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Show Mrs. Vaughn's Special Recipes The following are some of Mrs. Kate B. Vaughn's tested recipes. These are in addition to the ones demonstrated by her at the Ogden Standard Better Foods-Better Foods-Better Homes school in Orpheum Theatre. OMELET. ORANGE CAKE. may also be added. - - 5 tablespoonfnls crlsco y4" r if shipping cream 1b not ' 1 Spoonful salt U S$ available, plain coffee cream 1-4 teaspoonful pepper 4 egg yolks may e use anc en one ta" Pinch of. paprika 1 1-2 cupfuls flour blespoonful of crisco and one- 6 tablespoonfuls hot water or .2 teaspoonful salt . fourth teaspoonful salt added. -Ulk 3 teaspoonfuls baking powder 1 1-2 tablespoons crisco 1-2 teaspoonful orange GINGER BREAD. 1-4 teaspoonful cream tartar Cream crisco and sugar. Beat 1.4 cupfUi crisco Separate eggs and beat the ed IxSSi! . M 8U bro. yolks; add salt, pepper, paprika gitt the d Ingredients and add 1-2 cupful molasses and gradually water or milk t th above mlxture aUernat- . 1 beaten e,gg (water makes tender omelet) j Rh lk Bake mod. cupful sweet milk Beat whites until dry and stiff. eratQ oyen ( 1 teaspoonful salt And cream of tartar and cut ' 2 teaspoonfuls ginger into the yolk mixture. Heat CREAM ICING. 1 teaspoonful cinnamon and brush with crisco the ome- One-half cupful Bweet whip- - 1-2 teaspoonful cloves let pan and pour in the mixture. ping cream beat into this con- 2 teaspoonfuls baking powder Place on range where It will fectloner's sugar until it is a 1 1-3 cupfuls flour cook slowly and evenly. When stiff paste, place bowl contain- Cream crisco and sugar; then well puffed and delicately lng this paste over steam and add cream together with the browned underneath, place ome- stir until same melts, remove to molasses. Add beaten egg. Sift let in center grate of oven to table and flavor with Burnett's together the dry ingredients cook on top. When firm to vanilla. Beat for few seconds and add alternately with the touch, omelet Is cooked. Fold and pour over cake. Cocoa in milk. Pour into shallow crls- and turn on hat platter. Gar- desired quantity may be added. coed tin, bake 25 minutes in nish with sprigs of parsley. Nuts or Bhredded concoanut moderate oven. |