. He ha got more pride plenty of time -- Ex artlbt So he got employment in a the the world la the dead one. If It comes and conceit than sense, arid "I never -- The Plain-vieat jlS3 factor. , and went to the night flood Advice gi paper to a Question of shoot or to be shot, knew a farmer to make a cent 011 his classes of tin Academy of Design, then Minn., says- Now that pur creamdon't be shot. conceit. Such men wjil stt addle clear ery Is at a standstill why not the fftm-e- r on the southwest corner of Broadway He orert deilar-to-pl- ek up a dime. Thomas 8. take hold of the business in a co- aud Thu teen th street. Venezuela gays she can put 100,000 commenced talking against the silo operative plan, organizing a stock com- Cummings had charge of these classes tnen Into the field." Unless Uncle Sam when I first built one.and now he thinks and realize all the profit there is at that time interferes John Bull can put them Into folks would laugh at him If he should pany So far 50 mg Brown's career had been in butter. In other places where the pottersfield. let up. My cows are my guide in this creamet lea bave failed the farmers very like. that of the good young man i silo business. I can't afford to kick have in every Instance taken hold of In the story books. Now, in the story Owing to the remarkable drouth In against facta, he can, and so I keep still the matter and have in every Instance books the good young man. as a rule, 1h vicinity of Hazelton, Pa., wild ani- and let him go on, He was oter to bormade a paying institution of It. A marries his employer's daughter. So mals from the mountains are Invading row aome money of me the other day. a good thing. Better but- that though this is always a most beaucreamery the villages In search of water. and 1 suppose I will have to let him ter can be made there than at your tiful and delightful thing, it does not mortmen have It, If It wasn't for such seem thrilllngly novel or original on homes, for there would be every The duke of Marlborough complains gages would be mighty eearie. which at least many farmers ths part of the hero Still, this is that "New York- - policemen are pretty Hoard's Dairyman. sre unable to secure. In this way the what J G. Brown did some two veara rough." Lexow proved that many of butter of the community would be made arter he ai rived In America. He marthem are pretty smooth also. In ono grade, in large quantities and ried Mbs Owens, the daughter of hla Modllug Milk. A fact 6f Importance which has been would give them a better advantage employer. Then he went to live in By scanning the advertisements of a emphastzed Is the value of cooling the to dispose of this product. Frojn the Brooklyn, where Mr. Brown took a theatrical exchange we learn that nine- milk as thoroughly aa possible as soon experience of other communities we studio on Atlantic and Clinton streets. teen of "Americas leading emotional as milked. When drawn from the cow, believe It would be a profitable invest- And after they had been married one actresses" are now "at liberty." milk la at a high temperature, and, in- ment. We have a class of farmers on j ear Mr. Owens died, and a year later deed. at Just the temperature at which Greenwood Prairie who would surely came the panic of 1857, in which whatOne of the features at a big food ex- the majority of bacteria will grow the make a success of anything of this ever property the Owens family had hibit at Chicago recently was a cake of moat rapidly. Under the lufiuence of kind If they can any where and we was lost. Mr. Brown Is ever so much soap weighing 1,000 pounds. Do they the atmospheric temperature, especial- believe the matter should be agitated. better able to endure these hard times , when today-he Is alxty-threeat soap In Chicago! Nashville Tele- ly In the summer, the milk w ill become -- Ex. than he never becomes but cool was when he was twenty-six- . slowly, But he very wash the No, but brood-coops graph. they probably Mites. The the Scalding cooler than the air. The bacterlawhlch pots after using. should be carefully watched for lice went ahead, with the grit that has alhave