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Show 1 Society PUBLIC RECEPTION. The Martha Society will hold a public pub-lic reception at the Day Nursery, Friday Fri-day afternoon, Feb. 4, Mrs. W. H. Wattis and Mrs. Dr, Ezra C. Rich will be hostesses. EASTERN STAR LADIES. Tonight at 7:30 o'clock, Miriam chapter O. E. S. will be Instituted by Brother L. A. McGee, worthy grand patron of the state of Qtah, who will be accompanied and assisted In in-ptltutlng in-ptltutlng Mariam Chapter U. D. by the worthy grand matron and other grand officers. A cordial invitation is extended to all members of the order or-der of the Eastern Star. FOR MRS. SIGMUND KOHN. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Janney were host and hostess at a theater party last evening, complimenting Mrs SIg-mund SIg-mund Kohn of Kemmercr, Wyoming. Seats were reserved at the Melba concert at the Alhambra for Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kohn, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Felbust, Mr. and Mrs. O. Feldscher, Mrs. SIgmund Kohn and Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Janney. GUESTS AT KOHN HOME. Mr. and' Mrs. A. L. Kohn have as their guests, their daughter-in-law, Mrs. SIgmund Kohn and two children, Kenneth and Donald of Kommerer, Wyoming. Mrs. Kohn will Bpeud about two weeks In Ogden. U. C. T. LEAP YEAR PARTY. The local United Commercial Trav-ellers Trav-ellers entertained at a Leap Year dan-ciny dan-ciny party Saturday evening In the y q v. nan io wuicu me jauieo escorted es-corted their partners and engaged dances for the evening. The event was thoroughly successful and one of the most enjoyable ever given by the men o' the grip. oo Omaha Livestock. Omaha, Neb., Jan. 30. Hogs Re-ceipts, Re-ceipts, 8,600; higher. Heavy, $7.65 7.80; Hght, ?7,G587.75; pigB, $6.55 7.50: bulk of sales, $7.60(3)7.75. Cattle Receipts, 5,000; steady. Native Na-tive steers, $6.258.25; cowb and heifers, $5.2600.25; western steers, S6 00(37.60; Texas steers, $5.756.75, Blockers and feeders, $5.50(3)7.50. Sheep Receipts, 11,000; steady. Yearlings, $S.259.25; wethers, $7.00 7.75; lambs, $10.00(3)10.35. |