Show IN KUSTJC ENGLANI GLIMPSE UP tOil NINO HALL I i PROM NORFOLK BROADS I I I A liiilnnl Chapel Vhat Note class ff < lore I lite it lInTh I lrluri > < iiit Making Mjhlrn at lisp Mll 11 le lure of tan N the October On fifty Stess I Ann I r Hun man Dodd its t crlbM A Cm Is Irl lN I do on the Norfolk r1r11 IlrtMilr to whkih h9 Joarph 110 1 n n ellI ell-I contributes some of so till char ot rltlc I 4 draw I nit Mr 1 Dodd thus di acrlh one Bttrnc tire scene Preentl > a voice Rounded from below the deck Killing Mill WH calllnn tii I ward from the et of the Jolly tioal I which he win holdlnK alongtlde 111I I gain for milk and en maam to Ihe hull IVrhajM It ud be > our pleasure lo tike the trip up the dike A moment mo-ment later must we wore nlliHiig effects i the sunlit river WhRt could he better after n morning In n stuffy cnblu than n trip In nn own boat and n descent upon an English farm house One or I two nkllful stroke of M tills oar bent lit skimming from the brilliantly lighted river surface lo the quiet of a placid creek It was like turning from n busy hlihroad Into n line The green waterway aremed lo hue rap tured the secret of perpetual twilight the day finding Its WRY only through the dense arch wocn toy lie oler and wlllon Laughs I Ireiirntl atood forth through the glistening tree trunk the fair faend of t n iloitt substantial mansion mantled IVY It wa Horning hall ChMetolhn fnrni a girlish that wa win leaning over n elastic allto U wn n traditional I po e In 1 which lo i dlfroter I feminine rnsllcll but the living loveliness of tile ilrlafalr I face and the soft animal wonder In her hazel ojes made one oblivion of 11111 other genulncltt models IB It milk or rream1 wa her strictly prornwlunal iiueetlon Ia milk my Ins an eggs If joutn got cm freh Milt wa obviously rntlnl nt his ease with the rustic IH mil With long itallorllke lurch forward he look him place beside lilt girl leaving tie to follow An the guvnor hall IA bo An year mint nn tile stock we heard him my aa tile two bent their step toward the hack of the farmhouse Mill took Ills way to Iho barn while the glil I wlzod our own moment of Imlcoliloi to Kraiti the milk jug find crime the courtyard A A wo stood watching her noting her Xenon fresh loicllneu why was It thnt slid tlcnl other equally fair atid I comely slinpon took their placM lievlde her that Magslo Tulllter llolty Korrrl and Ten of the Crtttrvlllo I should alto be cioulng that sun flooded courtyard trailing before our eyes the momor of heir tragic full Thu peace Ibo perfect per-fect ntlllnrM of Iho farm house rti rloture Iho wet and dcwj earth hln IIIR through the tree hough tile herd of cattle and deliver of theep moving under the freh tunllght yonder tile very diono of tho bwH In the blithe had brought vividly to mind those Immortal Im-mortal type of women whoso hltorle seem forever Interwoven with sue If homely note na the pouring of milk Into tin can and the rthmlo thud of the churn Tho firm mnlden meanwhile had filled our milkJug and Mill visit wllliln tho barn hnd come lo an abrupt end We were about lo depart when In an Inspired moment wo ceacul gating at a live picture and dwelling on trage cited to confront both In one h wool turned toward Iho dike a alone building rose up before tin 11 WIlH tin unexpected n 1 hulldlni lo nicct In a remote roiintr farm as might brave bn Fail the Tower ot London or the Now York Produce Exchange The structure VIlA sturdily hiiltroimeil U had htuuttful curly English trucerlea In Ila regularly paced window stand although IU porch nnd belfry hud long ilnco dltupnoarrd It was III untnUtnkab s cnnpel nil If Iowa of chorister were still Intoning within III vaulted roof Instead of tile Impatient damping of the hont l stalled within Us Ivalls 1t a barn maam chipel Yen nramNwrim raAa maam I It wasRt Ilencl clnpH Hut Its been a barn since before ever I was born Tho chapel proved to brave been part of the old abbey and wo soon Bulled past what wa Ml of It The marine to tho left was mi unbroken plain Out of the tuft of grass there rose up Suddenly tile huge outlines of nn ungainly un-gainly drnlnlngmlll from the lower southern tlilu of which hloMomed a lovely gothlc portal Clearer And clear er became the shnpo unit form of It hire and there within the portal were blta of timeworn border trarcrlca tottering canqplo and n pile of shapeless rjpl lots and rlbvaultlnei Tile bank along the river showed faint trarra of broken blta of walls of sunken tower and ramparts now but mound of turt For many a turning and twlstlnr In j nnd out among tile rlvirmnrilif wen the outlines of tho mill and the abbey portal to murk for UH tho brevity of human grandeur |