gotten Into the milk will thereways inaiked him, painting portraits, for during the summer and fall, as young and about this time he began to paint Some overzealous humanitarians are fore bave the very best opportunity chickens cannot thrive if sapped nightly and the milk will of Their life blood. Whatever of lltt'e boys and children, pictures tirglng the Republic of Hawaii toturn rapid multiplication scalding in them. Hla Hw done In these, however, must be done girl, with a story air her political criminals out of jail aouTvery rspWIyT If a low temperature im- - in to la cooled milk so that they will get fondness for this class of subjects the during the coming holidays. They are morning, not repentant, and would likely at once mediately after It ta drawn, the bacteria dry by nlRht. If your coops are In a brought it about that after a while he la checked at once and will not w.ttw growthAgain location and you have tiny chicks was spoken of as The Child Painter." kxi 'Mk wltirfin;err rapidity until damp begin wail la much safer with the entire be a good plan to get some dry if is. still entitled to this appellation, it will once mote. crowd behind barred doors and grated the milk baa become warmed sand occasionally for the floor. In this though his tough" little newsboys and Thla warming will take place slowly, windows. of ditches I never feel safe wlt bootblacks are almost too bold and inland reand therefore the cooled milk will little chicks unless the caopa are dependent to be styled children. Most main awoot many hours longer than It appears from a recent statistical that which Is not cooled. A practical floored; It la not safe unlesa one's land of them are little men. is above water. and not then if it be report that there Bre in Germany knowledge of thli fact will be of great on the side hill, with a water shpd AVhfta Ls Volte V DanrecL kilometers of trunk lines and value to every person handling milk. above. we have a very hard Whenever kilometers of branches The inIn his Southey, Commonplace low to as a temperature cooling rain and the ditchea overflow, one of Book, 11. 327. says Gifford, shows that vested capital of the railways Is re- Early aa ia practicable Is the best remedy for our coops Is always in danger, so I the waltz of the present day is Ioi Volte, Out at 10,721.099,606 marks, ported, too rapid aourlug of milk, Department know Whereof Ispeakwhen Odvlee of which our ancestors, two centuries of this sunt 2,745,323,004 marks were of Agriculture. you to select a spot that is high and dry ago. became either tired or ashamed. raised by state loans. The receipts in for brood coops, or else provide them This dance was first Introduced at the 1W394 ars stated- - at 1,401,714,31$ Tainted Milk. with board floors. Mrs. Mellette in court of Henry II. at Fontainebleau, marks; ths expenditure, 858, 865,991 It is wetl to notice that certain ab- Colorado Farmer. in 1555, by the Comte do Sault, and ila marks; surplus, 548,308.327 marks, of normal odors and tastes In milk may be which the government received is thus stated by Vincent Car-loi- x history Poultry In the Orchard. One of tht marks. The total sum of divi- produced directly by the food eaten by In the memoirs of his master, dends distributed was about 16,000,000 tho cow. If a row eats garlic or turnip best places for the poultry house is the Marechal do Vleilleville: He. (the -th CL flav or ot lhe jnllk. ij directly .af- orcharLThe fowls are away from the Uomte dr SaultFhad- - the -mark. Tbw funds-fo- r repairs are principal at 29,243,044 marks, and the fected. Various other foods may. In a garden and have a range where they vogue In a ball royal for his fondness traffic details are given as follows: similar niauncr, affect the taste of miik, can secure plenty of green food, bugs, for dancing and his good grace; so that Passenger traffic Number of passen- but thla class of talnta may be readily worms, and other insect, In destroying he introduced at court a sort of dance gers, 521.479,450; receipts, 384,703,403 distinguished from those due to bacter- which they benefit the trees and fruit. called La