Show llho Mao ttIloi I Itolie Ida lIce l > 17 Trlbuno Spec lal a flour City opeclal says A young man mimed llliharct lep I sun 01 f John Hlchardi who live on Lower lienold Crick tins been mining since the latter part of lilt week und It is I cared that ho has hues foully dealt with Ho wai out on oho range bn lilt hone leturnnl Saturday wlthou him and there wr a bulletmark or till horn of the saddle hlierllf Julie will gu 1 over 111 the morning Invett I gate the matter L A large l1ullllltrof the nclghlwrii and + rwliltnti on the creek hoIU teen him r IllS for this young man silica Kiturduy d halt no truce of him ha been iccured It Is the opinion of many that young f Itlchurdt came Uwii tome cattlv thluvu r and they Hindi nay with him Theru ha been trouble there over cattle stealing steal-ing Three yours ago bherllf Italian air t retted a gang of tliluton operating In the t vicinity |