Show There Is I more Catarrh In this section of the country tnnn all other dheane put tognther and until the last few year ves surpo et to be Incurable For a great many Years doctor pronounced pro-nounced It I a lo nl dif ease and prescribed pre-scribed local remedies and by constantly constant-ly falling to cure with local I treatment pronounced It Incurable Kclence has 1 proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore require constitutional consti-tutional treatment Hall I Catarrh Cure Co Toledo manufactured Ohio In I bv the r nifC constitutional constitu-tional cure on the market It la I taken Internally In doses from ten drops to n teaspoonful It acts directly on the blood and 1111001 licfaces 01 the asys Im They offer One Hundred Dollars for any case It 1311 to Uro rend for circular and 1lImonlI Addrems F J CHUNICY > 8r coIoledo 0 RoM by drusslils tic Jltll Family rills GoTh Go-Th Tlol1 3larried Couple Westminster Uaretto OnSeptembei S3 tho wife of a dwarf by tho nnino of Morris guvo birth to twin at Illaena van North Walea Morris 1 only I li illooilr thirtyfive Inches In height while hit wife Is I oven smaller In ktaturc They swore married nt llarthomley church last Christmas and have since been traveling through the country us General Gen-eral und Mr Small being the smallest married couple In the world Tile mother and infant are doing nclL Vaelo Counts nalwant loth ho a I < I k p r1d q I at IA owjklijuir ou6 1111 1 I Trl 16 Tit boost Is cclj Olson Iou goes oat I Highest of All In Leavening rowerLalest U S GOyt Repot OV l Baking I toy Powder ABISOLUTELY PURE 110 Cure Is I a wonderful oniliniedl elae > lus W 1 trkriiT all Slogan and Blake Assoc Brooklyn N Y Ot IV Ml Itl6nttlialigaguat borG tbat IDoLlbo Last muol Tle man Ill the bOYIt lUuolba Often line tLe loftiest boI I II Vu 111011 I ben still for our look Jlo to Slecu late buncMlully on I tailed I ilirglni In rl fI1 llrlnnd Hlexk JJntUn ilnl i ed IfM Comstock lluihes i Lvniany Ilia to lIuLdlng Cbltaio ilL ilanyasuM0 ClAtit hat turn1 Out to U unl I a the Ion tin nlcmitlril Illll tit rare Tor n dinner lervoJ on the dining cars of tho Chicago Mllxaukio I t bt 1aul t IrI1t sent lu any addres on I receipt of n twocent puttage stamp Apply to George II llenford general passenger agent Old Colony building Chicago HI The lrer ot tood utus aloasys l boa a oldest voice 1 ntlllsrd taUe teronJ for 1A4 tbtap AiJy W or sold from II C AKH til H I ill Ht Ointlin I Nox I I A Child Enjoys The pleasant fUvor geotta actbn and I soothing effctU of syrup of Ittra I vtlien la I need of a laxative ami It the father or mother bo costive or bllhrat the meld II cratlfjrlnic results follow Its UMJ I te that U Is the Jolt family remedy UuonnanJ every family should halo a battle 011 hand nllh IP1rod II 01 001 Ir gifftaeaniaf r l = Oe ollb let liele toward Issavenista I good nolher It h idese to oasole ral It loallal osvif venho now nourooss lt tJr 11a rITS All ruot01P1 to rety lle1111Ooonra0 r e fi1 l = 51JJ T Iletiverassoi named for Uuy Janie W Denver ol Kan a > ZUa ni Ustrle Cora BlTH I Wui < IV u n H M r lluu 4 011 ltd < l > nMUIII IIMIItMU I Itrookltu li I i l M tha City at Char lies There are more titan MH I It tile link is Culling T 41k t I nra 4 IM bolo < nj ll irHI 1 IMWI II ITUU > t loaniiM user for cutu Ttttu Know ot a very low 1 leuiptrstnrt liurU luolituro I WIlolII rats live ou what feos tramp under rout Thc rcnttoSl tncdlc l Ol coery nf the Age KENNEDYS MEDICAL DISCOVERY DONALD KENNEDY CF POXBU MASS Hit discovered li one < 1 our common klnd turdwheeds1 of Humor Ironiilie itmtdy lllUUtLC worn SJr Wol down to a common pimple lie las tried It In over tlo n hundred met and newer filled except In 10 rain both thunder Immot He lp IHIW In hit possession over two huiUrrJ > etllnc3tei ol Its ulue all within t Ivitnty I mild of lj Uoslon orll posul card fur bouL A enelit Is ahaS l experlenccJ from the first bottle and a reflect cute U warranted war-ranted when UK rich qutnllty U I ULen When the luiji are alT < < led It causes llioollnc tulns like iiMilles Imlnt Ihroiich thcin lie I urn with the Liver or Dowels Tills Is ciuKd bv the ducts belni stopi ed and always dluppuri In > week afler wkinj II Reid llie libel 1 II Hie stonudi is foul or bilious it will cause sjueainlsh I feelings tll first No change of diet ever ne esviry Eat the best I jou cji Eel and enough of It Dose one liblespuiinlul In water at bedtime lla time Sold bv ill I Druggists j I QOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ftuper Names x zv Jain > ULU 11 ailJAO l3pt L MJL lIaJlJta spot1 atiol are IIIO all millocloogeolor woll hon > 01 11 ocitit < 1Aeb tenet It StJacobs Oil MR 565600000001 Timely Warning Tho groat success of tho chocolate preparations of tho house of Walter Dakar Co established In 1780 has led to tho placing on tho market many misleading and unscrupulous Imitations of their name labols and wrappers Walter Baker U Co aro the oldest and largest manufacturers manu-facturers of Puro and hichgrntlo Coccwa and i Chocolates on thlo continent No chemicals aroused aro-used In their manufactures I Consumoro should ask for and bo sure that they got tho genuine Walter Dakor L Cos goods WALTER BAKER < < CO Limited DORCIIUSTER o MASS KJIEALTH 46 MAL a health signal The babya mission its work in life is growth To that little bundle of love half trick half dream every added ounce of flesh means added happiness nnd comfort com-fort Fat is the signal of perfect health comfort goodnature babybeauty SCOTTS EMULSION is the best fatfood baby can nave in the easiest form It supplies what he cannot get in his ordinary food and helps him over the weak places perfect growth For the growing child it is growth For the full grown new life tl wilt til Salfl fmtMtt 4 f fJ < J inlttlttlt Scott Uownc New York All Drusglsfe sac oDd 5u |