Volte de Provence, which marks. Goods traffic, 244,178,613 tons; ial growth. The odora and taints due to The site for the house should be had never been danced there, and the direct influence of the food are at chosen wtth a view to insuring good which has afterward had a receipts, $54,053,910 marka great run their maximum aa soon aa fhe milk la drainage, as It is most essential that has also It the kingdom. throughout in which never Increasing afterward. poultry have dry quarter One of ths drawn, he Invented it. for many been Says a contemporary: that sqld first uses to which the current gen- But the taints due to bacterial growth they may roost, or take refuge when it called It La Volte de Sault'; and this erated at the large Niagara Falls elec- do not appear at all in the freeh milk, storms. On a farm it la no easy mat- name Is suitable, both because of the be noticeable only after ter to give the fowl a good range and tric plant has been put is the manufac- beginning tohave of the word and the charhad a chance to grow at (he same time to keep them away etymology ture of aluminium from bauxite by the bacteria of the dance. Car l'bomme et la acter a the therefore, dairyman has trouble from the garden, the hog pen, and electrolysla What the value of ouch a If, de femme sestant embrasse tous-jousource of electric current may be to In hla milk, which appears immediately stable. In many case, the orchard tlrols en quatre pas, tant que la dance look for the Is the only good place for the poultry he the after may milking, factories In the neighborhood of Ns'entre- causa ls something. ihe tow has eatem belter .there, with dure, ne font que tourner, vlrer. Tholaw iagara; to aay nothtng of those al di- - Butlf the trouble appears after a few house the variety of food they secure, than a tance, Is suggested by the fact that, and then grows rapidly worse if they were kept in more restricted quand elle est bien menee par person-nealthough the present aluminium works hours, tres exoertes agreablc. a he reaches house to unlit Is it be maximum, may be quarters. If the poultry are constructed to produce 5,000 pounds that the remedy it to be sought, built during the summer, it will pay of pure aluminium a day, the complete assured Hint sail Help. ' success of the electrolytic process has not tnthanglng the food of the cow, but to put It In the orchard. Ex. When the name of Christ becomes convinced the management that the In greater care In the management of the dairy or barn.' Agricultural ReMake Improvements. Why not teai everything to a Christian, it wt.i do doubling of the resources of the factory out all the permanent fixturee In the everything for him. port by Its means la a comparatively-simplhouse and destroy the mites hidden If anyone has a right to always be matter. More pots are ta be put In Farming Under Glass It seems cer-ta- hen and under them? Then make strong and of a good courage, it la the behind aa rapidly as possible, uatll 10,000 that the .growing of many of our to put the roosts back man who know that Christ has saved pounds of the pure metal; worth Ja field crop, such as pot atoes. ca b ha ge, .arrangements - ; small quantities 60c a pound, is being elcT wilt be largely under glass in the .and the peats in such shape that they klm. Whenever we know that God has sent future. It Is expensive, but there are so can be readily taken out and coal oiled. turned out dal. rooata are all on one level ns. we may also know that he has gone many things that compensate forthe See that the and not too high. Bumble foot becomes before us. The city of Jacksonville is reported outlay that It Is one of the reliable 0 be greatly delighted over the disEven when a cheaper very frequent among flocks of, heavy Great things may be done by - the hen where they roost on high perches veakesL covery of c bountiful soppy of water. transportation for southern-grow- n proSuch depravity as this would not be ab ducts shall have been secured, there A few loads of sand or gravel 1o fill Our Christian life is a failure, if the o go uncensured In will yet be reasons for forcing houses In in