Show Ln Apes 1 ealwelltlea I thief Ittn the auburn haired orang outallll at the too It tery superstitious and his conviction with regard to straw are not limited to the mar fact that they tell how the wind blow The I chief believes that chewing a straw with rrrutn itiperMlural qualities will bring his dinner hour around before ono on-o clock the regular llmo and ba dally trios to put this theory Into practice from among the heel of straws In hula cage he nrlceta with great car the i I Mnnrit and utralghleat I and after liar I lag plsced U 1 In bin mouth lie I goes to I the glut from of hula cage and shading his eye with his hand peers to tho right and left In search of the keeper with bin dinner lithe keeper Is I not In Htht the ehlof throw the straw away ss nit poitmslng sufficient charm and selects mother Thin performance ls repeated over and over with the utmost ut-most gravity until the meal arrive Philadelphia Ilerord |