the low places around the hen house churcn to which we belong Is not made ,0 Kentucky. . the north. Such houses will be not only will .prevent dampness, and when the wronger by our membership. we wait In the light as he la In Col. Hamm, editor of the" Georgia ntted with Etaw Toofs, but also with land 4s clayey enable tou to get rid el If wire screens, ao that In the summer the much mud. Mud should never be the Ught we shall be made a blessing jTrackerssjjLihAt-- a annlligoaterJa-afound The tprrhouse'Sant. to somebody whb sits In darkness. man who le ambitious tor office, regard- glass may be dispensed with, screens being used to keep out bugs gravel, coal ashes or sod should prevent less of party, platform, or Na matter where he Is, the man has principles; and that, if he gets there at all. hAdae a4 birds. The one Hem of crop de- such a nuisance frem ever existing. an easy place who loves to (10 liod's " wOL by nioaumental. talknophical as-- a struction by Insects Is a costly one, and Ex. this alone In ts strong who is not will a the tins nary." Thanks to Col, No" fair Christian pay saving Hamm, we Leghorn an are as last able to classify tome Inter- - I The Joy of the Lord ts the mit GU lh Investment. The pro- - Leghornswild,arebutWild happy. the, wild nature ea - of the - righteous." Rsm's 4 tectloe from frost i also worth looking naturally lcg characters. ; be somewhat subdued If cart Is take. strength after. Horn. Now the winter mtaitha are near, and Colsjeo, HI., has enterprising burg- so ! we when it have day many unfit Instance of Dairy CommissionAt larsu While the earthquake was In Hwnjaa Rnlra Hoy. for the fotris ?to be outdoors, and if er Adams, the Wisconsin law prohibitprogress some Republican tell the gentlemen Springfield The so arranged blew up a safe and made off with the ing the sale mt oleomargarine, colored your scratching shed Is orBoston. a aged 6. who of boy can from their story go that been has they resemble test id, butter, roosting contents while those who heard the to an mind as have to Imaginative oems can facilitate to It. you matters ia a test ease tried at pen tol were expecting to see the earth and sustained ' -Madison. Wls. Considerably by having a mnslin front ' well at a humane disposition. open up. An eastern dairyman says: The man put do the shed, ao that the fowls can- - i Recently his mother noticed that at Then at feeding time bedtime every night he, laid his little who ia too aristocratic to mingle freely not go out A Sen Francisco society woman an- with hla calves, and bis cows also, will quietly move among them, and th'4 hoots together upon their sides. Instead Bounces that she "will start rof Chif setting them upright never succeed as a of dairy gradually have them ' become accuscago on her wheel Just aa soon as she Stock. There is a social side to a row's tomed to you. Ex. "please tell me why you always place she said. , can get a divorce." There Is no excuse nature .aa well as to a mans, joUf boots In that way. it u for delay. If she applies fop divorce from her nodal nature that comes not One thing U more foolish than to - Why," answered the little boy, U here by telegraph she will find a decree cnly the milk but the fat as well, given feed poor food to good stockfan'd that Vcause they must be tired walking ao tmeh all day. I lay them side way so la to feed good food to poor slock. freta a spirit of- purs ootberly awcajng here on her arrival. 1 , can rest Massachusetts Bt Ts TinsfTussia Cosraav. r. M. riMtto. iuuwmiI uu4 s4 Y-- , 1 j d soft-she- - 1 e. tkieU SI.-(S- O u 11,-8- 08 rs l a e ln T T I J a 5 ' light-finger- ' t,ey Plwmep. Itn4 bv Her Cerrat, Kaw York Press: Edward Kempton. It la costing Spain $3,000,006 a month a young man employed for the last year -ta fight Cuba. year in this city, called at the home of Last year it cost Great Britain $24,000 Mise Laura Jobonott to bid her goodto combat the locust plague of Cyprua. bye before leaving to accept a position Ia Trigg county, Ky J. J. Thomas in Brooklyn. While taking h.s leave grew an apple that weighed a pound be pulled a revolver frprn hi pocket and fired at the prii heart, but the and ten ounces. corset steel, glanced and Four generations of a family are be- bullet struck a He no barm. did immediately raised ing taken care of at the poor farm the revolver end shot himself through at Biddeford, Me, the temple, dyibg a half hour later In 1HG9 there were In London only without regaining consciousness. It ia 600 miles of underground wires, wherethought he was deranged. as there are now 13,000 miles. A wrong desire overcome Is a temptaro growing In Prepaid gas mete.-- s resisted. favor in New Y3k. You drop quar- tion 2i-In ter a slot and get feet of gaa. Bloomers are the rage lu Paris. The women are everdoing it, and the authorities are puzzled how to atop th Troubled my daughter. At t.mes her head would be covered with scabs and nuisance, A team attached to a patrol wagon running sores- - YVe were afraid she would become blind. In Pittsburg ran away the other day We hail to keep and stopped only when they had board. a ed trolley ear.A man who had been an Inmate of the Allegan county, Mich., poorhou3 for forty -- seven years died there last week at the nge of 73 years. In Paris at the foot of all steep Inclines are found members of the Wheel-pusher- s' guild, who, for a small consideration, piioh the rider's machine to th6 summit. Illinois has & poulatlen of 4.000,000, Indiana of 2.000,000. Illinois has 14,234 miles of railroad, Indiana has 8.3SU. We began to give 6. Illinois assessed her railroads at her Hood s Sarsn- - f , t LA parilla and soon we saw that she was better in every reAn Advrutura Will, Lightning. spect, The sores have now u! healed. Small of Wallace I had a severe attack of the grip, was Captain Prank Point, Me, had a thrilling experience left in bad condition with muscular recently during a thunder slioiver. lie rheumatism and lumbago. Since taking was out in a dory after ducks when the storm came up and suddenly there came a flash of lightning that seemed I fim all right and can walk around out to surround h s boat wiln its flame, doors without the aid of crutches. W. and then something like a lall of tiro II. Aremart, Albion, Indiana. danced along the crest of the wave in . liis d recliou. '1 here was a dreadful Hoods Pills cure all liver till roll of thunder that seemed to break over ins head and tiien he knew no more for some time. hen he revived he was at tiist unable to move, but at last tipped over, ids huruis go ng into the water, lie tben d.MWired that his oars were goneatd his rifle lav in the bottom of tne boat completely shattered He also found that he was bleeding freely, but, recovering somewhat, he paddled ashore with a piece of board, reaching there after several hours of hard work. Then it took the doctor a long while to stop the rais.ng of blood, but Captain Wallace has now recovered so as to le around as usual. cure all Kidney Troubles, caused by overwork, A Moloraan's Lift. worry, excesses, etc., and all Blood Troubles ( Rheumatism, FULL OF HARDSHIPS. EXPOSURE AND Gout, Anaemia, Skin DiseCONSTANT DANGCR. ases, etc.), caused by sick Kidneys. The Great Strain ea Van's Kerves Sufficient In Itielf to Wreck Him In A few doses will reShort Time. The Experience A few boxes lieve. n Motormao. of a NEWSY SONO. TRIFLES, - t Scrofula from Infancy - t $157,-743,02- Hoods Sarsaparilla KJHbbs laragus KidfleyPil!& Well-Know- will cure. From the ClnelniaU, Ohio, Enquirer. Sold by an drugThe life of a motorola n is not a bed of gists, or fey mail prerosea. Ho is subjocted to many hardships paid for 5oc. a box. especially in the winter when he is exposed to the cold and snow. Even in the summer he must bear the intense heat which beats down upon him. Considerable nerve and is necessary in a go d motor-mafor the lives aud limbs of his San FrRitc, are at slake One of the best known in is motormen William this city electric lYazor, who is at present running a car on tne Cnmmmsville electric Hdo. Bo is not ontyweli known to his follow employes but to the people w ho travel on his car. Mr. Fraser U a yonn? man about twenty-siyears of age and resides with hn whe and child at 144 belts Street, Cincinnati, O. About a year ago Mr. Frazer was taken with serious stomach troubles He bopghl several kinds of medicine whttfH were recommended to hun, but none of them seemed to give him even temporary benefit. An en thusiastic admirer of that famous remedy known as l)r. Wrthatns Fink Fills for Fafe Feop'e told him to try them. Frazer was almost discouraged, but took the advice, lo a reporter for the Enquirer he said: I can most heartily recommend Dr. Williams' Fink Fills. They are ail that is cia mod for them, in fact they advertise themselves better than any medicine I ever saw. 1 was seized some time ago with a bad attack of indigestion. My stomach hurt me nearly all the time and I could not digest my food. The pain was almost unbearable THE LAND OF THE an 1 1 found nothing that would give me relief. I confess that when I bought the first box of Fink tills I hadn't much confidence ia their efficacy because I had tried to many things without success that I was almost discouraged Before I had taken one box 1 was decidedly better. Two boxes HMMIalfcWMIiai'(inMlcured me entirely. While I bave been under fit Urn fri . tho weather from other causes my indigev roMvrWAWOVrwtrd1,,, lud in Barrs C., TtorrhaT never returned. If it ever should OriU, writ to CaTT. Ubo.No.a. 1 know cltZ- - U. t 4 G. just what to do. I have so much Finin" ( Minor, Pams, Mo., or L. B. confidence in the efficacy of Pink Pills that ea Hoaadaoot Bug, Chicago, 11L suvovSCOo it I ever get real sick again w ith any disorder I shall use some of them. It is a pleasure for me, 1 assure you, to testify to th iH OLCtTlT LOEtCltST A excel ent qualities of these Fink Fills. They iMtSTinTME Wt5T not only tone the stomach but regulate th bowels and act ast as a mild cathartic. - Mr. Frazer s testimonial means some-tilinHe speaks from personal experience and anv one who doubts that he received the benefits stated can easily verify the assertion by calling ob Mr. Frazer or seeing him some time while tie is on his car. Dr. Williams Fink Dili- - contain ail th e'ements necos-mto give new life and Trade-Mark- s. richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are sold in boxes at M m to Psueufeititf eC Xsmminmtiom sod AW cents a box. or six boxes for 92 SO, and may txiYFOiroo. 6d4 for InTFOtors or How to Q be had of all druggists or directlv by mail Attueot." UttZl emsiu WAS22?5T0, & Qe from Dr. At iliiamt Medicine Company, be lienee tady, N. Y PARKERS HAIR BALSAM All the bets on a yacht race are not p aced Cifujms and WatilMB ths hilft n, x BIG BED APPLE - o, y en the stake toat There Is no better magazines lor wives and mothers than Good HouseIt has keeping. Spring lidd. Mass. made a Mg success in alt of its departments, but its 50.000 readers are delighted with the ser.es of anagraniir which it baa been publishing. In its September issue there was one on 200 and advertisepopular advertisers ments. with a series of valuable prizes. Hie publishers will send a sample copy sontaining particulars for 20 cents. Patents, fauumnt to RiwtOKW rroQHWt Ontj Hir torilIt Youthful Color. Cttnw trsip OifiMMt It btjf taohbfc g fiwl ft UDgt Dntgrirtfi Zachary T, Lindsay, ".'S': RUBBER GOODS for Catalogues, O&Qfcha, Kulh WAXTKD-A- fif Bxhhmt tinty wtshinf to m quirk ly ftud itFfNiuuf Bta4r ftrtno forms Belting Fvevtieared whirrs The North American Review for No- Wnt fttumAu work Me M Adftrra 1, 214 musUub vember opene with a unique article by kofitoo Austin Corbin, entitled Quick Transit Between New York and London." It Omaha STOVE REPAIR Works discusses the popular demand for the MV Repairs hr 4U.M eilTrrvnt imw shortest possible sea passage between ulruiM. IMllmlMStltaufc.S(S New Yoric and London, and striven to W. N. U., OMAH, 49, 1SD5. show how a line of steamers plying between Fort lond Bay on Long Island, Wliaa wrlUnf to ftdrertlr mention tbit piper N. Y., and Milford Haven in Males, would achieve the desired result. Well regu'ated love ts six of on and half a dozen of the other. A fool tnd bis money are soon parted, for the general good of mankind. huxti tourh nsut Bjrrup. Ihn. AtL Lid ImTs. Tsmoa Gou4. br ON BUMIzVi 1 I I |